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This world of peace...where nobody has to die... Make it come true! You think you can do that, do you?! You think you got what it takes?! Well I don't... I'm barely holding on!
~ Na'el expressing her frustration to Matthew.

Na'el Doyle (Japanese: ナエル, Naeru) is the secondary antagonist of Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed. She is Matthew's younger sister and the granddaughter of Ghondor, the founder of the original City. Following the death of their grandfather, Na'el would accompany Matthew on helping him find survivors from the City, but would eventually go missing.

It is then revealed that she had become the vessel of Alpha, who offered her desire of living in a world without death. This put her at odds with the Liberators and Moebius, who were both aiming to defeat Alpha. However, she would soon learn the truth from witnessing the destruction of Klaus' world, causing her to abandon Alpha's goal and stand by Matthew's side once more.

Following Alpha's defeat, Na'el would go on to become one of the original members of the first Ouroboros. She would help the rest of Ouroboros establish the second City and she in particular would become the founder of House Doyle.

She is voiced by Akari Kito and Ellie Kendrick in the Japanese and English versions of the game, respectively.


Na'el was said to be a kind and cheerful individual, as Matthew knew her for. She was known for being well liked and sociable among children, who would often go to her to hear her play music on the piano.

Unfortunately, as she witnessed the death of her friends and loved ones, she slowly began to grew cynical of the world around her. She began disliking the idea of the idea of saving those outside of the City, lamenting how she and her folks have done enough for others and that people will always continue to kill each other, with or without the existence of Moebius. These very emotions are what ultimately led to her being a perfect vessel for Alpha to take, who convinced her that he would create the ideal world she desires.

However, upon learning the truth of Alpha's intentions and being convinced by her brother, Na'el was able to come to her senses and was able to help him in defeating Alpha and saving Aionios. When establishing the new City with the other founders, she was noted by scholars to be bright and wise, and her very knowledge played its role in shaping the City's governance and legal system.





  • Na'el's design is possibly based on an early concept design of Nia, which depicts her with short hair but stylized to be more uneven looking.
  • Na'el has a Flesh Eater Core Crystal that is very identical to Nia and Mio's.

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XenobladeBannerAgain Heroes

Playable Characters
Shulk | Reyn | Fiora | Sharla | Dunban | Melia Antiqua | Riki

Supporting Characters
Alvis | Arglas | Juju | Kallian | Linada | Meyneth | Miqol | Otharon | Sorean | Vanea

XC Future Connected

Shulk | Melia Antiqua | Kino | Nene

Xenoblade Chronicles X logo

Main Characters
Cross | Elma | Doug | Gwin | Irina | L | Lin

Recruitable Characters
Alexa | Bozé | Celica | Frye H.B. | Hope | Mia | Murderess | Nagi | Phog | Yelv

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 logo

Main Characters
Rex | Pyra | Mythra | Pneuma | Nia | Dromarch | Tora | Poppi | Morag Ladair | Brighid | Zeke von Genbu | Pandoria

Supporting Characters
Azurda | Vandham | Fan la Norne | Roc | Aegaeon | The Architect

Rare Blades
Adenine | Agate | Azami | Boreas Corvin | Crossette | Dagas | Dahlia | Elma | Electra | Finch | Fiora | Floren | Godfrey | Gorg | Herald | Kasandra | Kora | KOS-MOS 2.0 | Newt | Nim | Perceval | Perun | Poppibuster & Poppi Mk. II | Praxis | Sheba | Shulk | T-elos | Theory | Ursula | Vale | Vess | Wulfric | Zenobia

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Torna logo

Lora | Jin | Haze | Addam | Mythra | Minoth | Hugo | Brighid | Aegaeon

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 logo

Noah | Mio | Eunie | Taion | Lanz | Sena

Riku | Manana | Ethel | Valdi | Zeon | Teach | Isurd | Juniper | Alexandria | Fiona | Segiri | Miyabi | Cammuravi | Monica Vandham | Gray | Ghondor Vandham | Ashera | Triton | Melia Antiqua | Nia | Ino | Masha

C | M | T

Matthew | Na'el | Nikol | Glimmer | Panacea | Linka | Riku

The Liberators
A | Shulk | Rex | Panacea | Linka | Riku
