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I don't believe the spirits of our warrior ancestors come back to speak with us. Stars are just unseeing specks of light in the sky, not dead cats looking down on us. We can keep our old friends alive with memories, but if they're not here, they're nowhere. That's what I believe.
~ Mothwing telling Leafpool that she doesn't believe in StarClan

Mothwing is one of the tritagonists of Erin Hunter's Warriors books franchise.

Born to the former leader of ShadowClan Tigerstar and a loner named Sasha, Moth and her brother Hawk were brought to RiverClan after their brother Tadpole's untimely death. There, Mothwing aspired to become a medicine cat, but loses her faith in StarClan due to her bother's increasing cruelty.


Mothwing is a large tabby she-cat with fluffy golden fur. She has speckles and stripes of darker fur, and wide amber eyes.


Tigerstar and Sasha[]

Return to the Clans[]

Moth is born to Sasha alongside her brothers Hawk and Tadpole. Their mother promises that she will never let their tyrannical father hurt of even know of them. She tells them of when she was a kittypet, and how her owner, named Ken, had to retrieve her from the woods one day when she snuck out and got lost. Her daughter notices her sadness when talking about her old life and tries comforting her. While Sasha watches her kittens play, she wonders if she should tell them about Tigerstar, but decides against it.

Later, Tadpole suggests going into the Twolegplace to find Ken in order to cheer their mother up. His siblings agree to this, and they head over. Moth is wary of the new place, sticking close to her brothers as they explore. After an encounter with some BloodClan cats, the three hide in the basement of an abandoned Twoleg nest. The three play there until a pipe overhead bursts open, quickly flooding the room with water. Sasha finds her kits as they climb out, with Tadpole helping his littermates escape through the basement's window. Tadpole unfortunately is unable to make it out himself though, drowning as his family watches in despair.

Some time afterwards, a fellow loner named Pine finds Sasha an her kits living in the woods and offers to take them to a farm. While staying at the farm though, Hawk and Moth are bullied by some other kits that live there, and when Sasha confronts their parents about it, all three are kicked out. They enter Clan territory and stop to rest at the Sunningrocks, where Sasha tells her kits that their father was a noble warrior. Soon a patrol finds them, and RiverClan's leader Leopardstar demands to know what they're doing on her Clan's territory. Sasha explains that they have nowhere else to go and begs to join RiverClan, and after a moment of consideration Leopardstar allows them to join.

A while later, Leopardstar makes Hawk and Moth into warrior apprentices, renaming them Hawkpaw and Mothpaw and assigning herself and Mistyfoot as their mentors. The two new apprentices later find two fellow warriors-in-training play-fighting, with one of them pretending to be Tigerstar. When they ask their mother why the two are talking about Tigerstar killing cats, she has them promise not to bring their father up to any of their new Clanmates. Later still, Mothpaw and Hawkpaw find and begin playing with a few stray bones. The rest of the Clan is shocked, realizing that the bones came from the Bone Hill that Tigerstar sat upon when he lead TigerClan - a combination of RiverClan and ShadowClan.

Leopardstar pulls the two aside and explains to them where the bones came from and all the atrocities Tigerstar had committed. The two are shocked to learn that their father was actually a tyrant and a murderer. Realizing she can't stay in the Clans anymore with the risk of being recognized as Tigerstar's ex-mate and thus having her kit's parentage discovered, Sasha plans to leave RiverClan and return to the life of a loner. Mothpaw and Hawkpaw wish to stay though, so they say farewell to their mother as she departs from RiverClan, reminding them one last time to not mention Tigerstar to their peers.

A Shadow in RiverClan[]

Sasha begs a RiverClan patrol to let her and her kits join the Clan, which they accept. A week later, Feathertail watches Hawk and Moth play, feeling a bit envious of how they've adapted to RiverClan as if they've lived there their whole lives. Hawk then falls into the river while chasing a moss ball as Moth yells his name and watches in horror. Feathertail saves him, and Moth rushes to his side as Sasha comes over to see what's happened. She thanks Feathertail for saving her son, explaining that he and Moth have had a fear of drowning ever since witnessing their brother's death. The silver she-cat then begins teaching the two kits how to swim, hoping to be the mentor of one of them some day.

Later, while watching the two kits playing in the shallow waters, Feathertail tells Sasha about TigerClan and her trauma from it. Sasha is surprised to hear that Tigerstar had personal history with RiverClan, but her friend assures her that he's dead now, and she and her kits are safe in the Clan. Upon reaching six moons old, Moth and Hawk become warrior apprentices, getting the new names of Mothpaw and Hawkpaw. Leopardstar has the deputy Mistyfoot be Mothpaw's mentor while Hawkpaw is taught by the leader herself. Feathertail is disappointed that she wasn't chosen to have one of them as her apprentice, but explains to Sasha how Leopardstar is trying to send a message that the two former loners are welcome by having them be mentored by the leader and deputy.

Soon after, Sasha reveal to Feathertail that Tigerstar is the father of her kits. Feathertail is furious, reminding Sasha of how Tigerstar had hurt her, but Sasha pleads for her not to tell anyone this secret. Despite feeling betrayed, she agrees not to reveal the identity of the two apprentices' father. Feathertail then begins keeping a close eye on Hawkpaw and Mothpaw, fearing they could end up like Tigerstar. Sasha later decides to leave RiverClan, fearing that the cats of ShadowClan will recognize her and expose her secret, and that her kits may be driven out or killed. Some time later, Mothpaw is relived when Feathertail and Stormfur accompany Hawkpaw on a patrol to drive out a fox, watching them leave. Feathertail then realizes that judging Mothpaw and Hawkpaw for their parentage is wrong, and does her best to bond with them.

Mothwing's Secret[]

Mothpaw and Hawkpaw are now both warriors by the names of Mothwing and Hawkfrost. One day, Mothwing watches helplessly as her Clanmate Blackclaw almost drowns in mud, fearing that he'll die like Tadpole. However, Mudfur and Cinderpelt - the medicine cats of RiverClan and ThunderClan respectively - get him out an resuscitate him. This inspires Mothwing to become a medicine cat, and upon asking Mudfur if she can become his student, he says he'll allow it if Leopardstar, Mistyfoot and StarClan all approve. Mothwing, who doesn't believe in StarClan, is surprised when Mudfur affirms that they do in fact exist.

Though StarClan has not yet sent a sign to have the golden tabby become and official medicine cat apprentice, Mudfur still begins to teach her about different types of herbs and their uses as well as letting her assist in the medicine den. During this time, Mothwing finds she has a talent for memorizing herbs, but worries that StarClan may never send a sign of their approval. She's confused when Mudfur states that a passing cloud is a message from their warrior ancestors, and Hawkfrost tells her to pretend she believes in them to prove her worth. Soon after, Mudfur finds a singular moth's wing outside the medicine den, interpreting it as the sign he's been waiting for. When she's taken to the Moonstone to make her apprenticeship official, she only receives ague visions of her Clanmates instead of clear StarClan cats like other medicine cats, but despite this begins believing in the Clans' warrior ancestors. When Hawkfrost tells her that the sign was a fake one that he'd placed outside the medicine den to get the Clan to accept her though, she becomes ashamed and begins doubting StarClan once more.

The New Prophecy[]


At the half moon meeting of the medicine cats, the ThunderClan apprentice Leafpaw greets Mothwing, who gives her a sour look. She then apologizes and explains that she hadn't gotten a sign from StarClan to formally being her training until recently, which made her think that she'd been rejected. She and Leafpaw then begin conversing, quickly befriending each other. As the group gathers around the Moonstone, Mudfur presents his new apprentice to their ancestors. Afterwards, the golden tabby excitedly tells Leafpaw about the ceremony.

At the Gathering, Leafpaw meets up with Mothwing again, with the latter seeming troubled. Before she can tell her friend what it is though, the leaders start the meeting. Hawkfrost accuses WindClan of stealing prey during the meeting, and Mothwing backs up his claims until Mudfur tells her to be quite. She gives her mentor a glance of anger and shame. Then, the leaders all discuss why six cats had all left for unknown reasons; Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw of ThunderClan, Feathertail and Stormfur of RiverClan, Tawnypelt of ShadowClan and Crowpaw of WindClan. Mothwing questions why they disappeared and why StarClan hadn't shown her anything about it. Once the Gathering is over, Mothwing says goodbye to Leafpaw as everyone heads home.


When being chased by a WindClan patrol into RiverClan territory, Leafpaw and Sorreltail are saved by Mothwing, who chases the patrol away. Leafpaw then introduces Sorreltail to Mothwing, saying she used to be a warrior training before becoming a medicine cat apprentice. The golden tabby then tells the two they should rest, giving them thyme to recover from their shock. When she leaves, Sorreltail comments that she should be more loyal to her Clan and chase away intruders instead of helping them, adding that she probably doesn't understand the warrior code because she was born to a rogue. Angered by this, Leafpaw retorts that she's a loyal cat despite not being Clanborn, and Sorreltail says that she only meant it as an explanation as to why she's so loose when it comes to Clan borders. When Mothwing comes back, the two ThunderClan cats tell her about how twolegs and monsters are destroying parts of their territory, and she says that RiverClan has been safe so far.

