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But... I think now I can make them see the warrior that I am, not the warrior that they expect me to be. I plan to stand up for myself more, to speak up when I feel misunderstood. It may not be perfect. But I realize how much I still care for my Clanmates. And I think I have to try.
~ Nightheart deciding to return to ThunderClan

Nightheart is a minor character in The Broken Code arc and one of the three main protagonists (alongside Frostdawn and Sunbeam) of A Starless Clan arc in Erin Hunter's Warriors book franchise.

Formerly known as Flamepaw, named after his great-grandfather Firestar, he was resentful for constantly being compared to his ancestor, rejecting his old name during his warrior ceremony. He used to hold a grudge towards ThunderClan - namely his mother Sparkpelt - believing them to be condescending and apathetic towards him. He abruptly decided to move to ShadowClan, but after failing his three assessments to officially join, he returned to ThunderClan. There, he realized that his family and Clanmates did in fact care about him, and he was acting rude and selfish towards them, promising to do better and make them proud.


Nightheart is a thin, muscular, fully black tom with long whiskers and bright orange eyes. After the events of Star, one of his ears is torn.


As an apprentice and young warrior, Flamepaw/Nightheart was angry and bitter over his name and others viewing him as a reflection of the famous Firestar, causing others to view him as immature and overreacting. His dark coat color further created the division he believed to be between himself and Firestar.

But as Nightheart earns the respect of his Clanmates and gains a soft spot for his future mate Sunbeam, he becomes less aggressive towards his Clanmates and begins to somewhat accept Firestar as his ancestor while asserting to forge his own legacy. As he journeys with Frostpaw to the Park, he becomes supportive of her, and more friendly to the Park cats he meets. He eventually earns enough respect to have Squirrelstar assign Wafflepaw as his apprentice.


Squirrelflight's Hope[]

Flamekit is born to Sparkpelt and Larksong along with Finchkit and Flickerkit, and is named after Firestar. However, Flickerkit dies shortly after being born, and Larksong dies of sickness. Losing both her mate and one of her sons right after the other, Sparkpelt quickly spirals into a state of depression, rendering her unable to take care of her remaining two kits. Flamekit and Finchkit are given to Sorrelstripe and Daisy to be raised instead, with the latter worrying that they won't see Sparkpelt as their real mother due to her not interacting with them.

After Squirrelflight returns from StarClan, she encourages her daughter to spend time with her children, stating that Larksong and Flickerkit are watching over her and her kits in StarClan. When they visit the kits, Flamekit is excited to see his grandmother and at first thinks that Sparkpelt won't want to see them. Soon, Sparkpelt is able to establish a bond with her kits, who are more than happy to have her spending time with them.

The Broken Code[]

Lost Stars[]

When a Clan meeting is called, Finchkit and Flamekit tumble out of the nursery. They later start play fighting as Sorrelstripe watches while Sparkpelt is talking to Squirrelflight. When Bramblestar's body is brought into camp, the two along with their adoptive siblings Myrtlekit and Baykit watch his vigil with sadness.

The Silent Thaw[]

Flamepaw and Finchpaw become warrior apprentices, with their mentors being Lilyheart and Cinderheart respectively. When Sparkpelt is exiled from ThunderClan for looking for the recently banished Lionblaze, she takes Finchpaw with her and leaves Flamepaw behind, despite him wanting them to stay.

Darkness Within[]

While in an argument with Lionblaze, Thornclaw points out that many of the cats in power are Firestar's kin, asking if he intends to make Sparkpelt or Flamepaw the next deputy while glaring accusingly at the latter. Flamepaw shrinks away in discomfort at his gaze, leaning against Myrtlepaw.

A Starless Clan[]


Flamepaw and Baypaw listen to their Clanmates argue over the changes made to the warrior code. Flamepaw doesn't agree with what the senior warriors are saying, but doesn't speak up thinking that no one will listen to him anyways. He then thinks about his heritage and how his grandparents Bramblestar and Squirrelflight are the leader and deputy, and his great grandfather Firestar is a legendary warrior. The apprentices' mentors call them over to take their warrior assessments, and Sparkpelt wishes her children luck, with Flamepaw noting that she seems closer with Finchpaw than with him. He recalls how she distanced herself from him after Larksong's death, and that her and Finchpaw has bonded when she took her along in exile.

