After the Green Goblin falls into the sea, S.H.I.E.L.D. captures him and then imprisons him; Nick Fury then says to Norman Osborn that he assumes that he won't help him unlock the secret of his Oz formula. Norman angrily glares at Nick Fury and gives him the silent treatment. Nick Fury then tells Norman to listen up, and the silent treatment won't get him anywhere; Norman continues to give him the silent treatment. Nick then says fine, then says that his scientists could gather information from Norman with a few blood tests. Norman then tells Nick he can't have it, and if he tries to recreate his success, he will regret it, then Norman tells Nick, he will make him ache, Norman transforms into the Green Goblin again, then destroys a wall to escape. Nick Fury then sounds the alarm and orders to close all exits and not let Goblin escape. Goblin manages to escape.
Later on, Nick Fury meets with Spider-Man to warn him about the Green Goblin and that he knows who he is and will do anything to destroy him. Nick then gives Spider-Man a tracker so Spider-Man can get all the help he can get; later on, Green Goblin goes to the S.H.I.E.L.D. carrier to destroy it, and Nick, Nick watches this. Goblin tells Nick that he is hoping he is watching and that he will rip his hellicarrier into pieces. Nick then says there has to be a way to stop Goblin; he sees that Goblin made it to the top deck. Nick then says he will handle Goblin personally, and the hellicarrier gets destroyed. However, Nick manages to survive, Spider-Man gets the wreckage off of Fury, he then asks Fury if he is alright, Nick then tells Spidey to forget about him, and that Goblin is still here, then tells Spider-Man to find him, he then tells Spider-Man he was on top of the flaming wreckage.
After Spider-Man defeats the Green Goblin, S.H.I.E.L.D. recaptures him. Spider-Man then asks Nick if he is alright, then tells Spider-Man that he will live, then tells Spider-Man he did good. Spider-Man then tells Nick Fury if he can actually hold on to Goblin this time, that he won't crash any more hellicarriers. Spider-Man tells him that what he said was just a joke. Nick then leaves and tells Spider-Man that some friends have come by to say hello, and they turn out to be the Ultimates.
Ultimate Spider-Man[]
After Venom defeats Electro, he prepares to kill Spider-Man, but then S.H.I.E.L.D. come to Spider-Man's rescue; Nick Fury then tells Venom to stand down. Nick then shoots him and tells Venom to back down; Venom takes out the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, then Venom escapes, S.H.I.E.L.D. then has Electro taken into custody; Nick then tells Spider-Man to wake up, then get up. Spider-Man then asks Nick why he can't keep Electro in prison and why can't Silver Sable (mistaking Silver Sable as Nick Fury's employee). Nick then tells Spider-Man that he needs to calm down; Spider-Man then yells at his face, telling him that he needs to stop being killed by stupid people is what he needs. He then swings away from Nick. Later, on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s boat, Beetle appears and kills several agents, then frees the Green Goblin who was still in custody by S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick then realizes that Norman Osborn is gone. Nick holds a jamming device and tells Sharon Carter what it is. Sharon then asks Nick if Norman is on the loose again and should mobilize units around Spider-Man. Nick then tells Sharon if they did their jobs, Parker wouldn't even have known this had happened.
Later, Nick arrives on the rooftop of the Daily Bugle and phones Peter to get to the rooftop; Nick then tells Peter that he needs him to back off from the Latverian thing. Peter asks why, and Nick says 18 or older. Peter then asks what that means. Nick then says it means he needs him to back off. Peter then says fine, and this is his life, and don't come here, Nick then thanks Peter. Sharon Carter then asks Nick if he thinks he will behave; Nick then tells her that knowing Peter the way he does, he is absolutely sure that he will do the exact opposite of what he just asked him to do after Spider-Man defeats the Green Goblin once again, S.H.I.E.L.D. takes Goblin in again.
After Spider-Man defeated Venom for the last time and saves Bolivar Trask, Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. arrive; Nick then tells Spider-Man that he did well today. Peter then tells Nick that Eddie Brock needs to see this file since it is about their parents. Unfortunately, Venom escaped before S.H.I.E.L.D. arrived; Nick then tells Peter that they will find him, as they always do. After the story, you unlock Venom, and when you play as him when Venom gets enough points, S.H.I.E.L.D. will show up to try to stop him.