A few days later, due to the forest's destruction causing a scarcity of prey in ThunderClan, Mothwing teaches Leafpaw how to catch fish. Leafpaw thinks about Mothwing's lack of knowledge concerning the warrior code, as Clans aren't allowed to hunt on each other's territories. Suddenly, as Hawkfrost approaches, Mothwing hides Leafpaw by pushing her into the river, where she almost drowns. Her brother states that because the other Clans are weakened by the forest's destruction, RiverClan should take over the forest. Mothwing protests the idea, showing worry at her brother's growing ambitions. She then lures the brown tabby away so Leafpaw may escape.

At the next half moon meeting, the other medicine cats take note of how much better off Mudfur and Mothwing seem. Mothwing reports that her training is going well, adding that she recently learned how to take care of coughs. Leafpaw is pleased by this, remembering how insecure her friend was about her role and her dedication to prove herself. On the way back from the Moonstone, the amber-eyed she-cat points out several dead rabbits on WindClan's territory, and her mentor says that twolegs had poisoned them.

Later, a RiverClan apprentice named Reedpaw falls into the river and nearly drowns, with Mothwing too frozen in shock to do anything. Luckily Leafpaw and the spirit of Spottedleaf are able to save him, getting the water out of his lungs after bringing him to shore. Hawkfrost then scolds his sister for not helping, calling her useless, which makes her worry that her Clanmates no longer respect her. Leafpaw tries cheering her up, but it doesn't work and Mothwing solemnly walks away.

After she finds Leafpaw and Sorreltail in RiverClan once again, Hawkfrost catches her, demanding to know why she isn't doing anything about to trespassers on their territory. She replies that taking them to Leopardstar for punishment could spark war between the two Clans, and suggests they take over ThunderClan another way by taking advantage of the forest's destruction. He les them go, and Leafpaw feels betrayed until Mothwing tells her that she was just bluffing about taking over ThunderClan to get the two of them out of trouble.


Mothwing comes to ThunderClan camp to seek Leafpaw's assistance, as Mudfur was deathly ill and she needed help to save him. After telling Firestar and her mentor Cinderpelt, they both agree to let Leafpaw help, with the latter going with her. Mothwing then leads to two to RiverClan camp where Mudfur lays dying in the medicine den. When telling Cinderpelt all she did to try and cure him, Mothwing is told that she's done everything correctly, but there's nothing else they can do. The golden tabby can't stand to see her mentor suffer and asks Cinderpelt if she can do anything to ease his pain, to which the gray she-cat gives him poppy seeds and marigold. Mothwing and Leafpaw then leave Cinderpelt with the dying tom and report his condition to Leopardstar. Leafpaw then assures her that she's a good medicine cat, and Cinderpelt wouldn't have done anything differently in her position, while Hawkfrost assures her that their Clanmates will respect the two of them one day.

Once the forest is destroyed to the point of inhospitality, the Clans all agree to leave and find a new home. On the day there' supposed to leave however, Stormfur delivers the message that RiverClan can't leave without Mudfur. He then takes Firestar, Cinderpelt, Leafpaw, Runningnose, Speckletail and Frostfur to RiverClan camp, where Firestar proposes the idea to have Frostfur and Speckletail watch over him, as they'll be staying behind when ThunderClan leaves. Leopardstar declines though, as Mudfur is almost dead, and the three medicine cats enter RiverClan's medicine den to check on him. They see Mothwing with him, who tells them that she's done all she can to make his death painless. Mudfur dies shortly after, and Mothwing cries as she mourns him, not knowing how she'll manage without him by her side. She then break the new to her Clanmates, and joins them in grieving for him at his vigil.

Right before RiverClan leaves for the Great Journey, Sasha appears and begs Mothwing and Hawkfrost to stay and live with her. They want to stay with the Clans though, after which Sasha reveals that their father was Tigerstar in front of everyone. All the Clans are shocked, but the two still refuse to leave, and their Clanmates state that neither of them have ever had their loyalty waver in spite of who they were born to. Sasha accepts this, and tearfully her kits say goodbye to her again for the final time as she departs, wishing them both the best.


After a long journey, the four Clans make it to a lake and decide to settle there. Later, Mothwing confesses to Leafpaw how helpless she feels with so many of her Clanmates tired and weak, and nothing to treat them with, to which her friend assures her that she'll be fine. She later meets with the other medicine cat to discuss how they communicate with StarClan without the Moonstone. She states that it shouldn't matter as long as they can heal their Clanmates, and as the other medicine cats look at her in shock, Leafpaw covers up her mistake. She then goes with her fellow medicine cats to collect herbs near the lake, where she points out an island and offers to swim over to it. After she comes back from it, she describes the island's layout and suggest they use it as their new place to hold Gatherings, but the others advise against it as not everyone can swim out to it, especially elders. When Firestar later calls a meeting of all four Clans to discuss where to hold Gatherings, Mothwing brings up her island suggestion again, but the other Clans complain that they'll have to swim over. Hawkfrost then suggests that the island be RiverClan's new camp instead.

Before the Clans split into their own territories, Mothwing offers to give Leafpaw some water for the elders of ThunderClan. Leafpaw accepts, but when handed the water-soaked moss is alarmed to scent a strong, foul odor. Mothwing then explains that she got the water from a small pool nearby, and when she takes Leafpaw to see it, the brown she-cat notices a rotting dead rabbit at the bottom. Mothwing states that she didn't see it before, worrying if the RiverClan elders she'd already given some of the water to will be ok. Despite sharing her worries, Leafpaw tells her that they'll be fine. Back in ThunderClan, Mousefur and Goldenflower get sick from drinking the tainted water, and when Leafpaw explains the reason, she and Cinderpelt understand that Mothwing meant no ill will and that it was just a mistake.

As the first Gathering - held by the lake's shore - comes to a close, the medicine cats all meet up and Mothwing apologizes for giving out tainted water. The ShadowClan and WindClan medicine cats are both surprised to hear this, giving each other worried glances, and after they all split up Mothwing thanks Leafpaw for not telling anyone about it before hand. Leafpaw s then shocked to learn that Mothwing doesn't believe in StarClan, stating that they're just a bunch of stories told to keep the Clans happy. Leafpaw reminds her of the moth's wing sign that StarClan had sent, and fear flashes in her friend's eyes. She's about to say something before Cinderpelt interrupts by calling her apprentice over. Later, when Leafpaw discovers the Moonpool where StarClan can be contacted, all the other medicine cats arrive for the firt half moon meeting since the forest was destroyed. Mothwing is eager when she arrives and cheers for Leafpaw earning her full medicine cat name of Leafpool in honor of her discovery.


After Mistyfoot finds Leafpool on RiverClan territory, the ThunderClan visits her friend, who's pleasantly surprised to see her. Leafpool then tells her that Feathertail's spirit gave her an important message that RiverClan is in danger from twolegs. Mothwing thinks about the message and comments that the thunderpath near RiverClan has been unusually quiet lately, and they should check there. As they go to the thunderpath, Leafpool asks if Feathertail's message is causing her to believe in StarClan, but she says no. Her friend is confused that she believed Feathertail's message anyways, and Mothwing says that it's because she believes in Leafpool. Soon they reach the thunderpath, revolted by its awful stench, but can't find anything out of the ordinary. They head back to camp, and Mothwing offers that Leafpool stays for the night as it's getting dark and ThunderClan is all the way on the other side of the lake, which the brown she-cat accepts.

Mothwing arrives to the next half moon meeting late, apologizing. After visiting StarClan in her dreams, Leafpool wakes up to see Mothwing sleeping beside her. She prods her awake, and the golden she-cat complains that she was having a nice nap, with Leafpool explaining that she woke her so the other medicine cats won't get suspicious. As the medicine cats talk about the dream they all shared, Mothwing suggests that their ancestors are warning them of the future. As they all head back home, Leafpool asks her if she's told Leopardstar about her dream, but she says that she hasn't told her leader about any dreams before, stating that she's never had a prophetic dream before and never will. They continue chatting until they reach the WindClan border, where Mothwing leaves after Crowfeather appears and requests to speak to Leafpool.

Later, Mothwing urgently requests Leafpool's help when a bunch of her Clanmates fall ill, panicking that some are dying. When she shows Leafpool who's sick, she blames herself for not preventing them from getting afflicted, but the brown she-cat assures her that she isn't at fault. They then start giving the sick cats juniper berries and yarrow, and Leafpool discovers the source of the sickness when Mistyfoot shows her a twoleg creation with a strange fluid leaking out of it found in RiverClan's territory. When she tells Mothwing this, the two find out that the outbreak started when a couple kits had dared each other to ingest the strange fluid. While on of the kits unfortunately dies, everyone else is soon able to recover.


Mudfur visits Leafpool in her dreams to tell her that Mothwing can't find any catmint to cure one of RiverClan's elders. He questions whether or not taking Mothwing as his apprentice was a good idea before telling Leafpool to tell her about the catmint at the edge of RiverClan territory, but Leafpool is unable to because she's busy taking care of the recently injured Berrykit, deciding to tell her at the next half moon meeting. At the meeting though, everyone but Mothwing shows up. Leafpool wonders if it's because of the elder she's taking care of.

