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Heroes Wiki

Ms. Pac-Man is the deuteragonist of the PAC-MAN series. She is the wife and sidekick of Pac-Man and the mother of Jr. Pac-Man and Baby Pac-Man.


Ms. Pac-Man looks exactly like Pac-Man in the arcade games, though has a mole on her face, wears a red bow on her head, and is often shown wearing lipstick.


Ms. Pac-Man first debuted in the arcade game 1982 as the main protagonist where she must defeat the Ghost Gang, she then falls in love with Pac-Man, and after the player finishes the entire levels, she marries Pac-Man, and they have their first son named Jr. Pac-Man, then the years later, they had a daughter named Baby Pac-Man. In the Jr. Pac-Man game, she gives her son a bicycle. She is seen in Jr. Pac-Man's intro with Pac-Man.

Ms. Pac-Man would also appear in the Mario Kart Arcade GP games as one of the playable characters Metal Mario, Rosalina, and her husband Pac-Man.


Ms. Pac-Man also appeared in Futurama where she was seen crying for her beloved husband who was been killed by Space Invaders, she was then comforted by Amy Wong.




  • Although she is referred to as "Miss", Ms. Pac-Man's marriage to Pac-Man would have changed her name to "Missus". However, as seen in Pac-Man World 3, she insists on being called Miss.
  • Pac-Man Ginza Style retail stores featured a character called Pac-Maria who seems to be based off Ms. Pac-Man. Ms. Pac-Man not appearing herself may be a result of ongoing legal issues involving the character. Likewise, Ms. Pac-Man is replaced by another similar character called Pac-Mom in Pac-Man Museum+ and Pac-Man World Re-Pac.


           Shiny pac-man logo Heroes

Main Universe
Pac-Man (Blue Pac-Man, Red Pac-Man, Green Pac-Man, Pink Pac-Man) | Ms. Pac-Man | Jr. Pac-Man | Baby Pac-Man | Chomp-Chomp | Professor Pac-Man | Pac-Master | Krystal | Fairies | Orson | Blinky | Pinky

Hanna Barbera
Pac-Man | Pepper | Pac-Junior | Chomp-Chomp | Super-Pac

Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures
Pac-Man | Cylindria | Spiral | Sir Cumference | President Spheros | Spheria | Elli | Grinder | Fuzbits | Ghost Gang
