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Heroes Wiki

I, am I really THAT abnormal!?
~ Momo Kisaragi

Momo Kisaragi is the fifth member of the Mekakushi Dan and Shintaro's younger sister.

She is voiced by Nanami Kashiyama in Japanese.


Momo has orange hair which is black underneath the head. The left fringe is longer the the right, and she ties her hair into a side ponytail. Her eyes are a dark black.

She has multiple outfits throughout the series. One of these outfits consist of a pink short-sleeved hoodie, which says "阿吽" on it. She wears a blue shirt under the hoodie which says "大江戸" on it, as well as light brown shorts with red sneakers.

Another outfit is a 3/4 sleeved pink dress which functions as a hoodie that has checkered paneling on it. It also has a pink bow at the back of the waist. She wears mid length leggings underneath along with it.

After August 15th in the novel route, Momo wears a long hoodie with its sleeves folded up to the elbows over a blouse.

Her Idol outfits consist of an orange and yellow dress with two separate colors of thigh highs and a large black black belt. There are two black straps coming from the lower part the dress and chains coming from the collar and back.

In the short film, her hair is mostly out except for two small parts tied up. She wears a white shirt with a brown collar and brown skirt.


Due to her brother being better than her in everything, Momo had developed a inferiority complex at a young age. She wanted to be better than him in at least one thing, which she decided would be swimming. She had drowned along with her father during a beach trip, and Momo blames herself the most for his death.

Upon meeting the Mekakushi Dan, she retains a much more cheerful character and strongly cares about her friends, even willing to sacrifice her life for them. Momo is also shown to be an empathetic person as the sight Hibiya crying made her cry as well.

She can also be described as quirky, as her tastes in food and clothing are unusual.


Momo possesses the Snake of Drawing Eyes, which let's her attract people's attention to herself and other areas regardless of other's preferences.

This snake was the reason that she became such a popular idol, and she was not aware of this power until the present day.


  • Her favorite game is "Segare-ijiri" (Arrow Boy).
  • Her blood type is O.
  • Her definition of a friend is "The most important thing."
  • She is dreaming to be a pilot, with pig doll as her co-pilot.
  • It isn't a part of the Kagerou Project, but Momo makes a small cameo in the PV for Jin's song "Your Eyes"
  • She has chains on her main idol outfit because Sidu (the main artist) didn't want to draw more frills.
  • Her supposed "studying method" is eating her notes.