After being exiled from the Tribe of Rushing Water, Stormfur and Brook join RiverClan. Hawkfrost is annoyed by this, seeing Stormfur as competition for becoming deputy, and then leader. He forces Mothwing to agree to pretend StarClan sent her a vision that Stormfur and Brook don't belong in the Clan to get them kicked out, threatening to tell everyone that the moth's wing sign was fake and that she doesn't believe in StarClan if she doesn't.

At the next Gathering, Leopardstar announces that Willowpaw is training under Mothwing as a medicine cat. She also mentions that an elder named Heavystep has passed away, and Leafpool figures this is who Mudfur was referring to. After Leopardstar is finished, Hawkfrost interrupts the WindClan leader Onestar's report and announces that Mothwing has something important to say. When the leader allows her to speak, she rises to her paws but is unable to say anything, to which her brother reminds her about the vision. Nervously, she says that she had a dream, and Leopardstar is bothered that she didn't tell her leader about it beforehand. Mothwing then stammers that the dream might not have meant anything, but Hawkfrost and Leopardstar press her to reveal it anyways. She states that in her dream, she saw two pebbles in a stream, making the water flow unevenly, and once they were washed away the stream returned to normal. All the Clans are confused, and when Leopardstar asks what it could mean, Hawkfrost speaks up before Mothwing can continue. He states that it must mean there are two things in RiverClan that don't belong, and when Voletooth suggests that they might be Stormfur and Brook, he growls that StarClan would be angry if they were allowed to stay. Mothwing pipes up, saying she's not sure if it means anything at all and adds that she should wait for another before they decide what to do. Her brother glares at her, but the leader agrees, stating that they won't do anything until StarClan's demands are clear.

As the Gathering is dismissed, Leafpool tries to go talk to her friend, but Hawkfrost approaches her first and berates her for nearly ruining his plan. Not wanting him to attack her, Mothwing tells Willowpaw to go on ahead as Hawkfrost continues that no one will believe her because of her uncertainty. The two argue for a bit, with the brown tabby reinstating that Stormfur should leave their Clan. When Mothwing defends him, her brother snarls and reminds her that he's the reason their Clanmates accepted her as their medicine cat, threatening once more to reveal that the moth's wing sign was fake if she doesn't cooperate. She looks him in the eyes and says that she already served their Clanmates to the best of her ability, and he'll sabotage his own reputation as well if he reveals that he faked a sign. Hawkfrost then storms off, and Mothwing slumps defeatedly under a tree. She feels immense shame for incriminating two innocent cats, and promises herself to never let Hawkfrost make her lie again.

Later, Leafpool meets up with Mothwing, where she says she's sorry for the loss of Heavystep and tells her about Mudfur's message. The two talk about Leafpool's dreams for a bit before Leopardstar beckons her medicine cat to return to camp. As she leaves, Leafpool calls out to her, telling her about the catmint on the edge of RiverClan territory. Later, Brambleclaw sees Stormfur, Brook and Hawkfrost all arguing and follows them back to their camp to see what the problem is. There, he sees Hawkfrost tell the leader that Brook had accidently crossed into another Clan's territory for the second time and asks Mothwing if she's had any other visions yet. Mothwing denies having any, urging Leopardstar not to make any hasty decisions, but Blackclaw says that it's obvious Brook and Stormfur should be kicked out. After Hawkfrost goads Stormfur into attacking him, he and Brook are both exiled.

At the next half moon meeting, she introduces Willowpaw formally to the other medicine cats and presents her to StarClan. After the two wake up from their sleep near the Moonpool, Mothwing and Leafpool start conversing, with the golden tabby worried about her apprentice since she doesn't believe in StarClan. She then reveals to Leafpool that the sign of the moth's wing was fake, as was the vision she talked about at the Gathering. She then recounts how her once kind brother now constantly threatens her to abuse her role as medicine cat to do things for him, and that part of the reason she doesn't believe in StarClan is because she reasons that if they were real, they wouldn't have allowed her own brother to become so cruel to her. Soon after, Willowpaw finds out that her mentor doesn't believe in StarClan when she's unable to respond to Voletooth's request to make StarClan forgive him after he gets stung by bees.

Later, Hawkfrost catches ThunderClan's leader Firestar in a fox trap and tries to get Brambleclaw to kill him and take his place as leader. Brambleclaw refuses though, saving his leader and killing his half-brother by impaling him through the throat with the base of the fox trap. Brambleclaw, Firestar, Squirrelflight and Leafpool then bring Hawkfrost's body to RiverClan camp and explain what happened. Mothwing is horrified and grief stricken to see her brother dead, but also a bit relived that she no longer has to put up with his cruelty. She acknowledges that though there was a bloodthirsty darkness within him, he was once kind and loving, and she will always miss him because of it.

The Power of Three[]

The Sight[]

After Willowpaw receives a vision from StarClan, Mothwing takes her to ThunderClan for Leafpool to help decipher it. Hollykit wonders why Mothwing couldn't just do so herself, and Willowpaw claims that she just wanted a second opinion, hiding the truth from the kit. When they're about to leave, Hollykit then asks Willowpaw a bunch of questions about what being a medicine cat is like, aspiring to become one herself in the future. Before the apprentice can answer though, Mothwing calls her over as they head home.

At the next half moon meeting, Mothwing and Willowpaw tell Leafpool that RiverClan is doing well, but the elders spend almost all their time in their den thanks to the cold. As they all sleep next to the Moonpool, Leafpool's new apprentice Jaypaw wanders into Willowpaw's dream and sees Mudfur telling her to tell Mothwing to beware of the twoleg children trying to block the river. He's confused as to why Mothwing isn't the one getting this message, but when he wanders into her dreams he finds she has the dreams of any normal cat. When they all wake, Mothwing asks her friend how Jaypaw's training is coming along, and Jaypaw himself says that it's good, mentioning that sharing dreams with StarClan is the best part to try and figure out what Mothwing's deal is. She simply changes the subject though, asking him about his patients, and he tells her that he can't get Stormfur's poultice to stay on. She suggests covering it with catchweed after applying it, to which the blue-gray tom thanks her and asks if StarClan had given her the advise, but instead of answering she leaves to catch up with Willowpaw.

Dark River[]

At the next half moon meeting, Mothwing chats with Leafpool while Jaypaw, suspecting that something is wrong in RiverClan, tries reading Mothwing's mind to find out what but is unable to see anything. He instead looks into Willowpaw's dreams to see that RiverClan is being polluted, and after telling Leafpool this, she wakes up Mothwing. Willowpaw then awakes as well, and urgently tells her mentor that they need to get home right away. Later, Hollypaw is concerned that a fight will soon break out between RiverClan and WindClan, as with twolegs blocking the river, the former could start moving onto the moorlands. Leafpool tells her that Mothwing informed her at the Gathering that what RiverClan is going through is being addressed, which aggravates Hollypaw, and she goes to the island where RiverClan is sheltering to speak to Willowpaw

While visiting RiverClan on the island they're sheltering at to speak to Willowpaw about the Clan's dilemma, Hollypaw sees Mothwing treating a kit who keeps stepping on pin needles. Once she's finished, she helps the kit's mother Icewing clear the pine needles out of the nursery. Willowpaw is about to help her before Hollypaw calls her over, but the golden tabby catches them meeting in a hidden cave and demands to know why the ThunderClan apprentice is there. Hollypaw then explains her plan to get rid of the twoleg children: blocking the river to make it larger, and setting up gorse barriers once it floods, so that the children won't be able to reach RiverClan's camp and find somewhere else to play. Upon hearing this, Willowpaw's mentor allows her to show Hollypaw around the camp to prepare, telling them both to keep out of sight while they do. The two get caught though, and Leopardstar orders for Hollypaw to stay on the island with Mothwing and Willowpaw until it's safe for her to leave, mostly out of worry that the black she-cat is a spy for ThunderClan.

Mistystar's Omen[]

When Leopardstar falls terribly ill, every one of Mothwing's and Willowshine's attempts to cure her prove fruitless. When the leader suddenly passes out from exhaustion, Mistyfoot urgently fetches Mothwing, who remarks Leopardstar's dirty fur while examining her. She then has Mintfur and Pebblefoot carry her inside the leader's den. After getting Leopardstar positioned comfortably, she reassures Mistyfoot that everything will be fine before going to fetch some herbs. After Mothwing leaves though, Leopardstar wakes up and tells the deputy that despite the medicine cat's healing skills, it's too late to save her.

The following morning, Mothwing enters the leader's den to find that Leopardstar has lost her last life and died. She breaks this news to Mistyfoot, and afterwards comforts the deputy when she doubts that she can lead RiverClan. Upon Mistyfoot bringing up her old age, Mothwing reminds her that she'll still have eight more lives ahead of her. The two leave the den as the medicine cat swears to always support her new leader. As Mistyfoot tells the Clan of Leopardstar's death, she announces her intention of going to the Moonpool as soon as possible. Mothwing interrupts, saying that the ceremony can wait, as the two still need to attend Leopardstar's vigil.

