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With great power . . . comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.
~ Nico di Angelo, referencing the famous Spider-Man quote

Niccolò di Angelo, better known by his nickname Nico di Angelo, is a supporting character in the Percy Jackson franchise, serving as the central protagonist of Battle of the Labyrinth, one of the two tritagonists (alongside Reyna) of The Blood of Olympus, and the main protagonist of The Sun and the Star: A Nico di Angelo Adventure. He is the son of Maria di Angelo and the Greek god Hades, the younger brother of Bianca, the half-brother of Hazel Levesque, and the current boyfriend of Will Solace.


Nico was born in pre World War II Italy, two years after his sister Bianca.

A few years later, Nico, along with his sister and mother, moved to America. After Maria was killed when Zeus blasted the building she was in with the children, a devastated Hades had one of his Furies erase Nico and Bianca's memories of the incident, before placing them in a place where time worked very differently (The Lotus Hotel and Casino). Nico and Bianca believed that they stayed at the hotel for a few months, but actually stay there for seventy years, as it was the present day when they were taken out by a lawyer (who was actually the Fury Alecto in disguise).

Percy Jackson and the Olympians[]

The Titan's Curse[]

Nico goes to a military school called Westover Hall with Bianca, and he and Bianca are rescued by Percy Jackson, Thalia Grace, Grover Underwood and the Hunters of Artemis from monsters, learning in the process that they are demigods. At first, he is very childish and innocent and was obsessed with card games.

Nico disappointed when Bianca told him that she had joined the Hunters of Artemis rather than stay with him at Camp Half-Blood. Being he's too young, he can't accompany Bianca on her quest and asked Percy to look after her. But when Bianca died during the quest, Nico blames Percy and left Camp Half-Blood, but not before using his powers to dispatch several attacking skeleton warriors, revealing Nico's heritage as a son of Hades.

The Battle of the Labyrinth[]

Months after Bianca's death, Nico has become obsessed with getting his sister back and he is manipulated by the ghost of King Minos for Minos' own gain. Having trained with ghosts, Nico has come into his powers as a very powerful demigod and continues to hold a grudge against Percy. However, Bianca's ghost tells Nico that it wasn't Percy's fault that she died and told him to stop holding grudges as it is a flaw to children of Hades. Following this, Nico becomes friendly with Percy again. Nico helps in the final battle against Kronos' army and releases Daedalus' soul. He later appears to Percy at home, revealing that he has a plan to give Percy the power that he needs to defeat Kronos. Nico then accepts an invitation to join Percy's fifteenth birthday party.

The Sword of Hades[]

In The Demigod Diaries short story The Sword of Hades, taking place after the events of The Battle of the Labyrinth, Nico, Percy and Thalia Grace are called into the Underworld by Persephone to retrieve Hades' sword which has been stolen by Ethan Nakamura, a demigod working for Kronos. Ethan uses the sword to summon the Titan Iapetus out of Tartarus, but Percy manages to drop him into the River Lethe, erasing Iapetus' memory and convincing the Titan that he is their friend Bob. The demigods return the sword to Hades, discovering in the process that it was actually Persephone who had commissioned its creation, not Hades. Percy remains unsure of whether or not to go through with Nico's plan to defeat Kronos and Nico remains in the Underworld for the time being as Percy and Thalia return to the surface.

The Last Olympian[]

Nico continues to work with Percy against Kronos and Percy finally agrees to Nico's plan which is revealed to be to have Percy bathe in the River Styx and gain the Curse of Achilles. However, Nico betrays Percy to his father in exchange for information on his mother. Remorseful, Nico later rescues Percy from Hades' dungeon and helps him get the Curse of Achillies. Percy convinces his friend to remain in the Underworld to try to convince his father to join the fight against Typhon and Kronos. Nico continues his quest for answers about his past, attempting to summon his mother's ghost and finally receiving a vision that reveals the truth about Maria di Angelo's death at Zeus' hands.

Nico eventually succeeds in convincing Hades to come to the rescue of Olympus, something which is hailed as a hero for. With a new Hades Cabin being constructed at Camp Half-Blood, Nico finally gains a home there.

The Heroes of Olympus[]

The Lost Hero[]

Nico has left Camp Half-Blood in the months since Kronos' defeat and is stated to be looking for the missing Percy Jackson.

