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Smart Gun

Mr. Bang Bang is a one-time villain from the Netflix original series, Paradise P.D., only appearing in the episode "Trigger Warnings". Mr. Bang Bang is a smart gun invented by the NRA to prevent gun violence.


In "Trigger Warnings", Mr. Bang Bang was one of the first ever smart guns invented by the NRA, who was to be distributed to the citizens of Paradise to help and prevent unlawful gun violence. Mr. Bang Bang's duty was to fire himself, whenever he detected a threat, rather than having his owner fire him and even become friends with his owner. Mr. Bang Bang was assigned to Kevin and he instantly got on Kevin's nerves as all he did was drive him crazy. Kevin told Mr. Bang Bang that he didn't like the idea of smart guns and thought that his kind should be abolished but Mr. Bang Bang didn't take no for an answer and just kept following him around.

Mr. Bang Bang caused all sorts of problems, scaring off innocent people like The Hamburglar and Gerald Fitzgerald, as he detected some imaginary threat coming from them. He also almost shot Kevin's penis off, while he was just trying to take a piss. Kevin kept telling Mr. Bang Bang that he didn't like how much of a violent, destructive creep show he was being and ordered him to leave but Mr. Bang Bang insisted that guns were safe and that he needs him to stay around so he can help him.

Mr. Bang Bang had an epiphany, when Kevin's apartment was visited by Jehovah's witnesses, who also had a smart gun. This smart gun attacked Kevin for refusing to convert to his religion and nearly shot him dead before Kevin slammed the door on him. This was all witnessed by Mr. Bang Bang, who was astonished to see a smart gun commit such a heinous act of violence. Mr. Bang Bang just couldn't understand why a gun did something wrong, since he was brought up to believe guns were good. Kevin educated Mr. Bang Bang in gun violence by showing him a bunch of news articles on the internet of mass shootings and murders, caused by firearms. Mr. Bang Bang was so horrified by what he saw and was convinced that guns actually do cause harm.

Mr. Bang Bang went to make a speech to a bunch of other smart guns, announcing the dangers of gun violence. He said that he was turning over a new leaf and ditching his ammo to become a safer, non-violent gun and he encouraged everybody else to do the same. Mr. Bang Bang influenced an entire group of people to follow his good name and become safe guns that could no longer hurt anybody.

Kevin took Mr. Bang Bang and all of the other smart guns in Paradise to the airport so that he and the other smart guns could spread the word and convince the rest of the world to end gun violence. Randall heard about this and was very pissed off that people were trying to take away their guns so he told Chip Fuckyeah of the NRA what was happening and they went down to the airport to stop them. Before the guns could get to the airplane, Chip Fuckyeah used one of the last regular guns in Paradise to shoot all of the smart guns dead in a blazing fire, causing the mass genocide and extinction of their people. This included Mr. Bang Bang, whose wise words that could have changed the world never came to be.