Later, Mothwing and Willowshine bring Leopardstar's body out into the clearing for her vigil. Willowshine warns that they're running out of watermint, but Mothwing shushes her, insisting they use it. During the vigil itself, Mothwing asks if Mistyfoot has picked a deputy yet, so right after the blue she-cat calls a Clan meeting to name one. Leaning on Mothwing for support, she picks her son Reedwhisker, and the golden tabby remarks that it's a brave choice, but a good one. A bit later, Mistyfoot hastily wakes up Mothwing in the early morning and tells her they need to head for the Moonpool right away. Though confused and surprised, the amber-eyed medicine cat agrees to go.

By sunrise, the two are in WindClan territory, and Mothwing urges they keep going. Mistyfoot wonders how much farther they must go, and her friend tells her that they're getting close, and the Moonpool is behind a certain bush. The soon-to-be leader picks up on her anxiousness and tells her they'll get through together. When they reach the Moonpool, Mothwing instructs Mistyfoot to touch her nose to the surface, wishing her good luck as she falls asleep and visits StarClan in her dreams. Mothwing doesn't show up during the ceremony however, and after it ends and the newly-named Mistystar wakes up, she asks why she was absent. Mothwing avoids giving a direct answer until Mistystar figures out that she doesn't believe in StarClan, which hesitantly Mothwing confirms.

As they travel back home, they encounter Firestar while passing through ThunderClan, informing him of Leopardstar's death and Mistystar's ceremony. Jayfeather gives them travelling herbs, and as they leave the new leader asks Mothwing if the blind medicine cat knows of her lack of faith, which she says he does. As they cross through WindClan, they're spotted by a patrol that offers congratulations and condolences when they explain the situation, promising to tell Onestar when they finish their patrol. When the two at last get home and enter camp, they're greeted by their Clanmates chanting Mistystar's new name, with Mothwing standing aside nervously. Soon after Leopardstar's body is buried and the ceremonial words to send her to StarClan are spoken.

The next morning, Mothwing and Willowshine are talking about how Jayfeather had given them some herbs to replenish their stocks earlier. As Willowshine is about to go gather herbs, Mistystar tells her to wait as she wants to go with her, noticing her former mentor looking at them from across camp. Mistystar then inquires about Mothwing's training, specifically in teaching her about StarClan, and the light gray she-cat replies that she's the best mentor she could've asked for. The leader then reveals to Willowshine that she knows of the golden tabby's lack of faith, and the two begin arguing over whether or not she should continue being a medicine cat. Mistystar then tells Willowshine to go get the herbs before going back to camp, where Mothwing is was anticipating her return. She asks if the blue she-cat had spoken to Willowshine, sparking an argument over what it means to be a real medicine cat. The leader says that Mothwing can no longer consider herself a real one, shocking and saddening her.

That night, at the half moon meeting, Mistystar reflects grimly on how Mothwing came up with an excuse as often as possible to have Willowshine go without her. She sees the golden tabby saying goodbye to Willowshine as the latter heads for the Moonpool. The next morning, Mistystar enters the medicine den to tell Willowshine that Mothwing has been demoted and she's now the sole medicine cat of RiverClan. When Willowshine protests that she still has much to learn, the leader retorts that StarClan can teach her. She strips Mothwing of her role as a medicine cat and makes her into an elder. The amber-eyed she-cat thinks this is a punishment, but her leader states that it's a decision made in the Clan's best interests. Mothwing rebukes that there's already enough change happening in RiverClan at the moment with the drought and new leader, and they should at least wait until the next Gathering. Mistystar agrees to this, and as she leaves the medicine cat whispers an apology to her.

Later, after the drought has ended and the fish return, Beetlewhisker tells Mistystar that he saw a huge trout. He continues that Mothwing told him not to catch it so that it may reproduce and there can be more in the future. When the leader confronts her about this, Mothwing tells her the same reasoning she told Beetlewhisker, starting yet another argument. Later, when Reedwhisker is badly wounded, Mothwing comes to his aid and begins assessing the injury. Mistystar then tells the Clan that Willowshine should be handing the situation as Mothwing is no longer a medicine cat, which shocks them. Frustrated, Mothwing fetches Willowshine, giving her all the herbs she'll need before leaving.

Mistystar is then visited by the spirit of her brother Stonefur, who tells her to trust Mothwing's instincts, soon after sending her a sign of a moth struggling to fly before getting airborne and flying away, reinforcing his advice to have more faith in the golden tabby. When she visits the medicine den, she finds that Wilowshine can't treat Reedwhisker on her own. She asks where Mothwing is, to which Willowshine coldly replies that she's where the leader wants her: in the elder's den. Realizing her mistake, Mistystar enters the elder's den and apologizes for everything, begging Mothwing to save her deputy and last surviving child. Mothwing exits the den, promising to do everything she can.

Mistystar then tells Beetlewhisker that she's changed her mind and Mothwing is a medicine cat once more, telling him to inform he rest of the Clan. She then goes to the Moonpool, where after a talk with Mothwing's mentor Mudfur, she hears the golden tabby calling her name. Mothwing, who has followed her to the Moonpool, is asked how Reedwhisker is doing, to which she reports that he's fine and on the way to recovery. Mothwing then tells Mistystar that while she doesn't believe in StarClan, she does believe in the wellbeing of her Clanmates and learning from what has been discovered before. She adds that the prophecies and omens of StarClan don't seem like things missing in her life, but she still respects her leader's and Clanmates' faith in their ancestors. Mistystar then says she never knew a moth could teach her so much, and when Mothwing is confused by this, the leader brushes it off and invites her medicine cat to walk back home together.

Omen of the Stars[]

Fading Echoes[]

During the events of Mistystar's Omen, Mistystar and Mothwing come to ThunderClan camp to announce the former becoming RiverClan's new leader. Firestar offers them some strengthening herbs for the way back, and Mothwing goes into the medicine den to retrieve them. Jayfeather is curious to know how Mistystar's ceremony went given that Mothwing doesn't believe in StarClan, and offers to give her ointment for her weary paws. She declines though, suggesting to instead use it on his Clanmate Longtail's stiffness. When he asked how the ceremony fared, she only replies that it was fine, but the blind tom is unsatisfied with this answer and looks into her memories to find out himself. There, he sees Mistystar and Mothwing by the Moonpool, the latter looking anxious. He then sees Mistystar awaken and find out that her medicine cat doesn't share her belief in their ancestors, but accepts it. Afterwards, Mothwing reiterates that not sharing a connection with StarClan doesn't make her any worse of a medicine cat, gathering up the herbs as she and Mistystar depart.

Night Whispers[]

Mothwing is escorted to ThunderClan camp by Spiderleg and Thornclaw, complaining that she could've made it there herself. Since the medicine den is full of ill cats, Jayfeather and Mothwing go to the lake shore to talk, and on the way she asks how one of Jayfeather's Clanmates Briarlight is doing. He replies that she's recovered from her sickness and is doing well. When they reach their destination, she reveals that Willowshine had told her of a message she received from StarClan about wanting medicine cats from different Clans to stop speaking with each other. She tells him that they should be doing what's best for the Clans instead of listening to StarClan all the time, but at Yellowfang's demands, Jayfeather refuses to listen. This angers Mothwing, and when the blueish-gray tom starts to leave, she offers to give him herbs if he's desperate for them. He declines, so silently Mothwing leaves.

The Forgotten Warrior[]

At the Gathering, Mothwing tries to rekindle the bond between the medicine cats in spite of StarClan's wishes by making small talk with them, but the others are disregarding and their responses are short, causing a frustrated Mothwing to give up and go sit next to Willowshine. At the Gathering after that, the ShadowClan warrior accuses Jayfeather of murdering her brother Flametail by drowning him in the lake. Despite Jayfeather's pleas of innocence, Mothwing agrees with her leader and fellow medicine cats that he should be suspended of his role until they get to the bottom of what really happened the day of Flametail's death.

The Last Hope[]

Despite being banned from his duties as a medicine cat, Jayfeather sneaks off to the Moonpool at the next half moon anyways, where he encounters onlyMothwing. She tells him that the message Willowshine had recived from StarClan made her too afriad to go, as with all the other Clans' medicine cats. He tells her that StarClan is afraid of the Dark Forest and the upcoming battle against it, and how the Dark Forest is training living cats in their dreams, amused by her confusion. She then says that three of her Clanmates - Hollowflight, Icewing and Bettlewhisker - have been acting strange lately, guessing that they are three such trainees. When she offers to help Jayfeather, she's shocked and filled with greif to learn that the spirit of her brother is one of the Dark Forest's residents. She then declares that Hawkfrost is no longer her brother, and that she's fully loyal to RiverClan. She then promises her friend that she'll try and get Willowshine to start talking to the other medicie cats and visiting the Moonpool again.

Later, Jayfeather visits Mothwing in RiverClan, being lead there by a patrol that spots him. Mothwing says they need to speak in private, telling Willowshine to go gather some mallow to give them time alone. Mothwing then rants about Willowshine's blind faith in StarClan, clawing at th ground as she exclaims that their fellow medicine cats are putting the words of old cats in the sky over their own commen sense. She then apologizes, telling Jayfeather that she respects the other Clans' believes, especially his, as it has helped them all through rough times before.

