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To pass, students must be unique. In other words, freaks, weirdos, loners, miscreants, and eccentrics fill the school.
~ Najimi

Najimi Osana (長名 なじみ, Osana Najimi) is one of the main characters in the 2016 romantic comedy manga series Komi Can't Communicate and its 2021 anime adaptation.

They are a close friend of every single student in the entirety of Itan Private High School since childhood. Najimi is the complete antithesis of Shouko Komi, in the sense that they are extremely outgoing and finds it extremely easy to interact with people and make friends; but despite this, Komi is the one person that they were unable to befriend as a kid, (although they did become friends during the series as a teenager). Throughout the entire series Najimi's gender has remained ambiguous.

They are voiced by Rie Murakawa in Japanese and Skyler Davenport in English.


Najimi has a mischievous nature who enjoys teasing and toying with their friends, although within reason. It's made clear that they care about each and every one of their 5,000,000 friends. They're willing to help them with their problems whenever needed, but they also tease them a lot, especially Komi and Tadano who, throughout the series, are usually at the forefront of it. Komi didn't use to be, as Najimi was kinda scared of Komi, like everyone else, due to the unintentional glares that she would give them, but that (mostly) changed after they finally became friends during their first year in high school. The only person that Najimi, while technically being friends with since childhood, is still afraid of tremendously after finding out about her true personality is Yamai Ren. They never want to be stuck alone in the same room as her, especially after incidents that leave her emotionally cold, such as when Komi tells Yamai off for holding Tadano hostage.


  • Their fulll name name おさな なじみ, Osana Najimi means "childhood friend", which is the same word as the verb なじむ, Najimu means to be acquainted or adapt.
  • Najimi can listen to up to 8 people at the same time.
  • Najimi's last name was first translated as Nagana.
  • Their idea for the first Cultural Festival was the Maid Cafe, with the ulterior motive being to make a huge profit by advertising komi san in a maid costume. This idea eventually was accepted once Shouko voted for it.
  • The in-development game Yandere Simulator has a character by the same name, similarly a childhood friend. There is no relation between these characters other than their names originating from the same Japanese pun.



           Komi Can't Communicate LOGO ENglish Heroes

Shouko Komi | Hitohito Tadano | Najimi Osana | Shuuko Komi | Shousuke Komi | Masayoshi Komi | Himiko Agari | Nakanaka Omoharu| Nene Onemine| Kaede Otori| Makoto Katai| Akira Komi| Rumiko Manbagi| Naruse Shisuto| Ase Shibuki
