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(Thomas: We're trapped here, aren't we?)
For the moment. But... you see those guys? There, by the fire? Those are the Runners. And that guy in the middle there, that's Minho. He's the Keeper of the Runners. Now every morning, when those doors open, they run the maze, mapping it, memorizing it, trying to find a way out.
~ Newt to Thomas about the Runners.
It's a girl. I think she's dead.
(Gally: What's in her hand?)
"She's the last one... ever." What the hell does that mean?
~ Newt to Gally after Teresa arrives in the Glade.
Well, we started this together. May as well end it that way, too.
~ Newt before leaving for the Last City with Thomas and Frypan.
Yeah, we're all bloody inspired.
~ Newt before jumping out of the window of the WCKD tower along with Thomas and Minho.
Dear Thomas, this is the first letter I can remember writing. Obviously, I don't know if I wrote any before the Maze. But even if it's not my first, it's likely to be my last. I want you to know that I'm not scared. Well, not of dying, anyway. It's more forgetting. It's losing myself to this virus, that's what scares me. So every night, I've been saying their names out loud. Alby, Winston, Chuck. And I just repeat them over and over like a prayer, and it... And it all comes flooding back. Just the little things like where the sun used to hit the Glade at that perfect moment right before it slipped beneath the walls. And I remember the taste of Frypan's stew. I never thought I'd miss that stuff so much. And I remember you. I remember the first time you came up in the Box, just a scared little Greenie who couldn't even remember his own name. But from that moment you ran into the Maze, I knew I would follow you anywhere. And I have. We all have. If I could do it all over again, I would. And I wouldn't change a thing. And my hope for you... is when you're looking back years from now, you'll be able to say the same. The future's in your hands now, Tommy. And I know you'll find a way to do what's right. You always have. Take care of everyone for me. And take care of yourself. You deserve to be happy. Thank you for being my friend. Goodbye, mate. Newt.
~ Newt's letter in the end of THE DEATH CURE.

Newt is one of the two tritagonists (alongside Minho) of the Maze Runner trilogy. He is the older brother of Sonya, the best friend and fellow Glader of Thomas, Teresa, Minho, Gally, and Frypan, the best friend and fellow Right Arm member of Aris, Brenda, Jorge, Vince, and Harriet, and the second-in-command of the Gladers.

Newt is portrayed by Thomas Brodie-Sangster, who also portrays Sam in Love Actually and Red Nose Day Actually, Simon Brown in Nanny McPhee, Jojen Reed in Game of Thrones, and Benny Watts in The Queen's Gambit, and voices Ferb Fletcher in Phineas and Ferb and John Tracy in Thunderbirds Are Go. In the Japanese dub, he is voiced by Daiki Yamashita, who also voices Izuku Midoriya in My Hero Academia and Narancia Ghirga in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.


The Maze Runner[]

Newt is present when Thomas arrives in the Glade. When Thomas starts to run, but trips and falls, Newt and the Gladers laugh at this.

Alby introduces Thomas to Newt and tells him that he will be in charge when Alby is not around.

When Gally stops Thomas from walking into the Maze, Newt and the Gladers join Gally in stopping Thomas from walking into the Maze.

At night, at the bonfire, Newt tells Thomas about the Maze, the walls, the Grievers, and the Runners. Newt watches Thomas and Gally wrestle before Thomas knocks Gally down to the ground, but Gally knocks Thomas down to the ground as well, causing him to remember his name.

The next day, Ben, having been stung by a Griever, ttacks Thomas, Newt and the Gladers manage to get Ben off Thomas.

Later, along with the other Gladers, Newt banishes Ben from the Glade.

The next day, when Thomas runs into the Maze to help Minho and Alby, who have gone into the Maze to retrace Ben's steps when Alby got stung by a Griever, Newt tries to grab him along with Gally and another Glader, but is unsuccessful.

The next day, Newt is present when Thomas, Minho, and Alby return to the Glade.

In the Council Hall, during the Gathering, Newt asks Gally what they should do with Thomas. Gally replies that Thomas should be punished for going into the Maze to help Minho and Alby. Newt hears the Box alarm ringing, prompting him to run out of the Council Hall along with the other Gladers and investigate.

Newt arrives at the Box along with Gally, where they open its doors and discover that the new arrival is a girl named Teresa. As Thomas and the other Gladers arrive and gather around the Box, Newt jumps down into the Box. When Gally asks Newt what is in Teresa's hand, Newt pulls out a note from Teresa's hand and reads the words "She's the last one ever" on it. As Newt asks the other Gladers what the words mean, Teresa suddenly wakes up, recognizes Thomas, says his name, and goes back to sleep. As the other Gladers look suspiciously at Thomas, Gally asks the other Gladers if they still think he is overreacting.