Later, Mothwing visits Jayfeather with something to show him. Firestar objects to this, but the blue-gray tom says he has to go and leaves anyways. She then takes him to RiverClan's territory and shows him a burning reed, telling him that it's been smoldering since the last Gathering. He questions why she thinks this is a sign despite not believing in StarClan, and she replies that she still doesn't, but knew he would interpret this as a sign from them. He then concludes that it must be a sign for him to go find Flametail in StarClan and get him to prove his innocence in the orange tom's demise. As he leaves, Mothing remarks that she'll know he found what he's looking for if the reed is extinguished.

Mothwing's Secret (cont.)[]

During the Great Battle against the Dark Forest, Mothwing is helping to treat injuries when she sees Hawkfrost attacking RiverClan's camp. She stares in horror as he attack the nursery and kills Dapplenose, noting that he now has ragged fur covered in blood and wounds and a look of bloodlust and insanity in his eyes. She begs him to stop, and when for a moment he looks at her with an unreadable expression, she hopes that his previous self was still in there. Her hopes are crushed though when he resumes his attack on the nursery, and she rushes over to stop him. She then sees cats with stars in their pelts rush into the camp, recognizing Leopardstar, Voletooth, Dawnflower, Blackclaw and Heavystep. As the Dark Forest cats flee, Mothwing realizes that StarClan was real all along, and her once loyal brother helped lead an army to destroy his own home.

As many living cats reunite with their deceased friends and family, Mothwing looks around to see many wounded cats around the camp and is about to pick up her herbs to help them. She then hears someone call her name and looks up to see Mudfur, who tells her how proud he is of her. She's overjoyed to see him at first, but then angrily asks why StarClan never stopped all the bad things that happened to the Clans from occurring and why they tried to separate the medicine cats. Mudfur replies that they can't always see the future nor act on it, and it was because of the living Clans that the Dark Forest was defeated. She then asks if he regrets making her his apprentice since she was never truly chosen by StarClan, but he says that he was happy to have her as his student before he and all the cats of StarClan disappear. After which, Mothwing concludes that StarClan may be real, but the Clans can not rely on them to survive, and must instead rely on each other.

Several moons after the Great Battle, Mothwing reflects on how peaceful the Clans have been since then. When Petalfur is injured by a dog, she and Willowshine work together to tend to her wounds. She accepts that though she does not believe StarClan always knows what's best, many Clan cats are comforted by the thought of having someone always watching over them. Mothwing reaffirms to herself that it was her own skill that saved Petalnose, not a connection to her ancestors, and resolves to save as many cats as she can as long as she serves her Clan.

A Vision of Shadows[]

Thunder and Shadow[]

On the way to the half moon meeting, Mothwing and Willowsine meet up with Jayfeather and his new apprentice Alderpaw at the ThunderClan border. The golden tabby wonders how ShadowClan's medicine cat apprentice Puddlepaw is doing with his training under Leafpool. When they get to the Moonpool, WindClan's medicine cat Kestrelflight arrives accompanied by two warriors, saying that Onestar ordered them to. Mothwing sympathetically says that she understands why Onestar is being so protective after recently losing a life. Afterwards, the gathered cats talk about the large band of rogues that have come to the lake, with Mothwing wondering why they'd bother with territory that's already been claimed. Jayfeather later asks Leafpool when she'll finish training Puddlepaw, and when she says that she'll need more time, Mothwing and Willowshine offer to help the blue-gray tom in her absence, but he brushes this off.

At the Gathering, Mothwing sits with all the other medicine cats, and upon hearing of a deadly sickness plaguing ShadowClan, she asks what herb they need. Th ShadowClan warrior Crowfrost says they need lungwort, and when she asks what it looks like, he describes it to her and says it can only be found in WindClan's territory. She asks Onestar if she can gather some to give to ShadowClan, but he adamantly refuses. She relents, knowing it wouldn't be fair to ask Kestrelflight for more help. At the next half moon meeting, both she and Willowshine tell Puddleshine that they've looked for lungwort in RiverClan, but couldn't find any. Afterwards, Kestrelflight and WindClan's deputy Harespring go against Onestar's wishes to allow the other medicine cat to get some lungwort from their territory, with the two RiverClan she-cats gathering enough for their own Clan.

Shattered Sky[]

The band of rogues, who have renamed themselves to The Kin, invade and take over RiverClan's territory. Mothwing treats many injured CLanmates before she and the rest of RiverClan is driven out, being denied the chance to bury their dead Clanmates and having the injured ones be kpt prisoner and seeking refuge in TunderClan.. Later, Mothwing and Alderheart go to RiverClan's sieged land to collect herbs, with the fomer asking the latter if Bramblestar would be ok with it. H says yes, and as they continue, he then asks if they should pass through WindClan's territory or ShadowClan's. She suggests they go through WindClan, as ShadowClan has also been overtaken by The Kin and are bound to catch the two and claw their fur off. She then adds that WindClan let a patrol lead by Mistystar pass through on the way there and back, with the ginger tom being surprised to learn the leader visited RiverClan's territory.

She elaborates that Mistystar and her patrol had tried to retrieve their imprisoned and dead Clanmates, but had been turned away. Some members of The Kin then threatened to kill the prisoners if they came back, with Mothwing agreeing when Alderheart exclaims that's ridiculous, adding that they can't just abandon their Clanmates. He then asks what her plan is, and she says that she and Willowshine had left behind some herbs when they were forced out. She states that The Kin might let them into camp if she says she wants to retrieve them, remarking that she doesn't care about the herbs and can just gather more, but getting them will allow her to see where the prisoners are being held.

As they cross through WindClan, the duo is stopped by a patrol. The patrol's leader Sedgewhikser demands to know what they're doing there, saying that Onestar made it clear yesterday that he doesn't want visitors. Alderheart says they're just trying to get to RiverClan, and Sedgewhisker relents, warning them to stay near the lake's shore. Mothwing thanks her and the two continue, with Alderheart asking what she meant by Onestar's statement yesterday. Mothwing explains that on they way back from RiverClan, two cats in Mistystar's patrol named Petalfur and Mallownose wanted to talk to Onestar, but were turned away, with the leader stating he doesn't wish to see any cats outside of his Clan. Alderheart comments how odd it is that Onestar was previously the most insistent of the leaders that the rogues be driven out, but now doesn't seem to care as much about them. Mothwing tells him that during an earlier battle, she saw The Kin's leader Darktail whispering something into Onestar's ear before he ordered WindClan to retreat, but she couldn't make out what it was. Alderheart shares her curiosity, saying that the rest of his Clan is wondering about that as well, as Onestar has been very shaken up ever since.

As they continue, Mothwing apologizes for the impractical plan, as it was all she could think of. He replies that they need to do something, before telling her of an ex-ShadowClan warrior Dawnpelt who had disappeared when trying to leave The Kin, and Mothwing worriedly suggests that Darktail did something to her. h says that they should keep an eye out for her while in RiverClan, and the two fall silent as they approach the border. Mothwing is disgusted by the scent to rogues have left in her Clan's territory as the two carefully tread through the tall grass. When Alderheart points out that thy haven seen any cats from The Kin yet, the golden tabby speculates that their numbers are stretched thin from having to patrol both RiverClan and ShadowClan at once. Thy then reach the edge of RiverClan's camp where they encounter two ex-ShadowClan cats named Needletail and Violetpaw and a rogue named Raven. Mothwing states that they're there to collect herbs, and that medicine cats can cross borders freely to do so. Raven is angry when Needletail says they can, but after the light gray she-cat tells her the two can teach Puddleshine what they're for, the rogue agrees to let them in, threatening they'll regret it if they put a single whisker out of line.

They enter the medicine den, and as Puddleshine goes up to greet them, Raven announces that they're there to collect herbs in exchange for teaching the brown-and-white tom what they're used for. Puddleshine catches on that the two are up to something, and to not rouse suspicion he pushes a flower towards them and asks what it is. The two continue teaching him herbs, even though he knows what most of them are, causing Raven's suspicions to ease. The two then gather up some herbs and leave, scouting out the camp and seeing the prisoner's den before thy go.

Back in ThunderClan, Leafpool and Mothwing tend to the RiverClan refugees. As they make a plan to rescue The Kin's prisoners, Mothwing says that they'll need help from one of their members, glancing at Alderheart. He remembers when Needletail was willing to help them, and when the amber-eyed tabby asks the group if they know anyone that could aid them, he says that he knows a few. Later, at the half moon meeting, Mothwing asks Alderheart if he really thinks Needletail will help them while they walk to the Moonpool. He responds that he isn't sure and will need to talk to her first, to which Mothwing irritably remarks that won't be easy. Needletail's unofficial apprentice Violetpaw hears about the plan and agrees to help, though.

Mothwing and Alderheart sneak into ShadowClan territory to meet up with Violetpaw, and when she arrives, they explain that there's been a change of plans, as their original strategy of having her sneak the prisoners out one at a time is too risky. Instead, they plan to sedate Darktail and his closest followers with poppy seeds, and guide the prisoners out from there. Mothwing then states that Mistystar won't launch the attack to take back the camp until the hostages are safe, but that the plan will be dangerous. Violetpaw agrees and says she'll feed them some prey laced with poppy seeds, and Mothwing thanks her, saying that RiverClan will never forget what she did for them, commenting on how brave she is as she walks away. The plan goes awry however when Sleekwhisker discovers Violetpaw putting the seeds into the prey, and Needletail is killed as punishment, with Violetpaw fleeing to ThunderClan afterwards.

