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Heroine Overview

Now, how should I go about killing myself?
~ Nene as she sees her options for suicide, her famous quote.

Nene, also known as the Asian Bitch, is the tritagonist of the Pico series and a supporting character/major antagonist of Friday Night Funkin'.

She is a suicidal, sadistic and masochistic Asian teen with an infatuation with knives and the friend of Pico and Darnell. She is known for her suicidal tendencies and her willingness to kill anything she can.

She is voiced by Tom Fulp and Sean in the main series, but voiced by Monica Franco in Friday Night Funkin' who also voiced Mommy Mearest in the same game.


She is a young Asian woman with black hair and white eyes with no pupils that wears a pink dress, pink shirt and pants, a pink hair bow, and sometimes a noose around her neck.

In Friday Night Funkin', she looks the same for the most part, sans her hair having a lighter color and being messier and her overalls having heart shaped buttons. Her skin is more tan as well.


Nene is suicidal, sadistic, masochistic, and a genius with an IQ of 133. The reasons behind her killing herself vary from depression, to kicks and giggles or even sheer boredom at times. She also seems to be very optimistic when talking about the many ways she can take her own life. Despite this, she greatly cares for her friends, Pico and Darnell, as she is willing to assist them in various situations. Additionally, while she enjoys letting herself die, she doesn't want the same thing to happen to them, or Pico at the very least. As demonstrated in Resident Pico, when she encourages the latter to run from the incoming zombies before giving herself up to them.

Similarly to Darnell, Nene shows more of a self and greedy side in Friday Night Funkin', as she decides to attempt to kill Pico after being paid a large sum of money by Daddy Dearest.


Pico's School[]

"Oh god! The blood! The violence! The tension! I don't want to live through another minute of this! Please end my life, and spare me this anxiety!"

In Pico's School, Nene begs to Pico to kill her. You can choose to kill her or spare her by just leaving.

Nene Interactive Suicide[]

In NIS, Nene wakes up and discovers that she has contracted herpes after kissing Jordan Katalano. When she realizes she has herpes, she concludes that she must die with honor by killing herself by drinking milk, hanging herself on a ceiling fan, praying to God to get stuck with a lightning bolt, jumping out of the window, shooting herself with a gun, or cutting her wrist open with a razorblade. If you pick the razorblade, Nene will talk to her mother when she bleeds out.

Pico Roulette[]

In Pico Roulette, she is a playable character.

Resident Pico[]

In Resident Pico, Nene shows up in the beginning of the game to warn Pico about the zombies. Pico tries to protect her but she says that "can't wait to get her brains eaten" before running off.

Friday Night Funkin'[]

Nene is the secondary antagonist of WeekEnd 1. She's shown looking for Pico before finding him. She proceeds to chase after him, throwing knives at Pico in an attempt to get him killed. Due to Pico's quick thinking, she gets whacked in the face with a ladder. She catches up to him by the time he runs into Darnell. After Pico and Darnell get into a fist fight, they become friends again and walk off, with Nene getting visibly mad due to the outcome.

Newgrounds Rumble[]

In NR, Nene is a playable character, having 2 knives. She goes into battle to become the "King of the Portal" to prove that she is not just a token girl. At the end of her story mode, she kills herself after becoming the ruler due to her not being able to handle the pressure. Convict disguises himself as Nene to take her place.


  • She has severe lactose intolerance, as the consumption of dairy products causes her to vomit blood and her head explode.
  • Nene is neurodivergent, as she is diagnosed with ADD (ADHD-PI).
  • She has an IQ of 133, higher than Pico's.
  • In Friday Night Funkin, her more shock value elements like herpes will be removed.
    • That being said, it's been confirmed she still maintains her perverted nature, as PhantomArcade says she's "still a whore".
  • In some fan-works she is depicted as Pico’s love interest, despite her and Pico sharing no romantic relationship history in canon.
    • Despite this, in Friday Night Funkin, which is more of a semi-canon offshoot to the Pico franchise instead of a direct continuation, in the upcoming update Nene is Pico’s adversary who is trying to kill him. Despite her intention to harm him, PhantomArcade has suggested that Pico turns her on, leading to a complex blend of emotions towards him.
  • In a sketch drawn by Friday Night Funkin's main artist, PhantomArcade, Nene is seen kissing Cassandra, which implies that she is or was in a relationship with the latter. Confirmed by PhantomArcade in a live stream, stating that Nene would sleep with a woman but still make fun of people for being gay. In another livestream, Nene is interested in anybody, indicating that she's pansexual.
  • While she cares for Pico and Darnell, she isn't above fighting/killing them, seen in The Perfect Murder and N.G. Showdown.
  • Nene might be multiethnic (Japanese-Korean), as she says the Japanese word "腹切り" (harakiri) in Nene Interactive Suicide and the Korean phrase "사랑합니다" (I love you) in the old Newgrounds vote system.
  • Her name is pronounced "Nay-Nay" confirmed by Tom Fulp.[1]


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-V6Rq2p6bk&t=1823s

External Links[]


           FNF-Logo.svg Heroes

Main Characters
Boyfriend | Girlfriend

Guest Characters
Skid and Pump | Pico | Tankman | Darnell | Nene | Hank J. Wimbleton

           NewgroundsRumble Heroes

Alloy | Alien Hominid | Salad Fingers | P-Bot | Samurai Asshole | Pico | Nene | Piconjo | Hank | Tankman | Fancy Pants Man

  1. https://pico.wiki.gg/wiki/File:TomFulp_Pico_Questions.jpg