Newt decides that Thomas will spend one night in the Pit with no food, causing Gally to leave the Council Hall in anger.

Later, while getting rocks thrown at him and the other Gladers by Teresa, who has fled to top of the tower after waking up, Newt is approached by Thomas, who stops Teresa and goes up to talk to her, while Newt leaves along with the other Gladers.

At night, in the medical hut, Alby starts attacking Thomas, but Newt, Jeff, and Clint manage to restrain him, allowing Teresa to inject him in the chest with the serum that she had with her when she arrived in the Glade. Newt, along with Teresa, Jeff, and Clint, watch over Alby while Gally escorts Thomas to the Pit.

The next day, when Thomas and Minho return to the Glade, Newt, along with the other Gladers, watch Thomas and Gally argue with each other, when Teresa calls out to them and the other Gladers and tells them that Alby is awake.

In the medical hut, along with Teresa, Minho, Gally, and Frypan, Newt watches Alby tell Thomas that he remembers that Thomas worked for WCKD.

At night, during the Grievers' attack on the Glade, Newt, along with Thomas, Teresa, Minho, Frypan, Alby, Chuck, Winston, Jeff, and Clint, hide in the Council Hall from the Grievers. Newt watches Clint get killed by a Griever. Chuck is caught by a Griever, but Alby sacrifices himself to save him.

After the attack, Gally punches Thomas in the face in far more rage, violence, and aggressiveness than before, causing Newt to try to restrain him along with Minho, Frypan, Winston, and Jeff. As Newt, Minho, Frypan, Winston, and Jeff try to restrain Gally, Thomas takes a Griever stinger from Chuck and uses it to stab himself in the thigh to regain his memories. Newt goes to tend to Thomas along with Teresa, Minho, Frypan, Winston, and Jeff.

The next day, along with Teresa, Minho, Frypan, Chuck, Winston, and Jeff, Newt learns from Thomas that he and Teresa worked for WCKD and created the Maze.

Gally, having taken command, crosses out Alby's name on the wall, has Teresa tied to a pole, and attempts to have Thomas tied to another pole. Newt knocks down a Glader while Thomas fights off two Gladers and Teresa kicks a Glader in the groin, allowing Frypan to cut her free. Newt escapes along with his group of Gladers while Gally stays with his own group of Gladers in the Glade.

Newt helps his group of Gladers fight off the Grievers, but Jeff dies trying to save Minho from a Griever. Newt, along with his group of Gladers, go into the WCKD lab and watch a video left by Ava Paige, who shoots herself at the end of the video.

Newt is about to leave along with his group of Gladers are about to leave when Gally, having been stung by a Griever, appears with a gun and insists that they will never be free. Gally fires a bullet at Thomas, but Chuck sacrifices himself by taking the bullet in the chest, giving Minho a chance to throw a spear at Gally, causing it to non-fatally impale him in the chest, causing Gally to drop to his knees, drop the gun, and collapse on his right side on the floor. Newt watches Chuck die in Thomas' arms before being taken along with his group of Gladers to a helicopter by a group of masked soldiers.

Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials[]

In The Scorch Trials, Newt and the other Gladers in the dormitory were awoken by sounds of groaning and banging. An insane group of humans infected by the Flare, known as Cranks, attacked in vain at the barred windows of the dormitory.

While Thomas wandered the building in search of Teresa, Newt waited with the other Gladers in the dorm that were sleeping in. When Thomas discovered a new boy in the dormitory Teresa had stayed in, Newt decided to interrogate the boy. During the interrogation, the boy introduced himself as Aris, and revealed that he was part of a group of female Gladers called Group B, much to the shock of Newt and his fellow Gladers.

At 5:00, the Gladers awoke and waited for the Flat Trans. The Flat Trans arrived an hour later, and Minho told Thomas to enter the Flat Trans last to make sure Newt and the other Gladers followed. Thomas complied, and the Gladers entered the Flat Trans and were taken underground. Later, Newt and the other Gladers emerged to the surface and found themselves in the wasteland called the Scorch, where Thomas noticed an abandoned city a far distance away. Newt and the other Gladers trekked towards the abandoned city in hopes of finding food and water there.

After hearing a scream from the shack, Newt and Minho instructed Thomas to investigate. When he returned, he reported seeing Teresa. Newt and Minho immediately questioned why Thomas did not return with her, but Thomas told them she told him to part from her.

