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"Hey. Psst."
~ Mono meeting Six.
As the world buckles under the relentless pulse of The Signal Tower, Mono takes refuge where he can. His thin paper mask offers some respite, helping him forget that the world outside hates him, and wants him to fail - but he can't stay hidden forever.
~ Mono's offical character biography.

Mono is the main protagonist of the 2021 puzzle-platform horror adventure game Little Nightmares II. He is a boy with mysterious and talented abilities who hides his face with a paper bag. He was a friend, as well as a partner, to Six.


Mono is a young boy who is slightly taller than Six. He tends to wear objects over his face in an attempt to hide his personality. The most common item he wears is a paper bag with two round holes in the front that enable him to see. His skin is scrawny and pale and he wears a top buttoned olive-colored trench coat that reaches below his knees above a brownish-gray shirt, which is tucked into his long brownish-gray pants rolled up at the end. Similar to Six, he does not wear shoes. It is also shown that without the bag, he has short and messy black hair, along with a skinny facial structure and dark eyes.


Little Nightmares II[]

After having a nightmare of a hallway leading up to a door with an eye on it at the end, Mono awakens in the Wilderness. He decides to venture off with means of finding his way out. After passing obstacles and deadly traps, he comes across a shack owned by a bloodthirsty huntsman. Upon making his way inside, he is drawn to the sound of a music box, which leads him into a basement. Mono proceeds to follow the noise by breaking down a partly decaying door with an ax and meets Six, who is frightened by his entrance. Seeing the scared and apparently weakened state she is in, Mono offers her a hand. While tempted at first, Six denies any help and runs off. Mono follows her to the room past the dining area, where she tries, yet fails, to get to the attic in order to move on ahead. Mono again offers her assistance and this time, Six decides to trust him so they can escape together. They succeed in escaping, but they draw the attention of the Hunter himself, who grabs his shotgun and pursues them.

Despite running and using the environment to hide, the children find themselves cornered in an abandoned shed. To their luck, they find and use a shotgun on the wall and open fire just as the Hunter is about to break in. They then head out the back after recovering from the recoil and use a door to sail across the ocean until they arrive at the Pale City.

After exploring the city and seeing what remains of it's population, Mono and Six arrive in a room with a TV, where the former is prompted to place his hand on the screen in order to "tune the transmission". When succeeding, he is placed inside the same hallway he had a dream about at the beginning of the game. Mono tries to reach the door, but pulled from the TV by Six as he draws near. He and Six then decide to leave the room that they are in and almost immediately at a rundown school. In order to transverse, the duo manage to get inside. They soon realize that the school is filled with traps and is managed by a sadistic Teacher. Six is then captured by procaine dolls in which resemble children that roam the school that are otherwise known as the Bullies. This leaves Mono alone to deal with them and their Teacher.

He does eventually find Six hung by her feet in a bathroom on the next floor and helps her down. Together, they again move forward and barley escape the Teacher and the school altogether by passing through the vents when she hears them leave in the music room.

The duo continued to move forward until it became apparent that Six had become cold from the constant downpour of rain. She and Mono decide to briefly shelter themselves in a dry area, where Six found and wore a yellow raincoat. Soon after, the two arrive in a dark hospital. There, Mono finds an operating flashlight to illuminate the dark halls of the hospital. He also makes another attempt to make a run for the door in the twisted hallway upon tuning another television, but is once again pulled away thanks to Six. On the upper floor, he is forced to deal with the patients and severed hands alone and receive the power cells that activates an elevator. Mono and Six descend to the depths of the hospital and, after fighting two more hands, encounter the Doctor. While they are able to keep their presence hidden for a long time, he eventually catches on and chases the children. They are able to outsmart him by trapping him in an incinerator where they can choose to burn him alive before exiting the building through another elevator.

Once having escaped the hospital, the children explore the apartments in the heart of the city. There they find many of the townsfolk, who are called the Viewers, all of whom have a far too unhealthy television addiction. They use this addiction to their advantage and sneak through the lofts unnoticed. After moving from building to building by using the rooftops, Mono and Six are almost crushed to death when a room collapses. To their fortune they survive, but Mono's flashlight is destroyed. Once again, the latter finds and tunes the transmission of another television. This time he succeeds in opening the door at the end of the hallway, only to immediately regret his actions when he realizes what's behind it; A very thin and tall man sitting in a chair, who was supposedly awaiting his arrival. Luckily for Mono, Six is able to pull him out of the transmission once more. However, the now freed Thin Man follows him in pursuit and causes the area to become static like and laggy, making their movements much slower. With no other options, the children flee and hide in the room over.

