Nana mostly known as Nana Gray is a major character in Black★Rock Shooter THE GAME. She is set to be one of Black★Rock Shooter's allies and her sister.
She is considered to be Black★Rock Shooter's prototype and according to Gray's game trailer she has a very close relationship with BRS and sees herself as a 'not failed but not successful' creation. Gray's weapon of choice is a large, pointed sword with two sticking out peeks at the side and a black and orange design.
She is voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro.
Nana has short and lilac-colored hair with a clip, her eyes are yellow/gold. She wears a black dress with an orange design, and long black gloves and black boots. She is also wearing small black shorts.
Nana is a very overly-conscious young girl. She is quick to make assumptions and has grown particularly pessimistic. She has problems maintaining her state of mind, and grows jealous of Stella often.
A lonely girl who acts as B★RS' counterpart and main ally in the latter half of the game. She is a "Gray", a mass-production clone of "Sing Love" designed to fight the alien invasion. Like all Grays, her memories degenerate over time, which causes her a great deal of distress.
- Although initially introduced as Gray, her first name Nana was referenced in a minigame featured by the PSP game's official website.
- She seems to be the one who helped the human forces vanquish the eight aliens on the earth in the past.
- In the True Ending. It was shown that Nana Gray was alive and wasn't "eaten" by an alien or White Rock Shooter her self and was with Black Rock Shooter in the Lab when the credits starts rolling.
- There was a running gag of Nana Gray from one of her missions where she went "yandere" and became all girl-like attitude saying "Where are you~? Where Are you~?! I'm right here~!" after you finish the mission BRS will act "yandere" as well and be all serious like Nana Gray.
- Despite wielding a sword on her artwork, Nana is never seen using it in the game. Instead, she wields the weapon 7-shots, a weapon used by BRSB.
- The name "Nana" is "seven (7)" in Japanese. While Nana originally thinks that her name was just a number, the reason behind her name is revealed from Professer Gibson's message in her teddy bear in the better ending. Nana is named so as she was born on 7 July at 07:00, and as Professor was born on the 7th as well and that he likes the Japanese word for "7" the most among all other languages he chose the name "Nana", and at the end of the message he implies that also viewed Nana as a very special child to him.
- Since complete the game once, the player unlock the option of "watch" of "fight" when PSS is ambushed by a Big Mouth in the Mission 2 of Stage 1. If the player slect the option "fight", Dully and Lars, Two characters who originally dies, still alive. This also unlocks "A Better End" Route, when Nana is saved by Stella and since WRS's Defeat, they lives together. Is in this same route when Nana's name origin is revealed.
- Gray possesses a test version of Stella's Bike that is depicted with an orange and black color similar to her own color scheme.