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Heroine Overview

Nao Tomori (born 8th May, 2000) was one of the two main protagonists (alongside Yū Otosaka) of the 2015 anime series Charlotte.

She is a 15-year-old student and the Student Council president of Hoshinoumi Academy and is a huge fan of the band ZHIEND and Sala Shane.

She was voiced by Ayane Sakura in Japanese and Lauren Landa in English.


Nao is a hardworking, smart, capable person, though a bit of a narcissistic, self-righteous, and short-tempered. Magical abilities that were caused by the star charlotte’s orbit were threatening people’s lives due to scientists. Nao founded a council and did request every ability holder to join it to protect them. When she does that to Yū Otosaka (that was using his ability to cheat on school tests), he quickly becomes her friend and then he goes on missions alongside Nao and Takajo, to stop the people that use their abilities for bad (Just like what Yū was doing). She contributed a lot on Yū Otosaka’s redemption, and she did prevent him from going insane and mentally ill after his sister’s death. She also seems to have a spot soft to children, as seen with Yū’s little sister Ayumi.

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            Charlotte (anime) LOGO Heroes

Yū Otosaka | Nao Tomori | Ayumi Otosaka | Misa Kurobane | Yusa Nishimori
Yumi Shirayanagi | Mishima | Sala Shane