Mono hides under a bed while Six chooses a table. However, the latter made a bad choice, as the Thin Man finds her with ease. Mono can only watch in pain as she is captured and taken away. After looking at her Glitching Remains in sorrow, Mono then sets off to rescue his friend. With no way to escape the apartment he was trapped in, Mono then has a light bulb moment and travels through the active television he tuned prior to Six's capture and arrives in a different location of the Pale City.

Mono continues to use this technique to get closer and closer to the Black Tower thanks to a remote he found that helps turn on and off other televisions. However, this also draws attention from the Viewers, who attempt to kill him for either distracting them from their TV or to vent their frustration when not having a TV set to look at. Thanks to the environment and other televisions, he escapes their wrath multiple times. Mono is almost killed by a horde of them at one point in a shop when he gets their attention after teleporting through and breaking another TV, but once again escapes. He finds Six inside a random television inside another apartment and attempts to pull her out, only for the whole ordeal revealed to have been a trap as the Thin Man grabs her and pulls her back into the transmission. He then arrives in the apartment through the television in an attempt to get Mono, forcing the bag wearing child to run away from his clutches.

The chase eventually leads to a bunch of railroad cars, where Mono detaches one from the other and rides away from his capture, only to get badly injured from the train crashing to a stop and for his remote to break. He follows "Shadow Six" above ground, and finds that the Black Tower is only a straight and very long road away. Before he attempts to walk forward, the Thin Man once again appears and approaches him. Mono then falls to his knees in despair, seemingly ready to give up. Just before the Thin Man can touch him, Mono removes his bag (or whatever it is he is wearing) and stands up to the former by using powers of his own to combat. After knocking him back three times, the Thin Man dissolves in defeat. Mono, instead of walking, decides to use his powers to pull the Black Tower up right in front of him while restoring the other buildings to their non-bendy state, with the doors to the tower opening soon after. Mono steps inside, and the doors close behind him.

Inside the tower, Mono is drawn to the sound of a musical tune. He travels through many doors that take him to different areas of the tower until he eventually steps into a room and finds that a large music box was playing the sound. As he begins to approaches it, he is shocked to learn that the music box is being protected by a very distorted and monstrous Six. After trying to reach out to her to no avail, he comes to conclusion that the music box is what's distorting her mind and body. He picks up a nearby sledgehammer and whacks the music box, which briefly sends him to a dark area. Mono is then forced to run from the enraged monster Six throughout the Black Tower and lure her away from the music box long enough for him to smash it. After a few more hits, he is able to restore Six to her normal self.

The victory is short lived, however, as the walls of the tower turn into piles of flesh and eyes that began to chase them. The children are able to stay ahead and have to cross a crumbling bridge to escape. Six is able to get to the door that leads to the outside and turns to catch Mono when a gap is formed. He makes a jump for it and grabs Six's hands, expecting her to pull him up. Instead, Six ponders for a moment and, to Mono's shock, she drops him. Mono could only flail his arms as he fell into the depths of the tower as Six escapes through the transmission.

After regaining consciousness on top of the fleshy remains of the tower, Mono wonders around for a bit until he stands atop a chair on top of a pile of flesh. The flesh then sprouts eyes and begins to surround Mono, much to his terror. Just as the flesh starts to cocoon him, Mono uses his powers to restore the Black Tower to its original state. Instead of leaving, Mono decides to sit down and resign himself to his fate. Time goes on and he grows older and taller, while he becomes twisted as the Black Tower corrupts him. Eventually, all of this leads to him taking on the form of the Thin Man. The camera draws back to reveal Mono (now as an adult) in a room at the end of the dream hallway, and the door closes.

It is uncertain if the Thin Man was an adult version of Mono and the latter was destined to become him, or if the boy is merely his successor. Overall, it was all thanks to Six that Mono became one of the many monsters in the Little Nightmares Universe.

Other Media[]

Little Nightmares Comics[]

Mono appears in Episode 1 of the digital comics. While not playing a pivotal role, the comic does hint his past. He is spotted by Six while sitting atop a tree branch in the moonlight. Once he notices her, they stare at and regard one another until the Hunter arrives and captures Six, setting up the beginning events of Little Nightmares II.

He reappears in Episode 6, where he has landed in a room that is on fire with many other children. Suddenly, sprinklers activate and distinguishes the flames. The relief is short lived, however, as an unknown monster appears and picks off the children one by one. In the chaos, Mono separates himself from the other kids and runs up a flight of stairs, only to end up in a room with no means of escape. He hears the figure coming up the stairs, so he resolves this by hiding inside a smashed TV. This proves futile, as the figure finds him.


