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Heroes Wiki

Stop doubting your own abilities and start listening with your mind. Calm your thoughts.
~ Mr. Popo to Dende.

Mr. Popo (ミスター・ポポ, Misutā Popo?) is a supporting character in the Dragon Ball franchise. He is a genie who lives in the Lookout and serves the person who holds the position of the guardian of the Earth, being Kami and Dende among them. He also takes an importan role training Goku during the Piccolo Jr. Saga and later the other Z-Fighters in the Saiyan Saga.

Mr. Popo was voiced by late Toku Nishio, Yasuhiko Kawazu and Kimiko Saiko (as a child) in the Japanese version, Doug Rand in the AB Groupe dub, Dave Pettitt in the Blue Water dub, Chris Cason, Christopher Sabat and Trisha Mellon (as a child) in the Funimation dub, Alvin Sanders in the Ocean Groupe dub, and Apollo Sheikh Abraham in the Creative Products Corporation dub.


Mr. Popo is a genie with and humanoid appearance, having dark skin and eyes and red lips, he wears a white turban, golden earrings, a red-brown jacket with gold edges, black sleeves with edges of the same color, white pants with a red waist and red shoes.

After being turn back into a child he has a smaller body, seeing himself without the turban and showing that he has two little horns in his head.


Mr. Popo is a very calm and helpful person. He always stays calm when fighting, which is noticeable in his first fight against Goku and also teaches his disciples that they must remain calm to control their ki during a fight. Mr. Popo has a notable care on his masters, since he felt great sorrow when Kami died and when he merged with Piccolo permanently, But he still welcomed Dende with open arms when he became the new guardian of the Earth and began to serve him and care for him quickly. Mr. Popo also helps the Dragon Team in eother ways than training, like when he showed the Namekian spaceship to Bulma, allowing them to go to Namek or when he summons Shenron to revive all the victims of Frieza. Originally, Mr. Popo was afraid of Piccolo because of the crimes his father committed, but after he merged with Kami he lost that fear. In Dragon Ball GT, after being possessed by Baby he became an evil pawn of him, but returns back to normal when Kibito Kai sprinkles him with the sacred water of the Lookout.

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Dr. Slump
Arale Norimaki | Senbei Norimaki | Obotchaman | Sankaku Sagata | Akane Kimidori | Aoi Kimidori | Abale | Kurikinton Soramame | Midori Norimaki | Ultraman | Gatchan | Peasuke Soramame | Koita Ojo | Hiyoko | Chivil | Polly Buckets | Old Woman Spring | Turbo Norimaki | Suppaman | Taro Soramame | Tori-bot | Nitro Norimaki | Tsukutsun Tsun | Tsururin Tsun | Tsuruten Tsun

Dragon Ball
Z-Fighters | Goku | Grandpa Gohan | Bulma | Master Roshi | Oolong | Yamcha | Yajirobe | Dr. Brief | Chaozu | Puar | Sea Turtle | Launch | Ox-King | Chi-Chi | Krillin | Fortuneteller Baba | Tenshinhan | Nam | Upa | Bora | Shenron | Mr. Popo | Karin | Kami's Predecessor | Kami | Piccolo Jr. | Master Mutaito | Dr. Flappe | Android 8 | Suno | King Furry | Annin

Dragon Ball Z
Gohan | King Kai | Guardian of Planet Vegeta | Vegeta | Dende | Porunga | Future Trunks | Future Gohan | Android 16 | Android 17 | Android 18 | Kid Trunks | Goten | Hercule | Videl | Pikkon | Nail | Good Buu | Guru | Moori | Katas | Pan | Uub | Tarble | Kibito | North Kai | East Kaioshin | South Kai | West Kai | Old Kai | Bee

Gogeta | Gotenks | Vegito | Kibito Kai | Kefla

Dragon Ball GT
Giru | Para Para Brothers | Sugoro & Shusugoro | Nuova Shenron | Goku Jr. | Puck

Pansy | Bardock | Beerus | Whis | Jaco | Gine | Broly | Cheelai | Lemo | Dr. Hedo | Gamma 1 | Gamma 2

Live-Action Movie
Goku | Bulma | Master Roshi | Chi-Chi | Yamcha | Grandpa Gohan | Shenron

Video Game Exclusive Only
Android 21 | Beat | Note

Dragon Ball Super
Cabba | Hit | Vados | Gowasu | Zeno | Great Priest | Future Mai | Earth's Resistance | Toppo | Jiren | Caulifla | Kale | Brianne de Chateau | Dyspo | Heles | Belmod | Champa | Sous Roas | Merus | Kusu | Sour | Marcarita | Monaito | Esca | Super Shenron

Dragon Ball Daima
Panzy | Glorio | Kadan | Neva