While taking his hunting assessment, he decides to try and impress his mentor by bouncing off a tree to catch prey. His strategy fails however, and he's only able to come back with a single mouse. Lilyheart holds him back from becoming a warrior for his failure while Finchlight, Bayshine and Myrtlebloom move on and become warriors without him. At the Gathering, Flamepaw mutters in annoyance about how ThunderClan thinks they're so much better than the other Clans after Ashfur's death. As the other apprentices taunt him for failing his assessment, the ShadowClan warrior Sunbeam breaks them up. While Flamepaw introduces himself, Sunbeam comments that his name doesn't really suit his appearance, unintentionally hurting him. As the leaders discuss the revised warrior code, Flamepaw states that cats who move to another Clan should be demoted back to apprentices while doing so, while the other apprentices continue to tease him. Lilyheart scolds her student for speaking up during a Gathering due to his rank, but Bramblestar offers support.

Back at camp, Flamepaw is scolded for letting Spotfur's kits - Bristlekit, Graykit, and Stemkit - help him with his apprentice duties. Sparkpelt comforts him at first, but when she starts speaking of his lineage, he snaps at her for leaving him behind when she was exiled and goes to seek comfort in Sorrelstripe instead. His adoptive mother encourages him to tell Lilyheart that he's ready to retake his assessment, and Squirrelflight says that Bramblestar is too busy to watch him, so she will instead. During the assessment, Flamepaw catches a thrush that a hawk was aiming for, hoping to impress Squirrelflight, but the deputy just scolds him for being reckless. He fails his assessment again, going to sulk away from his Clanmates. He then argues with his sister when she states that ThunderClan is superior to all the other Clans, though the two later make up as Flamepaw tells Finchlight about how out of place he feels in the Clan. They overhear their grandparents arguing about WindClan stealing prey, with Squirrelflight taking Flamepaw and Finchlight with her to speak to WindClan without Bramblestar's permission. There, Crowfeather warns them to be wary of Bramblestar's behavior after being trapped in the Dark Forest, as the negative energy affects a cat's behavior.

At the next Gathering, a group of WindClan apprentices taunt Flamepaw for still not having his warrior name, and he goes to have some time to himself by the island's shore. Sunbeam is also there, telling him about how her crush Blazefire doesn't reciprocate her feelings, her best friend Lightleap is spending more time with him now, and that her mother Berryheart is hateful towards cats who move Clans. Flamepaw in turn tells her about how he failed his assessment twice and the high expectations placed on him to be like Firestar, and the two bond over their issues.

After catching a rabbit in a hollow, Flamepaw finally passes his assessment and is allowed to become a warrior. He feels a bit disheartened when Sparkpelt says that his skills came from his great grandfather, but is excited nonetheless. The next day, his warrior ceremony is held and Bramblestar gives him the name Flameheart after Firestar's warrior name, Fireheart. His Clanmates start chanting his new name, but Flameheart, furious to be tied to his ancestors yet again, refuses to be named after them. Despite the Clan's outcries, Bramblestar, understanding of how he feels due to his warrior name being in reference to his father, agrees to change the name, calling him Nightheart instead.


The newly-named Nightheart is on a hunting patrol when he hurts himself falling out a tree while trying to catch a squirrel in an attempt to impress Lionblaze, despite the older tom warning him not to. Nightheart is confined to the medicine den for two days to heal, during which he overhears Jayfeather and Alderheart discuss a lack of catmint. Once he has recovered, he attempts to share prey with his mother and sister, but both shoo him away, still bitter about his name change and accusing him of disrespecting Firestar's legacy. Myrtlebloom tries to reason with her adoptive brother, but the black tom is just left more confused and frustrated about his role in ThunderClan.