When SkyClan arrives at the lake, the medicine cats all go to the Moonpool to seek advice from StarClan. When Firestar gives the Clans the message "The Clans must remember their names", which they then tell to Mothwing, who's eyes glow with recognition. The cats figure out that this message means that the five Clans must unite and use their unique abilities to defeat The Kin: ThunderClan's strength, RiverClan's swimming, ShadowClan's stealth, WindClan's speed, and SkyClan's climbing. The plan is a success, and The Kin is driven out and disbanded after Onestar sacrifices himself to kill Darktail.

Darkest Night[]

After Mistystar closes RiverClan off from the rest of the forest, both Mothwing and Willowshine fail to show up at the next half moon meeting. As the medicine cats visit StarClan, the spirit of the former RiverClan leader Crookedstar asks where his Clan's medicine cats are, and Leafpool apologizes for their absence, saying they'd probably be there if they could be. The medicine cats then go to RiverClan to tell them of StarClan's most resent prophecy, but are turned away. Jayfeather reasons that Mothwing would want to hear what they have to say, but the RiverClan warrior Duskfur still refuses, and declines when they ask to have the two she-cats brought to them instead.

Later, Willowshine sneaks into ThunderClan to tell Alderheart of a vision she's had before apologizing for not coming to the meeting, saying that Mistystar won't let her or Mothwing leave RiverClan territory. she thens says that Mothwing had protested about it before, but her complaints were ignored, which worries Alderheart.

River of Fire[]

In a bonus scene, Willowshine meets Mothwing outside the medicine den and reports that she's been able to find many types of herbs to replenish their stock with, but couldn't find any watermint. Willowshine sighs, knowing they'll be unable to go to the other Clans for help like usual because of their Clan's borders being closed. After going out to look for some, Willowshine returns and tells Mothwing about a vision of fire she'd had, but the golden she-cat brushes it off as just a dream. The younger medicine cat insists that it was real, and the two get into an argument about Mothwing's lack of faith in StarClan before the conversation turns back to their watermint shortage. They both hope that Mistystar will change her mind about isolating RiverClan soon, and are interrupted when they hear a wail and see Mosspelt collapse.

A day later, Willowshine contemplates using the last of their watermint on the sickly Mosspelt, but Mothwing is apprehensive, not wanting to spend the last of the herb on a cat who might not even recover. When Willowshine reacts to this with shock, Mothwing says she's sorry, saying she just wants what's best for their Clan. The two medicine cats then try getting their leader to reopen the borders so they can get more herbs, with Willowshine warning her of her vision of fire, but Mistystar remains unconvinced and states that it's too soon to reopen. The two younger she-cats try convincing her otherwise, but the leader states that the sickness is will pass harmlessly, so the medicine cats return to tending to their Clanmates.

The day after, Willowshine says she's going to try and reason with Mistystar again, but Mothwing doubts it will work. She fails once more before saying she'll go check the supply near the borders of ThunderClan and WindClan. Mothwing reluctantly goes with her because of the urgency of the situation, but Willowshine states that she must go alone. The amber-eyed tabby agrees, but still worries that her former apprentice could be attacked by the other Clans.

In the mains story itself, RiverClan's camp catches fire, leading to the Clan needing to rely on the other Clans for help to escape. As Willowshine and Reedwhisker report to SkyClan's deputy Hawkwing about what needs to be done, the light gray she-cat mentions that Mothwing was hurt trying to retrieve their herb supply. The group then looks at Mothwing, who is laying on the ground, and Violetshine notes who she almost looks dead, but admires her bravery.

At the next Gathering, Mistystar decides to end RiverClan's isolation and requests the other Clans' aid in dealing with the aftermath of the fire. She notes that Willowshine is overwhelmed thanks to their herbs supply being destroyed and Mothwing being injured, so Leafpool volunteers to go help them. Later, the other medicine cats welcome Mothwing and Willowshine back at the next half moon meeting.

In a bonus scene, Willowshine meets Mothwing outside the medicine den and reports that she's been able to find many types of herbs to replenish their stock with, but couldn't find any watermint.

The Broken Code[]

Lost Stars[]

At the next half moon meeting, Puddleshine talks about the struggles ShadowClan has had with leafbare, and the other medicine cats are relived to know it wasn't just their Clans facing trouble as they relay their own issues with the season. Then, they all arvie to find that the Moonpool has been frozen solid and StarClan can't be reached through it. Everyone is shocked, and Mothwing notes that it hasn't happened during past leafbares.

At the next meeting, the Moonpool is still frozen, and Mothwing comments that it surely hasn't happened before. She then tells her peers not to panic, as they can survive a season without StarClan's guidance, to which Jayfeather remarks that it's no surprise she wouldn't be concerned. Her eyes widen as he hisses that she's lost nothing, as she doesn't even think StarClan exists. To the other medicine cats' shock, Mothwing retorts that she now knows of their existance, she just doesn't belive they always have the best advice or intentions. Alderheart brings up how StarClan guided SkyClan to the lake, but the RiverClan she-cat retorts that it also caused The Kin's massacre. Later, when Willowshine says that the ice won't last much longer, Mothwing points out that only the edges of a body of whater freeze completely, nver the whole thing. When SkyClan's medicine cat Frecklewish says that there are signs from StarClan all around the Moonpool, Mothwing agrees with her and tells the others to follow her adivce for now.

When ShadowClan's leader Tigerstar II calls for an emergency Gathering to dicuss the frozen Moonpool, WindClan's leader Harestar says they'll do anything to restore the connection to StarClan while Leafstar, the leader of SkyClan, asks Mistystar for her opinion. Mistystar answers that she thinks the issue should be handeld by the medicine cats asMothwing and Willowshine exchange a glance. Mothwing agrees when the light gray she-cat says that they should go with the majority decision. Upon hearing that Bramblestar is ill with a strange sickness that his medicine cats can't seem to cure, Mothwing offers to Squirrelflight to help treat him, but Alderheart tells her they've already tried everything they can think of.

At the next Gathering, Kestrelflight remarks about how odd it is that the ShadowClan medicine cat apprentice Shadowpaw is the only one of them able to communicate with StarClan. Mothwing agrees, and Jayfeather snaps at her, questioning how she could know when she doesn't have any faith in their ancestors. The Gathering attendees are shocked, as many hadn't known about Mothwing's lack of belief. Mothwing is also shocked, asking Jayfeather how he could just expose her secret at the Gathering like that, adding that it isn't even relevant to the conversation. Many of the gathered cats then become wary of the golden tabby, and she assures them that she no longer denies StarClan's existence.

Veil of Shadows[]

Mothwing and Willowshine wait with the other medicine cats at the Moonpool for Puddleshine and Shadowsight to arrive. When Puddleshine shows up alone though, he's surprised not to see Shadowsight at the Moonpool already, assuming he'd gone on ahead of him. The medicine cats look for Shadowsight, but they soon lose his scent through a patch of crushed catmint. Later, the SkyClan apprentice Rootpaw uses his powers to summon Bramblestar's spirit and prove that the current and far more tyrannical "Bramblestar" is an imposter possessing his body. Though a few of the medicine cats are unsure if what Rootpaw says is true, Mothwing believes him.

At the Gathering, "Bramblestar" announces that StarClan wants the Clans to be harsher on codebreakers, sating he's banished many from his own Clan and urging the other leaders to do the same. He presses Mistystar to exile Mothwing for not believing in StarClan and being the child of a ShadowClan cat and a loner. Mothwing protests, defending Sasha's choice to bring her and her brother to RiverClan, and stating that she's already proven her loyalty time and time again. Mistystar banishes her anyways, to many of their Clanmates' shock and sorrow. Stemleaf then brings her and the WindClan deputy Crowfeather - who had willingly left so his leader wouldn't have to banish him - to SkyClan's old camp for refuge. When the ThunderClan warrior Bristlefrost tells everyone that the imposter has been looking for Squirrelflight ever since her exile, the ginger she-cat asks Mothwing to help her fake her death.

Soon a large battle erupts, with ThunderClan, WindClan and RiverClan all fighting on the side of the imposter. After "Bramblestar" is discovered to be an imposter though, the other Clans turn on him and Tigerstar defeats him, after which he's taken prisoner by ShadowClan. At the next Gathering, Mistystar banishes Icewing and Harelight for fighting against RiverClan in the battle, despite the fact that RiverClan was fighting on the side of the imposter. She then tries to get Mothwing to return to RiverClan, but the golden tabby is enraged that her leader had listened to the imposter and cast her out in the first place, and is now banishing two innocent cats, instead joining ShadowClan alongside Harelight and Icewing.

Darkness Within[]

In ShadowClan, Shadowsight gives the rosemary he'd collected to Mothwing, confused when she tells him to dry it out before storing it. He then asks what Tigerstar is doing, and she replies that he's with Dovewing. Much later, a mass vigil is held to honor all cats who had been killed due to the tyranny of Ashfur- the cat who had been possessing Bramblestar all along. There, Harelight and Icewing explain to Rootsrping that there weren't many RiverClan cats attending because Mistystar didn't want to honor rebels. Icewing then coldly states that what Mistystar does no longer matters to them, as they're ShadowClan cats now, but Mothwing pads up and retorts that the three of them are still RiverClan cats at heart. She then sees a RiverClan patrol pasing by, exchanging a warm look with them. She asks Harelight and Icewing if they're going to go talk to the patrol, but both decline, so Mothwing goes to chat with her old Clanmates alone.