Despite rarely "speaking", Mono's personality is shown through his actions. He used to be a kind and spirited boy who seems to have a knack for exploring and helping others. Even though he may have something he tends to do, Mono will push that aside to help anyone in need, even if they don't want it. As shown when he breaks down the door that kept Six locked in the Hunter's basement and offered to help her stand, she pushed him aside and ran off. Mono gives chase and again offers her help, which she accepts this time. He also is shown to have compassion to those he hasn't been able to save or have already suffered a tragic fate, notably when he is shown to be disturbed by the taxidermied people.

In contrast to Six, Mono was shown to be more of the selfless one, given how he willingly decides to drop whatever he's doing to help others, such as the former herself. It is also stated Mono is protective of her given his personality, as he continues to assist Six when she struggles with something and defends the both of them against whatever enemy is attacking once given the advantage to fight back.

It is also hinted that Mono is shy and suffers from self doubt and insecurities, which may be why he puts objects over his head in order to hide his face, such as his paper bag for example. While he does trust his companions, it seems he only does so to an extent.

When he is injured by the railcar's crash after an immediate escape from the Thin Man, Mono is confronted by the former once again and all seems lost. However, Mono removes his paper bag and angrily fights the Thin Man one on one and triumphs. This shows how Mono is done putting up with how unfair the world is to him and is ready to confront whatever stands in his way.

After he returns Six to her normal state, the Black Tower begins to collapse and turn into flesh and eyes, forcing the children to flee. Just as Six catches him in mid-jump at the end, she selfishly decides to drop Mono and let him fall into the abyss while she escapes. Shocked and hurt over this betrayal, Mono sits on a chair and rebuilds the Black Tower. Afterwards, he decides to wait. As time passes, Mono becomes older and turns into a fully grown man, all while going from a kind and innocent boy into a gloomy and villainous adult that is known as - The Thin Man.

Powers and Abilities[]

Mono is shown to be the strongest and most skilled playable character of the Little Nightmares franchise. He possesses the following abilities:

  • Speed and Agility: Similar to Six, the Runaway Kid and the Girl in the Yellow Raincoat, Mono is fast and agile, which helps him outrun and hide from his enemies. Although he is not as fast as Six, which leaves him at a slight disadvantage.
  • Intelligence: Mono is shown to have a good IQ like the other protagonists. This usually helps him solve puzzles on occasion and find traps that are set ahead.
  • Strength: Mono has some abilities that are unique to only him. One being his upper body strength that allows him to pick up objects and weapons. This allows him to fight back against his enemies and clear the way forward.
  • Teleportation: This is perhaps the most interesting ability Mono has to offer. He has some sort of connection to the monochrome televisions through out the Pale City that allows him to travel from one through to the another.
  • Transmission Tuning: When Mono is stopped by the Thin Man on the road to the Black Tower, he uses the same abilities he had that allowed him to tune the transmission of the monochrome televisions in the Pale City and uses it to disintegrate him.
  • Telekinesis: After overpowering the Thin Man and ultimately defeating him, Mono's powers are strengthened to the point of being able to pull the Black Tower right in front of him when it was miles away.
  • Echokinesis: During his fight with Six, Mono was able to mimic that of a powerful echo in order to distract Six and destroy the music box. It's assumed that the his power is connected to the Black Tower or his powers enhance his voice.


  • It is speculated that Mono is British as in one of his speaking lines he says, "OI!"
  • Mono is hinted to be homeless, judging how he was merely sitting in a tree outside at night in the digital comics. This is also supported by his description stating he "takes refuge where he can."
  • Mono is possibly named after the number one and the monochrome television (also known as a black-and-white television).
  • He has so far been the only protagonist of the franchise to turn over to the dark side. Ironically, he had also become the game's main antagonist.
  • Despite Six having appeared in every installment of the Little Nightmares franchise, Mono was more of a heroic protagonist than she is.
    • While conversing with a fan on Twitter about Mono, Izmar, the Senior Creative Manager of Little Nightmares and Little Nightmares II responded "Potentially disastrous choices in crushes, for one!" This implies that Mono had feelings for Six throughout the game.
      • Despite this, Izmar states there was no concrete information regarding Mono "having a crush", and that it's up to personal interpretation.
  • In leaked early footage of Little Nightmares III, the game's protagonists, Alone and Low, both use Mono's audio when they call out, likely as placeholders.


           LittleNightmaresLogo Heroes

Six | Nomes | Runaway Kid | The Girl in the Yellow Raincoat | Mono

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