Later, Flipclaw and Thriftear tease their Clanmate over getting injured trying to catch a squirrel, and upon seeing Nightheart's annoyed reaction, tell him not to be so brooding all the time, adding that Firestar knew how to joke every once in a while. Nightheart mutters under his breath that Firestar was never the butt of a joke like he is. Later, Nightheart wonders aloud if he should even stay in ThunderClan since none of his peers seem to respect him, and Alderheart tries to reassure his nephew that he'll find his place soon. That night, the orange-eyed tom overhears his uncles returning from an emergency medicine cat meeting held to discuss the catmint shortage. There, the medicine cats agreed to send some cats from ThunderClan, ShadowClan and SkyClan on a patrol to find some catmint outside Clan boundaries. Jayfeather volunteers Nightheart to go, wanting the young warrior to have a chance to prove himself.

Nightheart and Alderheart, along with Rootspring and Fidgetflake of SkyClan and Sunbeam and Lightleap of ShadowClan all meet up and start their travels beyond WindClan territory towards a Twolegplace that SkyClan had passed by on the way to the lake. While the others rest for the night, Sunbeam and Nightheart are tasked with keeping watch. While doing so, the two discuss the recent revisions made to the warrior code and vent to each other about their problems, with the ThunderClan tom starting to develop feelings for her.

The next day, Sunbeam gets caught under a fence and Nightheart helps to free her, urging her to calm down and warning her that Lightleap is watching. While passing by a Twoleg carnival, both warriors are drawn to the smells of the fair food, with Rootspring reminding them that they must carry on with their journey. The group eventually reaches the Twolegplace they had been searching for, gathering enough catmint for all five Clans. On the way back, they pass by the carnival again, deciding to stop for the night near it. While the others sleep, Nightheart and Sunbeam sneak away and into the carnival, stealing some fair food to share with the rest of the group. As the cats return to the lake and part ways back to their own Clans the next day, Nightheart hopes that he can retain his friendship with Sunbeam.

When he returns to camp, Nightheart expects his Clanmates to congratulate him for helping get the catmint, disappointed when instead Squirrelflight assigns him to clean out the dens due to a lack of apprentices to do it instead. Angry that the deputy didn't appreciate what he did, he goes into the leader's den to clean it first, only to find Bramblestar staring off at nothing while laying unfocused in his nest. Bramblestar asks him why Squirrelflight let Crowfeather take a vole to settle a prey dispute without his knowledge. At an emergency Gathering, Nightheart sits next to Sunbeam as the two listen to the RiverClan medicine cat Mothwing's announcement that with Mistystar, Reedwhisker and Curlfeather all dead, Owlnose has been chosen as the new leader of RiverClan.

Later, while cleaning out the elders' den, Nightheart overhears the SkyClan leader Leafstar tell Bramblestar and Squirrelflight that ShadowClan's leader Tigerstar has offered to supervise RiverClan until they can get a proper leader of their own. Afterwards, Bramblestar tells him and Bayshine to sneak into ShadowClan to see if Tigerstar is planning anything nefarious. Nightheart is excited to go on a secret mission, though Squirrelflight stops them from going when Bayshine tells her.

Believing that nobody in ThunderClan values him, Nightheart tells Sunbeam that he is considering leaving to join ShadowClan, asking her if it's okay, to which the brown-and-white she-cat responds that her Clan could use all the strong warriors it can get. He then asks her if Tigerstar is plotting to take over RiverClan, and she responds that she doubts it. Once Nightheart returns home, he and Squirrelflight get into an argument about each other's behavior, which ends in Nightheart announcing that he's leaving to join ShadowClan. Despite his Clanmate's attempts to talk him out of it, he heads for ShadowClan's territory anyways. When he gets there however, he finds the camp desolate save for Blazefire, who's shocked by his request to move to his Clan.


Upon returning from RiverClan, Sunbeam sees Nightheart in ShadowClan's camp, excitedly telling her Clanmates about his love for the brown-and-white she-cat and intent to join her Clan. Sunbeam is slightly flattered, but more so embarrassed that he came in and started talking about his crush on her for the whole camp to hear without telling her first. Tigerstar then informs Nightheart that he will need to pass an assessment before he can join the Clan officially, but is welcome to stay until then. Sunbeam then takes him somewhere private to ask him what he was thinking when he decided to do this, adding that they can't be mates when they hardly know each other. Realizing his mistake, the black tom apologizes, and says he wants a chance to prove his loyalty to her and ShadowClan. When asked what he will do if she rejects him, Nightheart says that it is her choice, and he'll accept it, whatever it may be. He adds that if she does reject him, he hopes they can at least still be friends and Clanmates. When they return to camp, Berryheart requests some time alone with her daughter, and Tawnypelt wishes to speak with her grandnephew in private as well. Tawnypelt offers support to Nightheart for his decision, and welcomes him into ShadowClan warmly.