Once inside the shelter they used to hide from the storm, Newt discussed with Thomas and the other Gladers their next course of action. Their conversation was interrupted by a Hispanic leader of the Cranks named Jorge, who questioned the Gladers of their purpose in the Scorch.

After lunch with Jorge, Newt and the Gladers heard a crash coming from the lower floor of the tower, and they and the Cranks rushed to evacuate. Newt, Jorge, and the other Gladers escaped the tower but were separated from Thomas and Brenda during the evacuation. Afterwards, Jorge led Newt and the Gladers through the abandoned city and eventually constructed a camp near the outskirts. Newt and the other Gladers spread out to look for Thomas and Brenda after making the tent. During the search, Frypan reported seeing Thomas and Brenda being taken prisoner by a small group of Cranks in an alley. The reported sighting enraged Newt and the others, and Minho immediately began planning out an ambush. Newt participated in the ambush and fought the Cranks with the others while Minho freed Thomas and Brenda. Eventually, Newt and the other Gladers succeeded in defeating the Cranks and left.

Newt and the group watched as a Berg brought Thomas aboard to remove the bullet wound he received from the Crank, Blondie. Thomas was then dropped back off to his group and they continued to the safe haven.

When Group B took Thomas, hostage they warned Newt and the other Gladers that if they followed the girls to their camp in the mountains to rescue Thomas, they would open fire on them with bows and arrows.

After finally reaching the safe haven in a snowy valley, Newt and the other Gladers made an alliance with Group B to confront WICKED. A moment later, the Gladers were reunited with Thomas, Aris, and Teresa, now free of WICKED's corruption. Afterwards, several canisters emerged from the ground and strange monsters emerged from them and attacked the Gladers and Group B. Eventually, Newt, with help from the other Gladers and Group B, destroyed the monsters. Shortly afterwards, a Berg arrived, and Newt, along with the rest of the Gladers, Group B, Brenda, and Jorge, climbed aboard and escaped. Onboard the Berg, Newt and the other Gladers celebrated their success.

Maze Runner: The Death Cure[]

Newt, along with Thomas, Frypan, Brenda, Jorge, Vince, Harriet, and the Right Arm, rescue and take Aris, Sonya, and the Immune children to their new hideout.

At night, when Thomas leaves the hideout to go to the Last City to rescue Minho, Newt joins him and Frypan.

The next day, Newt, along with Thomas and Frypan, drive into the sewers, where they are attacked by Cranks. Brenda and Jorge arrive to rescue them.

Newt, along with Thomas, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge, arrive in the Last City. While walking with Thomas, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge to the walls of the Last City, Newt notices a crew wearing gas masks following them and alerts Thomas, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge to the crew's presence. WCKD aims turrets at the crowd, forcing Newt to run along with Thomas, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge to run to avoid being attacked by the turrets.

Newt runs into a safe corner along with Thomas, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge run into a safe corner where they encounter the crew, who force Newt into a van with Frypan and Jorge and Thomas and Brenda into another van. The crew drive Newt to the hideout along with Thomas, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge.

At the hideout, one of the crew members takes off his mask and reveals himself to be Gally. Thomas, still enraged over Gally killing Chuck during the escape from the Maze, gives him a punch to the face as revenge for the punch to the face that he endured from Gally after the Grievers' attack on the Glade. Newt rushes over to stop Thomas from beating up Gally. Thomas reminds Newt of when Gally killed Chuck. Newt replies that he remembers that Gally was stung by a Griever and half out of his mind. With that, Thomas gets off Gally. Newt asks Gally how he is still alive, as he, Thomas, and Frypan watched him die. Gally replies that he, Thomas, and Frypan left him to die, then explains that they, Brenda, and Jorge would have been killed by the turrets if Gally and his crew hasn't rescued them. Newt tells Gally that Minho is being held in the WCKD tower and that he, Thomas, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge are looking for a way in. Gally offers to help them get into the WCKD tower. Thomas, at first, refuses to follow Gally, but Gally replies that he can get him, Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge through the walls of the Last City.

While following Gally to Lawrence's hideout along with Thomas, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge, Newt is told by Gally that after he, Thomas, Frypan, and the other Gladers left him behind in the WCKD lab, he was found still lying on the floor with the spear still in his chest by Lawrence's crew, who, after discovering that he is immune to the Flare, pulled the spear out of his chest and took him to the Last City to meet Lawrence, who healed Gally of the spear wound and convinced him to join his crew. Newt is told by Gally that Lawrence's crew is working to destroy WCKD. Newt is warned by Gally not to stare at Lawrence.

