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Neneh Moly is a secondary teenage protagonist or deuteragonist who controls herself by the second player in Eco Fighters (Ultimate Ecology in Japan).


Neneh is a page-skinned woman who wears long hair tied into four braids. She wears white clothes adorned with brown boots and an orange vest along with a pilot's hat. She dons goggles while flying. She also has an Elwood chicken chick named Meika on her left shoulder as shown in official art.


She is the younger sister of Ice. She is a pure-hearted woman who loves the forest and is a 16-year old researcher within the Forestal Advanced Education Network. Having done grade-skipping in school, she gained exceeded her brother Ice in level. Despite her innocence, she is hot-tempered.

When Kernal Goyolk, who had turned many planets into dread spheres and has begun to have his way with Elwood, the siblings were summoned to pilot flying machines rebuilt by his uncle Dr. Moly when Goyolk dumped them illegally in order to fight back against the corrupt CEO. He and his sister proceed to destroy various constructs across the planet in order to stop it from falling into ruin, including stopping mass death inflicted by Goyolk's Sky Plant.

After dealing with Goyolk's confrontation, Ice and Neneh face off Goyolk's forces in outer space where they defeat a mecha in the likeness of Goyolk himself, which drives off Goyolk and his followers. However, this was not the end, they discover that Goyolk was hiding among some space debris and proceed to hunt down this mad man and stop him for good.

After one last defeat was struck to Goyolk, Dr. Moly announces plans to restore the beauty of Elwood. The Moly siblings proceed to return home to Elwood.