On his way to the Gathering, Nightheart thinks about how odd it feels not to approach the island from ThunderClan territory, and worries that Tigerstar's supervision of RiverClan may have more sinister intentions than what he claims. At the island, he feels the ThunderClan cats' gazes all on him, and tells Lilyheart and Bayshine that he'll explain later when they ask him why he's with ShadowClan. He notes that Sparkpelt isn't present, feeling both sad and relived, fearing his inevitable confrontation with her. After the leaders bicker over Tigerstar's influence on RiverClan, the brown tabby tom then announces that Nightheart has joined his Clan, which makes the orange-eyed warrior freeze up in fear. Berryheart then pipes up, saying it's too easy for cats to change Clans now, adding that someone could use the new rule that allows it to spy on enemy Clans. Finchlight suggests having to pass three assessments instead of one, which the leaders all agree upon. After the Gathering, Nightheart confronts Finchlight on making moving harder, asking why she'd do that if she seemingly doesn't want him to come back to ThunderClan. She says she and everyone else does want him back though, including Sparkpelt. Convincing himself that his sister doesn't care for him, he asks why Sparkpelt didn't show up at the Gathering if she missed him so much, but Finchlight can't give an answer. Nightheart then storms off, determined to pass as many assessments as it takes if it means he won't have to go back to ThunderClan.

As the black tom prepared for his assessments, Sunbeam shows him around ShadowClan territory, and the two gather honey together. Berryheart and Yarrowleaf then confront Nightheart about his choice to move, the former telling him that Sunbeam loved Blazefire until he became Lightleap's mate, but the young warrior vows that he's loyal to her and his new Clan. Tigerstar then has Dovewing take Nightheart to ThunderClan so he may formally say goodbye, which horrifies him. The cats of ThunderClan are happy to be visited by Dovewing, but less so with Nightheart. He then apologizes to Lilyheart for his sudden decision, and he and Sparkpelt get into an argument about it. Squirrelflight then asks him to speak to Bramblestar, who is distant an detached as his grandson tells him why he left. He's relived when Dovewing calls him over to return home.

Sunbeam and Nightheart watch as the former SkyClan warrior Fringewhisker passes her third and final assessment, officially becoming apart of ShadowClan. Nightheart is confident he'll pass as well, though Sunbeam is less certain. They then see Berryheart, Yarrowleaf and Whorlpelt sneaking out of camp, and decide to follow them. They witness the three going to RiverClan's border to meet with Splashtail, Duskfur and Mallownose. As the six discuss their concerns about Tigerstar, Nightheart and Sunbeam are conflicted on what they should do. Berryheart tasks the black tom with testing his stealth and speed by stealing something from the greenleaf Twolegplace the next morning. While doing so, Nightheart encounters a dog in one of the tents, but is able to escape with a piece of clothing.

At the next Gathering, Nightheart and Finchlight talk about how detached Bramblestar has become, with the latter remarking that their grandfather no longer seems interested in leading ThunderClan. That night, Nightheart has a nightmare of ThunderClan attacking ShadowClan, and the next morning he decides to visit his old Clanmates before his next assessment. They once again give him a less-than-warm welcome, though Bramblestar is happy to see him. The leader tells him how he has had nightmares ever since Ashfur trapped him in the Dark Forest, and he's considering stepping down and letting Squirrelflight take over as leader. Nightheart encourages him to step down if he believes he's no longer fit to lead, commenting that Squirrelflight would be a strong leader in his stead. Bramblestar thanks him for the advice, saying he hopes things between him and Sunbeam will work out. As he returns to ShadowClan, Nightheart realizes he still cares for and misses his friends and family in ThunderClan, conflicted on his split loyalties between them and Sunbeam.