Back at ShadowClan camp, Mothwing begins complaining about Shadowsight's herb storage, upsetting the dark gray tom. She grabs a bundle of withered comfrey and shows it to him, telling him that herbs need to be dried before being stored so they won't wilt. Shadowsight retorts that they could just get more, adding that ShadowClan's pine forest is different from the damp marshlands of RiverClan, but Mothwing is unconvinced and is about to exit the den to go dry out the comfry before Scorchfur comes in limping. Mothwing and Shadowsight then start arguing over the best way to treat Sorchfur's hurt paw. The golden tabby wrapps up the warrior's paw without putting anything on it first, which irritates Shadowsight. As their arguing continues, ShadowClan's deputy Cloverfoot then comes into the medicine den and tells them that Tigerstar wants to speak to both of them.

In the leader's den, Mothwing tells Tigerstar that Shadowsight became a full medicine cat too early, claiming that he has no idea what he's doing. Shadowsight is enraged by this, retorting that he didn't do anything wrong and pointing out that his former mentor Puddleshine had become a full medidince cat far earlier than most. Mothwing responds that Puddleshine became a medicine cat quickly because at the time, ShadowClan didn't have a medicine cat and thus had no other choice. She then goes on that him helping Ashfur possess Bramblestar is proof that he shouldn't be trusted to be on his own. Puddleshine cuts in by pointing out that Shadowsight had prophetic visions since he was a kitten, and Tigerstar agrees with this, but the two begin to doubt the dark gray tom when Mothwing suggests that Ashfur could have been manupilating him since kithood. As punishment for helping Ashfur, Tigerstar then decides to make Shadowsight take care of the improsoned cat and do apprentice duties.

Later, Mothwing catches Shadowsight getting herbs from the storage to treat Ashfur's wounds with, reminding him that he needs her's or Puddleshine's permission first. As he storms off, she slides pass him to check on the herbs. At the next half moon meeting, Shadowsight mentions that Ashfur is able to enter and exit Bramblestar's body at will, but the others dismiss him. Mothwing and Puddleshine then start talking about the whitecough outbreak in ShadowClan, which Shadowsight is surprised to not have been informed about beforehand. The conversation then turns to Mothwing returnting to RiverClan.

Later still, as he watches Mothwing in the herb storage, Shadowsight gets frustrated as he recalls being kept up all night by Yarrowleaf's cough because he was too afraid of getting caught in the storage to get some herbs for her. Mothwing then asks Puddleshine if she should use honey or tansy, and the brown-and-white tom suggests using both. Shadowsight later asks Mothwing for herbs to treat Ashfur's scratches from when Lionblaze attacked him. She comments that it sounds like hes defending Ashfur, and he leaves without another word, shocked that she would think that about him.

The Place of No Stars[]

After Ashfur abandons Bramblestar's body he kidnaps Squirrelflight, dragging her through the Moonpool and into the Dark Forest, with Rootspring witnessing the whole thing. After Rootspring shares what he saw with the Clans, the leaders and medicine cats go to the Moonpool to look for clues. Mothwing, Willowshine and Mistystar all attempt to reach StarClan by swimming in the Moonpool, but this proves fruitless. Frecklewish suggests that only the dead can bring others to the Dark Forest, and Shadowsight insists that he enter, as he's already done it before. The Clans still don't trust Shadowsight after he accidentally helped Ashfur in both possessing Bramblestar and escaping his imprisonment in ShadowClan, so they decide to send Willowshine instead. As thy prepare the ritual to send Willowshine in, Mothwing suggests they call upon the spirit of the recently deceased Softpelt to guide her, but this doesnt work as Softpelt has become one of many of Ashfur's brainwashed spirits.

As Willowshine falls asleep and enters the Dark Forest, Rootspring witnesses Ashfur drag her frantic spirit into the Moonpool, after which Willowshine's body stops breathing. To the gathered cats' horror, Willowshine is dead. Mothwing is wracked with grief at this, blaming herself for letting her former apprentice die. The cats then speculate if Ashfur had been waiting for Willowshine to enter the Dark Forest and killed her when she arrived. As some warriors are sent to go fetch Mistystar and Harestar to plan their next move, Willowshine's spirit then rises from the Moonpool and drags Rootspring under. Shadowsight then enters the Place of No Stars to go look for him. After hearing about Rootspring's capture, the ThunderClan warrior Bristlefrost asks Mothwing how to dream into the Dark Forest, Mothwing is hesitant to show her, but soon agrees, though warns the younger she-cat not to dwell on her dead Clanmates, as the golden tabby believes that's what got Willowshine killed.

A Light in the Mist[]

Shadowsight escapes the Dark Forest and emerges from the Moonpool, telling everyone there that StarClan is cut off by a thick wall of brambles, and they need reinforcements to help defeat Ashfur. Some of the cats are hesitant to send their Clanmates on such a dangerous mission, to which Shadowsight tells them they need to get rid of Ashfur if they want to save StarClan. Mothwing then wonders if it's worth it, as the Clans have already survived without StarClan for quite a few moons now. Regardless, the Clans agree to send one cat from each Clan into the Dark Forest to help.

Later, the cats sent into the Dark Forest come back victories, having defeated Ashfur, freed the trapped spirits, and restored StarClan's connection to the living world - but at the cost of Bristlefrost, who sacrificed her life by drowning Ashfur and herself. Graystripe, one of the reinforcements sent into the Dark Forest, was also fatally wounded. Mothwing and Shadowsight try their best to heal him, but he tells them to let him go before succumbing to his wounds and dying. Shadowsight then reveals that he isn't and was never able to communicate with StarClan, only with Ashfur, and asks if he can still be a medicine cat. The other assure him that he's still one of them, and he finally starts to feel accepted. Mothwing then apologizes to Shadowsight for how she's treated him while in ShadowClan, explaining that she was still angry about being exiled and took it out on him, and the dark gray tom accepts her apology. Some time later, Mothwing, Harelight and Icewing all move back to RiverClan.

A Starless Clan[]


Frostpaw is Mothwing's new apprentice, but she still mourns the loss of her close friend Willowshine. She introduces her new student to the other medicine cats at the next half moon meeting, and the young gray she-cat is excited to begin her training. Later, after the Gathering, many cats of RiverClan argue with Mistystar because of the leader supporting the updates made to the warrior code. The debate gets more heated until Mistystar suddenly falls silent and fall from atop the Highrock as the medicine cats rush over to her. Mistystar loses her last life however, dying for the final time.

Since Reedwhisker is out on patrol, the Clan waits for him to come back so he can go to the Moonpool and become the next leader. The patrol he was on comes back without him though, not knowing where he went. Mothwing begins organizing search parties to look for the deputy before retreating into the medicine den. When Frostpaw follows her in, she asks her apprentice to try contacting StarClan and talking to Mistystar's spirit for her, looking forlorn at the leader's death. Frostpaw hears Mistystar saying to move on, interpreting this as her telling the Clan that they must move on without her, and Mothwing is comforted by this message.

After Mistystar's vigil, Reedwhisker is still missing, so some members of the Clan suggest having a substitiute until he comes back. An argument breaks out over who this should be until Frostpaw finds a dock leaf that's been torn into the shape of a star in the medicine den. The Clan interprets this as StarClan choosing Mothwing and Frostpaw to lead for the time being, and when some call into question Frostpaw's experience, Mothwing defends her student. When the ShadowClan warrior Hopwhisker gets injured on patrol, her Clanmates Sunbeam and Hollowspring take her to RiverClan's medicine cats as they're closer than ShadowClan camp. Sunbeam finds it odd when Mothwing and Frostpaw treat Hopwhisker away from RiverClan camp.

At the next half moon meeting, the other medicine cats wonder why RiverClan is sending out patrols to each Clan asking for Reedwhisker's whereabouts, but their attempts to pry information out of Mothwing prove fruitless. During the visit to StarClan, Leopardstar tells Frostpaw that Reedwhisker is in a dark place somewhere in RiverClan territory, and when relaying this information to Mothwing, her mentor allows her to lead a patrol to find him. Their Clanmates once again call Frostpaw's lack of experience into question, but Mothwing reasons that she's the only one who can find him with Leopardstar's message. Frostpaw soon finds Reedwhisker dead at the bottom of a ravine, meaning the Clan no longer as someone to succeed Mistystar as leader.

Frostpaw goes to the Moonpool to ask StarClan who should lead RiverClan, but doesn't get a response. On the way back though, she finds a curled white feather, which she thinks is a sign to make her mother Curlfeather leader. Mothwing is hesitant to accept this though, remembering the time Hawkfrost faked a sign from StarClan, but relents when Frostpaw later has a dream of the Moonpool surrounded by curled feathers. On the way to the Moonpool however, Curlfeather and Frostpaw are ambushed by a trio of dogs who kill the former. Frostpaw escapes back to camp and tells the Clan what's happened, but is too frightened to try going back to the Moonpool to ask who the next leader should be again. Mothwing decides that they can no longer hide the truth that Mistystar and Reedwhisker are dead, and they must go to the other Clans for help.