The Son of Neptune[]

An amnesiac Percy encounters Nico at the Roman Camp Jupiter where he is now the Ambassador of Pluto, his father's Roman form. Upon meeting Percy once again, Nico pretends not to recognize him. It's revealed that after Gaea had opened the Doors of Death and chained the god of death Thanatos, Nico had attempted to use the chance to resurrect Bianca. However, he had discovered that Bianca had already chosen rebirth. Instead, Nico found his Roman half-sister Hazel Levesque in the Fields of Asphodel and resurrected her instead using the Doors of Death. Nico departs to try to find the Doors of Death in the Underworld so that they can be closed.

The Mark of Athena[]

Nico has been captured by the giants and imprisoned in a jar, using pomegranate seeds from Persephone to keep himself alive in a Death Trance. Hazel and the six other demigods of the Prophecy of Seven, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez and Frank Zhang rescue Nico who reveals that he discovered that the Underworld side of the Doors of Death are located in Tartarus. In order to close the Doors of Death, they must be closed on both sides which Nico believes to be impossible as even he, a son of Hades, had barely survived Tartarus and such a quest would require a team powerful enough to defeat a legion of monsters in their home territory. When Percy and Annabeth fall into Tartarus, Percy makes Nico promise to lead the rest of the Seven to the mortal world side of the Doors of Death, promising to meet them there.

The House of Hades[]

Nico fulfills his promise to Percy to lead the Seven to the Doors of Death, getting turned into a corn plant briefly at one point. During a meeting with Cupid, the Roman god of Love, Nico admits to Jason that he is homosexual and that he has a crush on Percy with Jason discovering that Nico has a lot of internalized homophobia and self-hatred due to the times that he grew up in where being gay was much less acceptable than the modern era. Jason only gives Nico acceptance, but Nico reveals that he plans to leave both camps for good once Gaea and the Giants are gone. He later joins Reyna and Coach Hedge in transporting the Athena Parthenos back to Camp Half-Blood, using his Shadow Travel powers to move the statue across the world.

The Blood of Olympus[]

Nico nearly kills himself transporting the Athena Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood alongside Reyna and Coach Hedge. With the help of the legendary Pegasus and several of his children, they succeed in getting close and Nico goes ahead alone to attempt to stop Octavian and the Romans from destroying the camp while buying Reyna some more time. Nico is stopped from taking suicidal action to stop Octavian by Will Solace, a son of Apollo and he instead aids Will and his friends Cecil and Lou Ellen in sabotaging the Roman onagers. In a confrontation with Octavian, Nico reiterates his intention to abandon both camps for good, insisting that no one wanted him around and pushed him away. However, a shocked Will tells Nico that he actually does have friends, or at least people who would like to be his friends and that Nico had pushed himself away. During the final battle with Gaea, Will warns Nico that Octavian is preparing to fire an onager at where Jason, Piper, Leo and Festus are battling the Earth goddess. Recalling that Hades had told him that some deaths should not be prevented, Nico allows Octavian to fire the onager, knowing that Octavian's cloak is snagged in the firing rope, resulting in Octavian's death as Gaea is finally defeated by Leo.

In the aftermath, Nico is wracked with guilt over his possible role in Leo's death, unaware that Leo was resurrected by Festus with the Physician's Cure. He also worries about being seen as a monster for his actions by Will, but reveals to Jason that he has changed his mind about leaving for good, instead returning to Camp Half-Blood to live full time. Nico is shocked when Will, after Nico avoiding him for three days, is only angry that Nico hasn't spent time with him and he orders Nico to spend three days in the infirmary to recover from nearly killing himself transporting the Athena Parthenos across the world. Filled with new confidence, Nico comes out to Percy and reveals his crush on him, much to Percy's surprise as he genuinely had no idea that Nico had romantic feelings for him. However, Nico has now gotten over his crush and tells Percy that Percy really isn't his type, instead showing an attraction to Will Solace.

The Trials of Apollo[]

The Hidden Oracle[]

Six months after Gaea's defeat, Nico is still living at Camp Half-Blood full time. Having started a romantic relationship with Will Solace and finally found acceptance from his friends, Nico is now a much happier person, although he doesn't like being called Will's boyfriend. When Apollo arrives at Camp Half-Blood, he spends a lot of time with Nico and Will (even throwing Nico a "coming out" party) who reveal that they received word that Leo was resurrected after the battle, although Nico is furious at Leo for being gone for so long. Following the attack by the Colossus of Nero, Nico helps his boyfriend treat the cases of hay fever caused by the plague arrow that Apollo had used to defeat the automaton.

