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Heroes Wiki

Molly is a minor character in the anime series Sonic X. She was rescued by Shadow the Hedgehog. She hails from the planet Cascade where she is rescued from the Metarex. She later dies and sacrifice herself by a Metarax attack. (Japanese version only)

She was voiced by Erica Schroeder in the English version, and by Sachiko Kojima in the Japanese version.


Molly is a young and tall girl with orange hair in a ponytail with white headband and blue eyes. She wore a suit that all the captains of the Planet Cascade wore, a long-sleeved blue shirt underneath light blue vest and dark blue trousers. She also wore a greenish yellow bracelet on her left hand with some white details.


Molly is a very kind and nice, determined and stout-hearted young girl with guidance and strong beliefs that her planet could be glorious again and was always willing to risk her life for others, believing there would always be someone to replace her if she was killed. She was very trusting of her teammates and believed their devotion to be as strong as hers.



  • The scene of Molly being killed was altered in the English dub. Instead, Molly's death is not shown, and it is implied that she escaped as Shadow asked her to, rather than defying him and continuing to fight and die in despair. Shadow says he hopes she will be okay, since she is all alone out there.
    • In the English dub, her memorial was edited out. Also, in the last episode of the series, the scene of Shadow placing a pink rose next to Molly's grave was cut from the English dub as well.

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            SonicXLogo Heroes

Sonic's World
Sonic and Friends
Amy Rose | Cheese | Cream the Rabbit | Knuckles the Echidna | Miles "Tails" Prower | Rouge the Bat | Sonic the Hedgehog | Vanilla the Rabbit
Chaotix Detective Agency
Charmy Bee | Espio the Chameleon | Vector the Crocodile
Eggman Empire
Bokkun | Decoe and Bocoe | Dr. Eggman
Other Characters
Big the Cat | Tikal the Echidna

Human World
Main Characters
Christopher Thorndyke | Shadow the Hedgehog
Other Characters
Chuck Thorndyke | Danny | Ella | Frances | Helen | Maria Robotnik | Mr. Stewart | Sam Speed | Scarlet Garcia | Seamus MacGuffin | Topaz

Metarex Saga
Cosmo | Earthia | Galaxina | Molly

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Heroes