Newt, along with Thomas, Gally, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge, arrive in Lawrence's hideout. Thomas tells Lawrence that he, Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge need to get into the WCKD tower, as Gally said that he can get them through the walls of the Last City. Lawrence replies that the way into the WCKD tower is impossible. Gally replies that the way into the WCKD tower won't work without Thomas. When Lawrence asks Thomas why he should trust him, Thomas replies that WCKD has something they both want. Lawrence tells Thomas that he, Newt, and Gally can go into the Last City while Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge stay behind. Thomas agrees and shakes Lawrence's hand. As Jorge tells Thomas to be careful going with Newt and Gally into the Last City and Frypan tells Gally to take care of Newt and Thomas, Newt sits down to straighten his shoes, but notices his right hand twitching, making him realize that he has been infected by the Flare.

Newt walks through the tunnels along with Thomas and Gally where Gally uses a generator in the tunnels to turn on the light bulbs so he can lead Thomas and Newt through the tunnels.

At night, Newt goes with Thomas and Gally on a tour of the Last City. They hear an announcer telling everyone in the Last City to return home. With that, Newt decides to return to Lawrence's hideout along with Thomas and Gally. On the way back to Lawrence's hideout, Newt, along with Thomas and Gally, hide from the WCKD soldiers.

After Newt returns to Lawrence's hideout along with Thomas and Gally, Gally uses a telescope to look at the WCKD tower and tells Thomas and Newt about its security system. When Thomas asks Gally about the way in that he had mentioned before, Gally convinces Thomas to look through the telescope, Thomas agrees and sees Teresa working in a lab. Gally reveals to Thomas that he plans to use Teresa to get into the WCKD tower.

The next day, in Lawrence's hideout, Newt goes over plans along with Thomas, Gally, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge to use Teresa to get into the WCKD tower. Thomas is reluctant to use Teresa as their way into the WCKD tower. Newt reacts violently and aggressively to Thomas' reluctance, screaming at him for still having feelings for Teresa. Shocked about himself, Newt apologizes and leaves.

Thomas finds Newt sitting on a rooftop. Newt shows Thomas his infection, as revealed by the black veins on his right arm. Newt reveals that the reason WCKD put him in the Maze was because they wanted to tell the difference between immunes like Thomas and people like himself. Thomas tells Newt that he can cure him. Newt replies that they need to get Minho out of the WCKD tower. Thomas agrees.

The next night, while Thomas and Gally go into the Last City to capture Teresa, Newt goes with Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge to an abandoned church. Thomas and Gally take Teresa to the church where Newt, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge are. Newt is told by Teresa along with Thomas, Gally, and Frypan that Minho is in Sub-Level 3 with the Immune children.

After Gally and Frypan get their trackers removed by Teresa, Newt approaches them and gives them WCKD soldier overall uniforms and face-masking helmets.

Disguised with WCKD soldier overall uniforms and face-masking helmets along with Thomas and Gally, Newt goes with them and Teresa to the WCKD tower, while Frypan climbs up a crane, Brenda goes to a parking lot to steal a bus, and Jorge returns to the Right Arm's hideout.

Newt, along with Thomas and Teresa, enter the WCKD Tower through the main entrance while Gally enters the WCKD tower through the parking garage.

Newt, along with Thomas, Teresa, and Gally, arrive in a stairwell. While Thomas talks to Frypan and Brenda on a walkie-talkie and Gally plugs a jamming device into the electrical box, Newt starts coughing due to his infection while leaning over the stairwell railing as Teresa, who is sitting on a step, looks on.

After learning that Minho has been moved up to the medical wing, Newt goes to find him along with Thomas and Teresa, while Gally takes the children and the vials of serum that he had taken out of the vault to Brenda.

When Thomas and Teresa discover that Minho has been moved up to the medical wing, they and Newt go to find him, while Gally takes the children and the vials of serum that he had taken out of the vault to Brenda.

Newt, Thomas, and Teresa take the elevator to find Minho. Janson joins them in the elevator and talks to Teresa, but then realizes that Newt and Thomas are in the elevator, but Newt, Thomas, and Teresa manage to escape. When Thomas asks when the Flare will stop, Teresa replies that it stops when WCKD finds a cure. Thomas replies that there is no cure. Janson holds them at gunpoint, but Teresa manages to let Newt and Thomas go to find Minho while she goes to do a blood test on Thomas' blood.

