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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Ned Knightly is a posthumous character in the LEGO Nexo Knights series. He was a famed knight who protected Knighton in the distant past and is still renowned for his heroism.


Like many before and after him, Ned Knightly was a student in the Knights' Academy, who became a knight after graduating. In his days, the kingdom was threatened by the renegade necromancer Monstrox and his monster armies. Ned Knightly was among the kingdom's defenders, taking part in battles such as the battle of the Golden Castle, and eventually made the "ultimate sacrifice" to save Knighton.


Ned Knightly is fondly remembered by Knightonians to this day. A statue of him was erected in the Knights' Academy, and its freshmen are challenged to a field-quest revolving around discovering where his Silver Sword of Silverness had been hidden. Said sword was used by Fletcher Bowman and Izzy Richmond to defeat Baron von Bludgeonous. Several films and comic book about Ned Knightly were also made.


           Nexo KnightsHeroes

Nexo Knights
Aaron Fox | Axl | Clay Moorington | Lance Richmond | Macy Halbert | Merlok 2.0
Knighton Royal Family
King Halbert | Queen Halbert | Macy Halbert
Knights' Academy
Staff: Merlok 2.0 | Principal Brickland | Sir Griffiths
Students: Ava Prentis | Fletcher Bowman | Izzy Richmond | Robin Underwood
Merry Mechs
Dennis | Robot Hoodlum
Jack Shields | Jestro | King's Guard | Lava Monsters | Ned Knightly | NK-422 | Order of the Eight | Rogul | Squirebots

See Also
Lego Heroes
