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Nexo Knights are a group serving as the titular main protagonists of the LEGO Nexo Knights franchise. They are a group of five young knights protecting the kingdom of Knighton from monsters under the command of the arch-necromancer Monstrox.


Seasons 1-2[]

Nexo Knights were formed out of five Knights' Academy students - Aaron Fox, Axl, Clay Moorington, Lance Richmond and Macy Halbert, - upon their graduation. On the night of their graduation, the royal jester Jestro turned to the dark side and released the evil Book of Monsters and the Lava Monsters inside him from imprisonment. The knights were nearly overrun by them, but were saved by Merlok 2.0 granting them a Nexo Power. Since then, Nexo Knights and Merlok 2.0 continued to foil Jestro's plans and save the denizens of Knighton from trouble.

Seasons 3-4[]

After defeating Monstrox and his monsters, Nexo Knights temporarily disbanded for the next few months, each tending to their own job for a while. When Monstrox returned, brainwashed Jestro and brought a new army of Stone Monsters with him, the team was reassembled and fought the villains. Eventually, Clay succumbed to a spell accidentally placed on him by Monstrox and turned to stone. Aaron Fox was chosen to lead the team in Clay's place, and remained its leader even after Clay was brought back to life, as the now stone knight was unstable and unfit for the job. Eventually, the heroes were able to defeat Monstrox again and save Knighton from destruction.


The Nexo Knights are a group of five knights. Each of them wields a unique weapon: claymore sword for Clay, power mace for Macy, lance for Lance, crossbow for Aaron and an axe for Axl. Said weapons, as well as their armor, can be empowered with digitized spells such as Nexo Powers, provided to the knights by their mentor Merlok 2.0. The team's other tech support includes two Knights' Academy students, Ava Prentis and Robin Underwood, and several Squirebots.



The Fortrex.

The Fortrex is the Nexo Knights' base and primary means of transportation across the kingdom. Originally known as Ye Old Royal RV and belonging to King Halbert, it was gifted to the knights by him and rebuilt by Robin, Ava and the Squirebots.



  • Before the team's name was settled on, names such as "Knights of Knighton", "Nexus Knights", "Future Knights" and "Exo Knights" were proposed.
  • According to Tommy Andreasen, all Nexo Knights, not counting Merlok 2.0 and junior knights, are either in their late teens or early twenties.


           Nexo KnightsHeroes

Nexo Knights
Aaron Fox | Axl | Clay Moorington | Lance Richmond | Macy Halbert | Merlok 2.0
Knighton Royal Family
King Halbert | Queen Halbert | Macy Halbert
Knights' Academy
Staff: Merlok 2.0 | Principal Brickland | Sir Griffiths
Students: Ava Prentis | Fletcher Bowman | Izzy Richmond | Robin Underwood
Merry Mechs
Dennis | Robot Hoodlum
Jack Shields | Jestro | King's Guard | Lava Monsters | Ned Knightly | NK-422 | Order of the Eight | Rogul | Squirebots

See Also
Lego Heroes
