Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki

Neftin Prog is a criminal which with his twin sister Vendra Prog strike 6 months ago the Pollyx's Factory its after he capture Pollyx & Vendra Prog arrested. but Neftin freed Vendra & next they were going to bring the Nethers another reality Planet-Yerek. but when they brought the more Nethers & big bad creature Mr. Eye Planet-Silox Vendra was thrown the Netherverse then Ratchet & Clank had make the cooperatin with Neftin the save Vendra & hastily out the Nethers & Mr. Eye. When Mr. Eye was defeated, the Prog twins went to the jail.



           Ratchet & Clank Logo Heroes

Original Timeline
Q-Force: Ratchet | Clank (Secret Agent) | Captain Qwark | Sasha Phyronix | Al | Skidd McMarx | Helga von Streissenburgen | Skrunch
Other: The Plumber | Galactic Rangers | President Phyronix | Angela Cross | Team Darkstar (Merc and Green) | Neftin Prog | Vendra Prog

Ratchet & Clank Future
Talwyn Apogee | Cronk and Zephyr | Smuggler | Alister Azimuth | Orvus | Sigmund

Ratchet and Clank (2016)
Galactic Rangers: Ratchet | Clank | Captain Qwark | Cora Veralux | Brax Lectrus | Elaris

Rift Apart
Rivet | Kit | The Phantom | Glitch | Captain Quantum | Gary | Pierre Le Fer
