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Demon! I will kill you as many times as I have to!
~ Neytiri when remembering Colonel Quaritch

Neytiri is the deuteragonist and lead heroine of James Cameron's Avatar franchise. She is the daughter of the leader of the Omaticaya (the Na'vi clan central to the story). She is attracted to Jake because of his bravery, though frustrated with him for what she sees as his naiveté and stupidity. She serves as both the film's Na'vi protagonist and Jake Sully's love interest. The character, like all the Na'vi, was created using performance capture, and her visual aspect is entirely computer generated.

She is portrayed by Zoe Saldana, who also plays Gamora in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain Celaeno from My Little Pony: the Movie, Nyota Uhura in the Star Trek films, and Maria Posada from The Book of Life.


Early Life[]

To be added.


To be added.

Avatar: The Way of Water[]

To be added.


Initially, Neytiri was hostile towards Jake and humans in general (save for Grace Augustine, who the Na'vi are on friendly terms with and are taught English by) because of the damage caused by the RDA to her home and people, but after getting to know Jake better, she begins to warm up to them. Despite this, she still hates the humans from the RDA who were involved in destroying the Na'vi's Hometree, such as Colonel Miles Quaritch. She cares for the wildlife of Pandora deeply, as shown when she gets angry at Jake for having had to kill a pack of viperwolves to save his life. She is also brave, as she gets involved in the Na'vi's fight against the RDA without any signs of fear, refuses to retreat when surrounded by soldiers despite Jake's order to do so, and hisses threateningly at Colonel Quaritch while he has her captive.



  • James Cameron painted a similar character around 1976. He stated in interview "Her name wasn't Neytiri and it was in a completely different context, but I was already thinking about it then."
  • Neytiri was originally named "Zuleika Te Kaha Polenoma" in James Cameron's first concept (Project 880).
  • It is stated in the script that Neytiri is pregnant with Jake's child at the end of the film. While this was taken out in the final release, it does factor into the sequels, as Neytiri and Jake have two sons and a daughter. Neytiri being pregnant is among the deleted scenes (New Life) from the Extended Collector's Edition.
  • During the final battle, Neytiri has a white hand print on her chest as part of her warpaint. It has five fingers, indicating that it is Jake's hand.
  • In the script, she is named "Neytiri te Ckaha Mo'at’ite". In both the extended re-release and the Extended Collector's Edition, she gives her full name to Jake during his first night with the Omaticaya clan.
  • Also in the script, Neytiri is stated to be roughly 18 human years old.
  • In 2006, temporary actor Yunjin Kim played the role of Neytiri in a prototype to demonstrate the new technology.
  • Neytiri is similar to Kerchak from Tarzan
    • They both wasn't always that way they once have Sister and son until their sister and son was killed right front of them, they became overprotecting their clans and aggressive ever since.
    • They both let Spider and Tarzan stay Clans refuses to accept them as sons, they want to get rid of Spider and Tarzan.
    • They both want Jake and Tarzan to protect their peoples from RDA and Dangers, they won't take risk safety for their families.
    • They both so anger told Jake and Tarzan they betrayal peoples and never come back.
    • They both feel guilty and remorse after they focus them to leave.

External Links[]


           JamesCameron'sAvatarLogo Heroes

Jake Sully | Grace Augustine | Norm Spellman | Max Patel | Trudy Chacón | Miles "Spider" Socorro

Omatikaya Clan
Neytiri | Eytukan | Mo'at | Tsu'tey
Metkayina Clan
Tonowari | Ronal | Tsireya | Aonung | Rotxo
Neteyam | Lo'ak | Tuktirey | Kiri

Creatures of Pandora
