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Heroes Wiki

I'm giving her all she's got, Captain!
~ Scotty to Kirk

Montgomery Christopher Jorgensen "Scotty" Scott was a human male in the Star Trek alternate reality universe, first introduced in the 2009 movie Star Trek.

This version of Scotty was portrayed by Simon Pegg, who also played Nicholas Angel in Hot Fuzz, Reepicheep in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Benji Dunn in the Mission: Impossible franchise, Montgomery Scott in the alternate reality of Stark Trek, Curator in Ready Player One, and also voiced Buck in the Ice Age series, Nicholas Angel in Hot Fuzz, Graeme Willy in Paul, Gary King in The World's End, and Jack in A Fantastic Fear of Everything and Shaun in Shaun of the Dead.


Scotty was born in Scotland in 2222, the son of Montgomery Sr. and Arlyne Scott. As he had been born prior to Nero causing the timelines to diverge in 2233, his early history matched that of his prime universe counterpart.

An engineer by trade, Scotty joined the Federation Starfleet. Along with Keenser Scotty was assigned to the outpost on Delta Vega in the 2250s. Scotty believed this was punishment for an unsuccessful transporter experiment he performed on Admiral Archer's prize beagle.

It was at the outpost he met James T. Kirk and Spock Prime. The elder Spock gave Scotty some vital clues to allow him to perfect trans warp beaming. Scotty was able to rig up a trans warp beaming device to allow him and Kirk to beam aboard the USS Enterprise. Once on board Kirk was able to convince the younger Spock to cede command to him, and Scotty began working as chief engineer on the Enterprise.

After defeating Nero, Scotty remained on the Enterprise as chief engineer. He briefly resigned and left the Enterprise when Kirk was adamant about following orders to use top secret torpedoes against "John Harrison" - who was the altered Khan Singh of the Kelvin timeline. After Kirk admitted that he was wrong and apologized to Scotty, Scotty agreed to investigate a series of coordinates and discovered Section 31's USS Vengance. He disabled the Vengance before it could destroy the Enterprise and bought time for the Enterprise to escape Klingon space after Khan took over the Vengance.

Due to the amount of damage that the Enterprise received from the Vengance, the Enterprise was forced to spend a year undergoing repairs. After the repairs were completed, Scotty continued his duties as chief engineer on the Enterprise as the ship headed out on a five year mission of exploration.

Scotty remained on the Enterprise until it was destroyed over Altmid in 2263. After Starfleet built the Enterprise-A he was assigned to that ship as chief engineer.


           Star Trek Logo Heroes

States and Organizations
United Federation of Planets | Starfleet | Starfleet Intelligence | United Earth | United Earth Starfleet | Kirk Cabal | V'Shar | The Aegis | Kor

Star Trek: The Original Series: James T. Kirk | Spock | Leonard McCoy | Montgomery Scott | Nyota Uhura | Hikaru Sulu | Pavel Chekov | Christine Chapel | Sarek | Christopher Pike | Una "Number One" Chin-Riley |T'Pau | Gary Seven | Roberta Lincoln | Joseph M'Benga | Matthew Decker
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Jean-Luc Picard | William Riker | Data | Beverly Crusher | Deanna Troi | J.P. Hanson | Katherine Pulaski | Geordi LaForge | Miles O'Brien | Wesley Crusher | Tasha Yar | Tasha Yar (YE) | Worf | Ro Laren | Reginald Barclay | Elizabeth Shelby | Professor Galen | Guinan | Keiko O'Brien | K'Ehleyr | Kurn | Noonien Soong
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Benjamin Sisko | Kira Nerys | Odo | Jadzia Dax | Ezri Dax | William Ross | Julian Bashir | Nog | Quark | Rom | Elim Garak | Tobin Dax | Bareil Antos | Miles O'Brien (Replicant) | Darok | Corat Damar | Opaka | Ishka | Martok
Star Trek: Voyager: Kathryn Janeway | Chakotay | Tom Paris | The Doctor | Tuvok | The Doctor (Backup) | Harry Kim | B'Elanna Torres | Seven of Nine | Neelix | Kes | Lewis Zimmerman | Samantha Wildman | Naomi Wildman | Icheb
Star Trek: Enterprise: Jonathan Archer | Charles Tucker | T'Pol | Malcolm Reed | Hoshi Sato | Travis Mayweather | Phlox | Syrran | Shran
Star Trek: Discovery: Michael Burnham | Saru | Charles Vance
Star Trek: Picard: Soji Asha | Agnes Jurati | Zhaban | Laris | Raffi Musiker | Kore Soong | Tallinn | Elnor | Cristóbal Rios | Jack Crusher | Anton Chekov | Liam Shaw
Star Trek: Lower Decks: Beckett Mariner | Bradward Boimler | D'Vana Tendi | Sam Rutherford | T'Lyn | Carol Freeman | Jack Ransom | Dr. T'Ana | Shaxs | Andy Billups
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: La'an Noonien-Singh | Fig | Hemmer
Star Trek: Prodigy: Gwyndala | Dal R'El | Rok-Tak | Jankom Pog | Zero

Star Trek: The Motion Picture: Willard Decker | T'Sai
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: Saavik | Carol Marcus | David Marcus
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock:
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home: George | Gracie | Gillian Taylor | Hiram Roth
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier:
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country: Gorkon | Colonel Worf | Ra-ghoratreii | Azetbur
Star Trek Generations: Demora Sulu
Star Trek: First Contact: EMH (Enterprise)
Star Trek: Insurrection:
Star Trek: Nemesis:
Star Trek (2009): James T. Kirk | Spock | Leonard McCoy | Nyota Uhura | Montgomery Scott | Hikaru Sulu | Pavel Chekov | Christopher Pike | Sarek | Spock
Star Trek Into Darkness: James T. Kirk | Spock | Leonard McCoy | Nyota Uhura | Montgomery Scott | Hikaru Sulu | Pavel Chekov | Christopher Pike | Carol Marcus
Star Trek Beyond: James T. Kirk | Spock | Leonard McCoy | Nyota Uhura | Montgomery Scott | Hikaru Sulu | Pavel Chekov | Jaylah

Comic Books

Elias Vaughn | Vedoc | Zar
