Neelix is a main protagonist of Star Trek: Voyager, ambassador and cook of Voyager, and old love interest of Kes. He is a Talaxian and is portrayed by Ethan Phillips.
Neelix was discovered near the homeworld of the Ocampan by Voyager and he serves as their guide. During and after the strugle against a Kazon settlement on Sobras, they rescued a female Ocampan named Kes, who happens to be an old girlfriend of Neelix, which the former promises her that he would come back for her. After which, Neelix and Kes help the Voyager Crew and the Maqui to find to crewmembers of each side.
After rescuing the crewmen, Harry Kim and B'Elanna Torres, who were indeed underground with the Ocampan, both Neelix and Kes joined Voyager's crew and Neelix was assigned his position as a guide to the Delta Quadrant, since the region was largely unexplored by Starfleet.
Neelix has become the godfather of Naomi Wildman.
Near the end of the season, Neelix leaves Voyager and moves in with his kind, including Dexa and her son, Brax, who become his new family
- Like Kes, Neelix is leaves Voyager to be with his own kind.