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Heroes Wiki

Mozo (モゾ Mozo) is a character from the movie Doraemon: Nobita's Chronicle of the Moon Exploration, he is Luca, Luna, and Aru's pet.


Luca's friend since he was with Dr. Godal, a space turtle of the Tsukinowari tortoise race. The age is 2,000 years old. He speaks in a rude, honorific tone, but he is quite a poisonous tongue, and his habit is "I don't know what I am!". Even though it is a turtle, its legs are fast and its shell is the hardest in the universe. I wasn't happy about Nobit from the beginning, and I often complained about his inventions, but at the end of the day, Nobit helped me to review him.


  • He has the same Thai voice actor with Suneo, Dorami, Gian's mother, and Jaiko.
    • His Thai voice actor is อรุณี นันทิวาส / Arunee Nanthiwat.
  • Mozo's name in Thai version is his referred as โมโซ (Translated as "Mozo")
  • He is possibly calling Doraemon, Shizuka, Gian, and Suneo, including "Doraemon-san" as Doraemon, "Shizuka-san" as Shizuka, "Gian-san" as Gian, and "Suneo-san" as Suneo.
           Doraemon logo Heroes

Doraemon | Nobita Nobi | Shizuka Minamoto | Suneo Honekawa | Takeshi Goda | Dorami | Sewashi Nobi | Mini-Doras | Time Patrol

The Doraemons
Doraemon | Dora the Kid | Wang Dora | El Matadora | Dora-nichov | Dora Med III | Dora-rinho

Principal Teraodai | Jaidora | Noramyako | Robot Academy | Dorapin | Mimimi

Pisuke | Roppuru | Chammy | Clem | Kuntakku (Peko) | Eru | Miyoko Mangetsu | Papi | Riruru | Banhou | Ro | Linlei| Kukuru | Chippo | Sindbad | Paruparu | Sapio | Tap | Galaxy Super Express Train Conductor | Peave | Jack | Luffin | Lian | Theo | Gusuke | Milk | Poko | Fuuko | Ichi | Pisuke | Miyoko Mangetsu | Kibo | Princess Lire | Roppuru | Chammy | Clem | Sophia | Haribo | Riruru | Pippo | Dakke | Kurt Hartman | Kuntakku (Peko) | Aron | Kukuru | Carla | Flock | Sarah| Luca | Luna | Aru | Mozo | Kyu | Myu | Papi | Pinna | Sonya | Hanna | Marimba | Miina | Mikka | Chapekku | Claire | Milo | Chai | Pal |