When he arrives for his final assessment, Berryheart tells him that he will have to fight off rats, catch some prey, and climb a tree to steal an egg from a bird's nest. He accomplishes the first two parts, but concluding that he can't stay and must return to his old Clan, purposely fails the third by falling from the tree. Tigerstar praises his efforts, but tells him he must now leave ShadowClan. Sunbeam catches up with him as he leaves, confronting him for failing on purpose. He apologizes to her, saying he still loves her and wishes they could be together, but that his home is in ThunderClan, adding that he'll promise himself to stick up for himself more. When he comes back to ThunderClan, Sparkpelt is overjoyed to see him again, accepting him by his new name. Nightheart then realizes she does truly care about him, and he was wrong to assume the worst of her and everyone else. He comes to terms with his selfish behavior, and resolves to improve his attitude. Bramblestar then announces that he's stepping down and Squirrelflight will be taking his place as leader. Squirrelflight welcomes Nightheart back, telling him he may have to prove himself to his Clanmates once more, and he promises to make them all proud. The next day, Sunbeam arrives in ThunderClan camp, requesting to join to be with Nightheart.


Nightheart is spending time with Sunbeam in ThunderClan camp, happy that his family has quickly taken a liking to her. Squirrelflight then offers to have him go with her, Bramblestar and Alderheart for her leadership ceremony for protection. On the way there, the group encounters a SkyClan patrol upon taking a wrong turn, with the SkyClan warriors Plumstone and Dewspring questioning his loyalty to ThunderClan after he just came back from ShadowClan. Once they get to the Moonpool, clouds cover the moon, so they head back to camp. When he then with Squirrelflight, Bramblestar and Alderheart back to the Moonpool, he's stationed to stand guard during the leadership ceremony. During this, he finds the RiverClan apprentice Frostpaw, who asks him to go on a secret journey with her that StarClan told them to go on. He's hesitant, as he doesn't want ThunderClan to think he is abandoning them again, or to make Sunbeam go through her next two trials alone, but Frostpaw convinces him.

Upon returning to camp, Squirrelflight—now Squirrelstar—informs Sunbeam that StarClan told her Nightheart has left, but will eventually return. Three days later, as Nightheart and Frostpaw travel, the former confronts the latter about her distant and untrusting behavior for her, pointing out that she had asked him to trust her. Frostpaw then tells him about how RiverClan's deputy was murdered and she was nearly killed by someone, after which he's much more sympathetic and comforts her. As they travel through the Twolegplace, he begins to worry that he's burdening the apprentice. When they reach a wide river, Nightheart suggests crossing it by walking on the tree branches overhead, though Frostpaw is hesitant, as the last time she climbed a tree was to escape the dogs that had killed her mother Curlfeather. He comforts her once more and encourages her to cross, after which the two meet a large group of cats, with Frostpaw confident that they're what the two were supposed to find.

They find out that the group is known as the Cats of the Park, and Nightheart encourages Frostpaw to stay with them as long as she needs to, since though he misses Sunbeam and his Clan, he knows that what she will learn will save RiverClan. While there, they befriend four Park Cats named Waffle, Wasp, Rook, and Bee. Nightheart teaches Waffle and Wasp how to hunt, and plays a shell game with them and Frostpaw. When the apprentice learns that her Clanmate Splashtail was the one to kill Reedwhisker and attack her, she blames herself for allowing him to use her to rise to power. Nightheart, Rook and Bee then assure her that it was not her fault that Splashtail used her, with the black tom stating that she is one of the strongest cats he has ever met.

After nearly a moon away from the Clans, Nightheart and Frostpaw finally decided to return home after the latter finds out that Curlfeather had conspired with Splashtail before he betrayed her by sending the dogs after her. Waffle and Wasp go with them, wanting to join a Clan. They get back to the lake on the night of the Gathering, spying on the Clans through the bushes. Nightheart is relived to see that Sunbeam hasn't left ThunderClan, afraid that she might have felt he abandoned her and returned to ShadowClan. However, both he and Frostpaw soon become horrified when they see that Splashtail has become the leader of RiverClan while they were gone. Frostpaw panics, unsure of what to do now, but Nightheart assures her that he'll help her overcome whatever happens next.


