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Heroes Wiki

Nex is a major character in the Winx Club series.

He is a paladin from the Linphea College, a current member of the specialists and Aisha’s current boyfriend after Roy.

In the original version he is voiced by Daniele Raffaeli.


Nex is usually a determined and confident showboater, but not too much, as he sometimes cheats to prove that he is brave and good at sports, but too competitive, and other things and towards those he can't stand, like Roy in the beginning. His character is very similar to that of Riven, in fact they are great friends.

He also loves having fun and adventure, and loves challenging challenges, always throwing himself into the field and doesn't get unnecessarily angry when he loses, even if he gets a little annoyed. At the end of the sixth season, he gets engaged to Aisha and this changes his character for the better, becoming more caring, altruistic and kind.


Nex is a light, tall and charming boy, with a square and pointed face and is also very muscular. His eyes are crimson in color and he has straight blue hair always cut short that looks like a scab.


  • In Latin, the word "nex" means "murder" or "death" opposite Aisha's name, meaning "life" or "alive".

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           Winx-club-logo-3d Heroes

Bloom | Stella | Flora | Musa | Tecna | Aisha | Roxy

Sky | Brandon | Riven | Helia | Timmy | Nabu | Roy | Nex | Thoren

Faragonda | Griffin | Daphne | Palladium | Wizgiz | Saladin | Marion | Oritel | Mirta | Knut | Mike | Vanessa | Erendor

Lockette | Amore | Chatta | Tune | Digit | Piff | Cherie