When ShadowClan is hit with an outbreak of greencough and doesn't have any catmint to treat it, Tigerstar sends a patrol to get some from RiverClan, as the other Clans are also out of the herb. When the patrol gets to camp, they see how miserable the RiverClan cats look, with the medicine cats in particular being exaused. When asked, Mothwing says that they're out of catmint too, sharply asking the patrol to leave when they request to check the medicine den to not risk the truth about Mistystar and Reedwhisker being discovered. The medicine cats later meet up at the Moonpool to talk about the catmint shortage, with it being agreed upon that six cats - two from ThunderClan, ShadowClan and SkyClan - will go look for some outside the lake territories.

Meanwhile, as Frostpaw grieve her mother, Mothwing and Splashtail insist that she return to the Moonpool to see StarClan's next choice for leader. The medicine cats later meet up at the Moonpool to talk about the catmint shortage, with it being agreed upon that six cats - two from ThunderClan, ShadowClan and SkyClan - will go look for some outside the lake territories. After the others leave, Frostpaw tries communicating with StarClan, where the spirit of Curfeather tells her to pick the Clan's next leader herself. Frostpaw then selects Owlnose, but upon taking him to the Moonpool StarClan denies giving him nine lives. When they return to camp and break this news to the Clans, Mothwing advises that a deputy be picked anyways just in case something happens to Owlnose, and Splashtail is chosen.

Soon after, Tawnypelt arrives to announce and emergency Gathering. At the Gathering, the other leaders question "Owlstar's" leadership because of his contradictory statements and reliance on Mothwing. Eventually Owlnose comes clean and reveals that he doesn't yet have nine lives, and also reveals that Mistystar and Reedwhisker are dead, but lies that they died of greencough. Tigerstar suggests he supervise RiverClan until they get a real leader, but RiverClan objects to this. Instead, Leafstar decides to send one of her medicine cats Fidgetflake to help Owlnose get his nine lives.

When he gets to RiverClan, Fidgetflake irritates Mothwing and Frostpaw by critizizing their herb storage as he inspects their medicine den. He points out how low their herb storage is for being so close to leafbare, and Frostpaw replies that they've been too busy to restock. Fidgetflake soon discovers a large supply of catmint in the back of the herb storage, and when they admit that they'd forgotten about it, he questions how they could have when their leader and deputy had been killed by greencough. Mothwing, Frostpaw and Fidgetflake all take Owlnose to the Moonpool that night, but before they get there Owlnose abruptly announces that he doesn't want to be leader and steps down. Fidgetflake then leaves as well to tell the other medicine cats about an emergency meeting at the Moonpool. Afterwards he leaves, Mothwing urges her apprentice to try talking to StarClan again, but Frostpaw doubts in her abilities to do so after learning about how clear Fidgetflake's visions are compared to hers. She wonders if she's ever even had a connection to StarClan at all, and Mothwing apologizes to her for not being able to help her like a proper mentor.

When Mothwing and Frostpaw get home, they discover a large ShadowClan patrol lead by Tigerstar in camp. Tigerstar tries to get the cats of RiverClan to let him oversee them until they can get an official leader, stating that their medicine cats need to focus on their duties while bringing up the neglected supply of catmint. When Duskfur attacks ShadowClan's deputy Cloverfoot however, a battle soon erupts, but RiverClan is quickly defeated. Tigerstar then tells Mothwing and Frostpaw to tend to their injured Clanmates while ordering the unharmed members to hunt, stating that he's doing what's best for RiverClan.


Mothwing: What are you doing awake?
Hawkfrost: I wanted to see you. How was it? Did StarClan accept you?
Mothwing: I think so. I'm an official medicine-cat apprentice now. All the medicine cats were so nice to me. Especially Leafpaw, the ThunderClan apprentice. We're the only two apprentices.
Hawkfrost: And now we really belong.
Mothwing: Of course we do. Hawkfrost, what's going on?
Hawkfrost: I put the moth's wing outside Mudfur's den.
Mothwing: What?
Hawkfrost: Shh. You were meant to be a medicine cat. Any cat could see it. But just because we weren't born in the Clan, Mudfur insisted on waiting for some kind of sign. You already proved yourself, so why should we wait for something that might never happen?
Mothwing: But... StarClan didn't approve of me? I should tell Mudfur.
Hawkfrost: StarClan let it happen. if StarClan in real, they must think it's okay. Maybe they don't care. or maybe they don't exist.
Mothwing: Maybe. I should tell Mudfur.
Hawkfrost: But you won't. You know RiverClan will be better off with you as a medicine cat.
~ Mothwing finding out the moth's wing sign was fake
I can't! I couldn't lie about that. Being a medicine cat means I have to be trustworthy. The way that it happened - that you tricked Mudfur into thinking he'd gotten a sign about me from StarClan - I've always been ashamed of that. I've been afraid of any cat finding out I'm not a proper medicine cat. It's like heavy paws pushing me down sometimes, knowing that the whole Clan would turn on me if they knew. I can't lie again. Being a medicine cat is the most important thing in my life.
~ Mothwing refusing to fake a sign to get Stormfur and Brook exiled
Mudfur: Mothwing.
Mothwing: I've missed you.
Mudfur: You've done very well. I'm proud of you.
Mothwing: Where were you? Where was StarClan?
Mudfur: What do you mean?
Mothwing: When the Dark Forest attacked us! Or earlier, when they were planning to invade! if StarClan exists, why didn't you stop all this from happening? You told the medicine cats to keep the Clans apart, when what we needed was to band together!
Mudfur: We can not always see the future. And when we do, sometimes we can't act. StarClan could help in this battle, but it was the living Clans that had to come together to defeat the Dark Forest. What happened today will determine the Clans' future, their unity and harmony, for many moons.
Mothwing: Cats had to die for unity and harmony? All I see is StarClan's numbers growing.
Mudfur: No cat ever has to die for things to get better. But sometimes it seems to be the only way for the Clans to truly see their path.
Mothwing: After all this time not being able to reach StarClan, you'll turn away from us now? You know the worst thing for any medicine cat is to see so many of her Clanmates suffering. Why can't StarClan settle the battles between Clans without all this bloodshed? It's like everything I do is useless.
Mudfur: Don't think that way. You're a fine medicine cat.
Mothwing: I shouldn't even be a medicine cat! Hawkfrost tricked you. He planted the moth's wing outside your den. Doesn't that bother you? You made a mistake. I wasn't the apprentice you wanted.
Mudfur: I might have been deceived then, but StarClan wasn't. If I had to be tricked into taking you as an apprentice, I'm glad of it. You've done your duty for your Clan. StarClan makes no mistakes.
~ Mothwing confronting Mudfur about StarClan's influence on the living
Mothwing: Now that you asked, but with time to reflect on what happened in the Great Battle, and everything that happened with Darktail and the cats we lost... I no longer deny that StarClan exists.
Kestrelflight: What?
Jayfeather: You're serious?
Mothwing: Let me finish. I believe StarClan exists, but I don't know that their intentions are good, or that we always benefit from their guidance.
Alderheart: How can you say that? Their advice about SkyClan returning-
Mothwing: Led to Darktail's reign. And how many cats died?
Jayfeather: How many more would have died, if they hadn't warned us?
Mothwing: That's neither here nor there. We'll never know. Anyway, every cat can believe what he or she wants. I just think we don't need to panic.
~ Mothwing revealing that she knows StarClan exists, but doesn't have faith in them
No, Mistystar. I will never feel welcome in a Clan where warriors are exiled unjustly. Icewing and Harelight risked their safety and their lives to oppose the evil presence inside Bramblestar. We should be thanking them, not sending them into exile. Besides, I chose to be a RiverClan cat, and I have served my Clan faithfully, and yet you drove me away because of my birth, whish I had no control over. It will be hard for me to forget that.
~ Mothwing refusing to return to RiverClan and moving to ShadowClan
I'm so sorry I was hard on you. I was grieving for my place in RiverClan and needed some cat to blame. And I suppose, in a way, you represented my worst fear- that living cats would go against their own instincts to follow dangerous instructions of some long-dead cat. But Ashfur could have used any cat. It wasn't your fault he chose you, and I shouldn't have acted like it was. If he'd chosen me, I might have been fooled too. But I don't think I would have been brave enough to follow him into the Dark Forest. Even when you were injured, you went back there to help defeat him once and for all. How could any cat be angry with you?
~ Mothwing apologizing to Shadowsight for her harsh treatment of him



  • Authors Kate Cary, Victoria Holmes and Cherith Bauldry all state that Mothwing will go to StarClan when she dies despite not believing in them, as she is a true Clan cat, though she will be very surprised when she does.
  • Kate and Victoria doubt that Mothwing would have gotten a sign from StarClan to become a medicine cat naturally, but Cherith believes she would have due to her already proficient knowledge of herbs.
  • Mothwing is repeatedly describes as having blue eyes on accident. She is also depicted with blue eyes on the cover of Return to the Clans.

External links[]

Mothwing on the Warriors Wiki


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