As Nightheart and Frostpaw interrupt the Gathering to expose Splashtail, the black tom warmly reunites with Sunbeam, who's relived to see he's ok. Frostpaw then reveals what Splashtail has done, with Nightheart vouching for her when cats express doubt. However, Splashtail's story ends up convincing the Clans to believe him over her, and he promptly banishes Frostpaw from RiverClan. Nightheart then begs Squirrelstar to take Frostpaw, Waffle and Wasp into ThunderClan, and while she accepts the two park cats under the condition that her grandson would be the one to train them, the gray she-cat ends up going to ShadowClan for refuge instead.

Later, as the two pass by WindClan's border, Nightheart and Sunbeam start talking about their futures and whether or not they should have kits together, which the brown-and-white she-cat is very enthusiastic about doing. The WindClan warrior Breezepelt then interrupts by jokingly stating that their sweet-talk is making him sick and telling them to keep it private, before informing Sunbeam that he saw her family Berryheart, Sparrowtail and Hollowspring near WindClan's territory following their self-exile from ShadowClan.

After teaching Waffle and Wasp how to hunt squirrels, Nightheart takes them to the elders' den to hear stories about ThunderClan's past. As the elders speak of Firestar and what the Clan was like under his leadership, Nightheart starts to feel more respect towards his ancestor, now that he has accomplishments of his own to define himself. When Sunbeam finds out that Berryheart is sick and injured while living as a rogue, she decides to steal some herbs to bring to her, with Nightheart keeping watch as she sneaks in and out of the medicine den. When Frostpaw has a vision of shadows covering up the sun and causing the river to vanish, Nightheart goes with Squirrelstar to ShadowClan to discuss this omen with her.

While Nightheart is on the dawn patrol the following day, a patrol of WindClan cats bring Sunbeam to the group of ThunderClan cats, having caught her trespassing to visit her family. She's punished with apprentice duties for doing so, but tells her mate that she agreed to meet with her father, so he sneaks off to go in her place. He doesn't find Sparrowtail however, and when he tells Sunbeam this, she starts to worry that her mother had died of infected wounds. Soon after, Squirrelstar officially makes Nightheart Waffle's mentor, renaming the brown tabby Wafflepaw in the process. He takes Wafflepaw on a tour of ThunderClan's territory alongside Finchlight and Bayshine and their new apprentices Graypaw and Bristlepaw.

When a rough storm is oncoming, ThunderClan prepares their camp for it as Frostpaw shows up, saying she's had a vision of the storm destroying WindClan's moor. Nightheart and Sunbeam go with her to warn WindClan, but when they get there they find that lightning had struck a tree, causing it to fall on top of the nursery. Most of the kits have been rescued, but one named Leafkit is trapped inside, and the three work together to rescue the tiny she-kit, earning the Clan leader Harestar's trust and respect. The trio later go with Wasp to spy on RiverClan and see what Splashtail's up to, where they see him putting his warriors through brutal training all while verbally assaulting and threatening them. They watch in horror as Splashtail kills his deputy Harelight for questioning him, then accept Berryheart, Sparrowtail and Hollowspring into the Clan, appointing the black-and-white she-cat as his new deputy.


Finding out that Icewing, Duskfur and Mothwing had been banished from RiverClan, Nightheart, Sunbeam and Frostpaw go searching for them. The black tom finds them near a currently unused twoleg nest, though Mothwing is injured. A dog then attacks, but Nightheart saves the three exiled cats by distracting it while Sunbeam takes them to ShadowClan. RiverClan later attacks ShadowClan, targeting their nursery and dens, with Nightheart and Sunbeam helping defend against them. The orange-eyed tom learns from the RiverClan warrior Lizardtail that Splashtail had forced them to attack, threatening to kill his younger siblings Floatkit, Rapidkit and Troutkit if they refused. Nightheart then helps Mothwing and Duskfur escape to ThunderClan (with Icewing already having left on a journey), though on the way there he spots Splashtail's father Sneezecloud and sister Fognose fleeing from SkyClan. As the two she-cat keep going to ThunderClan, he follows after the two RiverClan warriors to see that they're kidnapping Duskkit and Ridgekit. He confronts them, offering to be taken prisoner in exchange for the kittens being returned, which they agree to.