After reuniting with Minho, Newt runs with him and Thomas to escape from Janson and the WCKD soldiers. Newt manages to lock himself in a room along with Thomas and Minho. Thomas manage to break the window along with Minho and jumps with him and Newt out of the window and into the pool. When they climb out of the pool, four masked soldiers appear and order them to surrender, but one of them shoots the other three, takes off his helmet, and reveals himself to be Gally. Minho is shocked to see that Gally is alive, and Gally tells him, Newt, and Thomas that they are nuts.

While hiding from the WCKD soldiers along with Thomas, Minho, and Gally, Newt is asked by Minho how he is feeling. Newt replies that he feels terrible. While Minho and Gally talk to each other, Thomas carries Newt off into the Last City.

While going to the berg along with Thomas, Minho, and Gally, Newt sees the walls of the Last City exploding as a result of Lawrence sacrificing himself to destroy them.

While hiding behind garden beds along with Thomas, Minho, and Gally, Newt sees the battle between the WCKD soldiers and Lawrence's crew. Newt manages to escape along with Thomas, Minho, and Gally.

Newt is unable to get to the berg due to his infection, prompting Minho and Gally to run to the berg to get the serum from Brenda. Newt gives Thomas his necklace before passing out. While carrying Newt into a train station, Thomas hears Teresa telling him that his blood can cure Newt like it did Brenda. Newt becomes a Crank and attacks Thomas. Thomas fights Newt and stabs him in the chest with a knife. Minho, Gally, Frypan, and Brenda arrive and see Newt's dead body. While Thomas walks off to the WCKD tower, Minho and Frypan kneel at Newt's dead body, with Gally and Brenda watching on.

Sometime later at the Safe Haven, while Newt's name is engraved on the memorial rock by Minho, Thomas discovers that the necklace Newt gave him had a note inside. Thomas reads the note, in which Newt tells him to look after himself and everyone, before thanking Thomas for being his friend.

Physical Appearance and Personality[]

Newt was generally kinder than many other Gladers, though he could still be rough when he had to keep order. He always tried to look out for his friends and seemed the most upset by the deaths during The Scorch Trials. Newt had a strong accent (either English or Scottish, according to Dashner) and frequently used British curses, most notably "bloody".

Newt was described as being rather tall and muscular, with blonde hair that came down over his shoulders and a square jaw. He had a limp from his attempted suicide, during which he climbed one of the walls in the Maze and leapt off it. In the books, Newt is often "the older boy", hinting that he's at least older than Thomas.

In the film adaptations, Newt is played by Thomas Brodie-Sangster, who portrayed him with short hair and a distinctly English accent.

Newt is shown as being friendlier and with a better sense of humor than Alby. While he can be stern, he definitely cares very deeply for his fellow Gladers and has their best interests at heart. He's often the voice of reason that keeps the group from breaking apart, hence his WCKD-given nickname, The Glue. He is shown to be quite sensitive, especially as a child, and struggles to continue when Alby is killed. He is depressed to the point of suicidal tendencies over his friends who died in the Glade.