The Tower of Nero[]

Several months later, when Apollo returns to Camp Half-Blood, he discovers that Nico has fallen into a deep depression following the death of Jason Grace which Nico had sensed. Nico is shown to be receiving counseling from Dionysus and has been hearing voices calling out to him from Tartarus for help. Will and Nico join Apollo's quest to finally defeat Nero with Nico taking Apollo to meet the troglodytes, tunnel dwelling creatures that Nico has met and befriended in the months since Apollo had initially left Camp Half-Blood. While Apollo and Meg McCaffrey surrender themselves to Nero, Nico, Will and Rachel join the troglodytes in disarming Nero's vats of Greek fire. Nico then rescues Apollo from some of Nero's servants and uses a zombie bull to attack Nero's forces, although they are nearly defeated before Will and Rachel arrive with the others and Nero's faces. Following Nero's defeat, Nico helps Apollo get ready for his final battle with Python.

Two weeks later, after becoming a god once again, Apollo returns to Camp Half-Blood where he spends time with Nico, Will and Rachel. Nico has finally accepted Jason's death and decided not to try to resurrect him, knowing that it would only negate his sacrifice. Having continued hearing voices from Tartarus, Nico now believes that it is the Titan Iapetus, who was renamed Bob after Percy wiped his memories, calling for help despite Bob supposedly being destroyed helping Percy and Annabeth to escape from Tartarus. Nico is determined to return to Tartarus and try to find out what happened to his friend and to rescue Bob if he can with Will intent on joining him. Nico reveals that, although Hades has expressly forbid him from going near Tartarus again, the troggs can safely dig into and out of anywhere, providing Nico and Will with a way in and out. Rachel provides the two with a prophecy that Apollo doesn't hear but which Will admits doesn't sound good.

The Sun and the Star: A Nico di Angelo Adventure[]

Nico and Will undertake a quest to rescue Bob, who had sacrificed himself to get Percy and Annabeth out of tartarus, who has reformed after his battle with Tartarus


  • Necromancy: Due to being a son of hades, Nico has the ability to control the dead
  • Geokinesis: Like his half sister Hazel, Nico possess the ability to control the ground (though unlike Hazel, he can't control metals and gems)
  • Osteokinesis: Nico can cortol bones, make new forms from them, and even temporarily trap enemies with them
  • Umbrakinesis: Nico has the ability to melt into and use shadows to travel
  • Thermokinesis: Nico can generate extreme temperatures, creating freezing temperatures when infuriated and causing fire to erupt from fissures he creates




  • Nico’s fatal flaw is holding grudges.
  • Nico's last name di Angelo is italian for "The Angel"
  • Nico’s greatest fear is others discovering him being gay, but he finally gets over it and confesses his love to Percy but he got over that crush and started to like Will, and the two officially start a relationship (though Nico still doesn’t like being called Will’s boyfriend), which Apollo is totally supportive of, stating that he also had some mortal boyfriends.
  • Nico' fear of coming out is understandable, as during the 1930's being homosexual was a criminal offense
  • Using his shadow transportation, Nico was able to move a 2500 pound statue at 300 miles per hour. Nico's weight is unknown, but it is known his height. '5'6'. The average person of that height weighs around 165 Lbs. So 2500 divided by 165 is just over 15. So 300 multiplied by 15 is about 4500 miles per hour. Or Mach 2.5. So that's how fast Nico must be able to transport himself.

External Links[]


           Rrp-cropped Heroes

Camp Half-Blood: Gods
Apollo | Artemis | Athena | Dionysus | Hades | Hephaestus | Poseidon | Zeus

Camp Half-Blood: Demigods
Alabaster C. Torrington | Annabeth Chase (film series | Disney+ series) | Bianca di Angelo | Charles Beckendorf | Clarisse La Rue | Jason Grace | Leo Valdez | Luke Castellan | Meg McCaffrey | Nico di Angelo | Percy Jackson (film series | Disney+ series) | Piper McLean | Silena Beaurgard | Thalia Grace | Will Solace

Camp Half-Blood: Others
Blackjack | Chiron | Dr. Howard Claymore | Festus | Gleeson Hedge | Grover Underwood | Mrs. O'Leary | Rachel Elizabeth Dare | Rainbow | Sally Jackson | Tristan McLean | Tyson

Camp Jupiter: Demigods
Frank Zhang | Hazel Levesque | Jason Grace | Reyna Ramírez-Arellano

Kane Chronicles Heroes
Anubis | Carter Kane | Horus | Sadie Kane | Walt Stone | Zia Rashid

Magnus Chase Heroes
Alex Fierro | Blitzen | Magnus Chase | Samirah al-Abbas

Ella | Festus | Hunters of Artemis