One of Newt's most defining traits is his selflessness and refusal to let his own problems affect the well-being of his friends. When he gets infected by the Flare, he does his best to stay calm despite being terrified of losing himself and cares only for the rescue of Minho.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Leadership: In the film adaptations of the books, Newt was shown to be a neutral leader, when Alby wasn't around, he used to be the second in command, but when Alby died, Newt stood by Thomas to help lead him and the others to freedom. He has also been the voice of reason for when everyone in the group felt like giving up including Thomas, but Newt encouraged him to keep moving on and to not give up on his choice and he keeps the bonds they formed together going. In the film adaptation of The Death Cure, Newt said that he would follow Thomas to rescue their friend Minho and willingly vowed to trade his life for it even when he had the chance to get the serum from dying by the Flare virus. Then in the end, Newt wrote a letter explaining to Thomas that from the moment they became friends in the Maze, he wasn't afraid to step into the unknown with him and told him that the future rested in his hands, and to take care of their loved ones if he was to perish.
  • Athletic Human Strength: Newt was a muscular boy who was strong enough to possess great athletic strength for his height and size. He was capable using a shovel to whack an infected Ben off of Thomas in the head, which caused him to bleed, then gave Thomas assistance in smashing through a glass window and holding off a Crank from biting his face on his own physical contact. Then in the film adaptation of The Death Cure, in far more rage than before over Thomas refusing to use Teresa to rescue Minho, he was able to pin him against the wall due to being infected with the Flare virus, which seemingly increased his efforts.
  • Peak Human Durability: After Newt tells Thomas that he attempted suicide by climbing up the top of the wall and jumping into the Maze but broke his leg, Minho found Newt and brought him back to the Glade with a broken leg. Newt was still capable of moving very quickly even with a damaged limp in his leg without need of support from anyone to carry him nor even show signs of a strain. In the film adaptation of The Death Cure, Newt leaped out the window of the 20th floor of the WCKD lab with Thomas and Minho, landing unhurt in the water.
  • Strong-Willed: When Newt reveals that he was infected with the Flare virus, he slowly began losing half of his sanity which caused his behavior to become slightly aggressive but due to the aspects of his mental strength of will he showed a remarkable resilience to the effects of the virus for a constant time limit for 6 months after his injection of the WCKD enzyme known as Bliss, before it completely forced him to deteriorate when fighting against Thomas and begging him to kill him before it almost took him over.
  • Peak Human Accuracy & Weapon Proficiency: Newt was shown to have achieve complete and utter accuracy on distant targets, with the activity in using projectile weaponry including a dagger in close combat. In the film adaptation of The Scorch Trials, when the Right Arm headquarters was being ambushed by WCKD, he used great skills with a rifle on many WCKD soldier and even made a headshot directly at one of them. In the film adaptation of The Death Cure, he fights against WCKD along with Thomas and Gally with a Launcher, using amazing close quarter hand-eye coordination on every opponent that came from each corner direction to the chest part of their hearts and shot a guard, who quickly drew his pistol on Newt, but failed to fire it, leaving him unharmed.
  • Dagger Proficiency: During his time in the Maze, Newt showed to know his way with using a dagger for working or combat.
  • Brawling: Newt was an adept brawler as demonstrated in the film adaptation of The Maze Ruuner, swinging a shovel onto an infected Ben to save Thomas and his elbow to knock a Glader down to the ground. During the Death Cure novel, he helped trip over a fully armed WCKD Soldier while Thomas' knee kicked above after they both stealthily snuck up on him.

As a Crank[]


Mutated Human Physiology: Due to being infected with the deadly Flare virus, it began mutating both Newt's physiology and psychology, granting him these few characteristics of a Crank:

  • Feral Mind: Once Newt's veins turned black, the Flare virus spread to his mind, which caused him berserk rage towards any living subject in contact near his position and attempted to bite them.
  • Pain Suppression: The other attribute of becoming a Crank granted Newt suppression towards pain as Thomas pushed him to the ground and landed a few numerous blows of peak strength on him, neither of which slowed him down enough to be weakened.


  • Backpack: Newt carried supplies and a water bottle for himself and his friends to use in support of this backpack.
  • Winchester Model 70 rifle: In the film adaptation of The Scorch Trials, Newt temporarily used this rifle to defend himself and the others against the incoming WCKD soldiers.
  • Kel-Tec KSG (Launcher): It was shown in the film adaptation of The Death Cure that Newt used this weapon of WCKD property to fight against them with his allies.
  • Electric Stun Grenade: In the film adaptation of The Death Cure, when out of ammo, Newt grabbed a taser-like device off a stunned WCKD guard he shot and used it on the last three.
  • Browning Hi-Power Pistol: Newt used this side arm pistol in the Scorch during a deleted scene of the film adaptation of The Death Cure.
  • Combat Knife: In the film adaptation of The Death Cure, Newt carried this item and used it as a Crank against Thomas.


Great, we're all bloody inspired.
Order. you say that bloody word over and over in your shuck head. Reason we're all sane around here is 'cause we work our butts off and maintain order. Order's the reason we put Ben out-can't very well have loonies runnin' around tryin' to kill people, now can we? Order. Last thing we need is you screwin' that up.
Don't tell me we're still gonna get bloody Newbies thrown in our laps.
Guess I'll go bug somebody else till the excitement begins, which better be bloody soon. I'm hungry.

Well, at least you didn't bloody roll over and die, Tommy.

Shuck it, I've never seen so many shanks acting like teat-sucking babies.
You wanna know why I have this limp, Tommy? Did I ever tell you? No, I don't think so. I tried to kill myself in the Maze. Climbed halfway up those bloody walls and jumped right off. I hated the place, Tommy.
Please, Tommy. please.


  • Thomas Brodie-Sangster, who played Newt in the Maze Runner trilogy, also voices Ferb Fletcher in Phineas and Ferb.

External Links[]