Nightheart tries to escape as he's taken to RiverClan, but is unsuccessful, and is kept prisoner in the nursery with the elder Mosspelt as well as Splashtail's mother Havenpelt and her three kits, being guarded by Fognose. The next morning, Splashtail tells his prisoners that he'll kill one of the hostage ShadowClan warrior Cinnamontail's kits if any of them step out of line. Nightheart later attempts to reason with Fognose, trying to get her to see how much pain and destruction her brother is causing, but she doesn't listen. The RiverClan warrior Gorseclaw then catches him conversing with her and drags him into the leader's den, where Splashtail is yowling at the spirit of Curlfeather that no one else can see or hear. The leader then orders Gorseclaw to kill the black tom, and he's attacked by him, Breezeheart, Sneezecloud and Brackenpelt all at once. He's nearly killed before Owlnose rushes in, rallying his Clanmates to rebel against their tyrannical leader. As the five Clans fight against him, Splashtail tries to flee, but is then killed by Frostpaw before the gray she-cat falls into a coma.

One week later, Nightheart and Bayshine help rebuild RiverClan's destroyed camp, and Mothwing informs the orange-eyed warrior that despite her best efforts, she can't get Frostpaw to wake up. He later visits Frostpaw again, this time with Sunbeam, and later that night, as the young she-cat gets worse, Duskfur fetches him back to say his goodbyes to his friend. SkyClan's mediator Tree then tells all the she-cats to sing, as that what the Sisters he used to live with did to help a cat's spirit get back to their body. Nightheart joins in on the she-cats' singing, and to everyone's relief, Frostpaw slowly comes to.

Two moons later, after Frostpaw had become a full medicine cat named Frostdawn and chosen Icewing to lead RiverClan, Nightheart reflects on how well the confident Icestar is adjusting to her new role, and how her deputy Owlnose's humility makes the two balance each other out nicely. He then thinks about how Sunbeam is expecting their kits, and while Sparkpelt and Finchlight suggest fire-themed names for the kits, the two mates agree to let the kits have names that reflect who they are instead of who their kin is. Nightheart thanks StarClan for his kin and Clan, happy that he's loved no matter what he looks like or what his name may be.

Changing Skies[]

The Elders' Quest[]



Sparkpelt: I've noticed - well, I really couldn't miss it - that you seem to be struggling with your apprenticeship. It must be hard for you, that Finchlight was made a full warrior and you weren't. Is it making you anxious?
Flamepaw: What do you care?
Sparkpelt: I care because you're my kit.
Flamepaw: Oh, sure!
Sparkpelt: There are high expectations for you because of your kin. You belong to a family that's done great things for our Clan: Alderheart, Squirrelflight, Bramblestar, all the way back to-
Flamepaw: Firestar.
Sparkpelt: Yes. And I can understand that you wouldn't want that pressure - Alderheart and I struggled under it, too - but we can't control who we are. We can't control what our Clanmates think when they look at us, or how they chatter when one of us is... well, struggling. But it's a gift, really, having Firestar in our blood.
Flamepaw: I don't want it! I never asked to be Firestar's kin. I don't feel like Firestar's kin. Every cat says that you look just like him, and maybe Finchlight has a bit of orange in her pelt, but I'm an all-black cat! Besides, I don't feel connected to you, either, because you left me when I needed you. Even Finchlight left me when you joined the exiles' camp!
Sparkpelt: I didn't have a choice-
Flamepaw: That may be true, but you didn't even check on me!
Sparkpelt: You are all black, just like your father.
Flamepaw: Maybe Larksong would have understood me. But I'll never know.
~ Flamepaw and Sparkpelt arguing about their ancestry
Bramblestar: One of the most important tasks a Clan leader carries out is the making of a new warrior. And the cat we honor today has waited a long time for this ceremony. (to Lilyheart) Has your apprentice learned the skills of a warrior, and does he understand the demands of the warrior code?
Lilyheart: He has, and he does.
Bramblestar: Then I, Bramblestar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn. Flamepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?
Flamepaw: I do.
Bramblestar: Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name. Squirrelflight tells me that you showed extraordinary patience and ingenuity in you last hunt, just like Firestar. To honor that connection, from this day forward Flamepaw will be known as Flameheart, and we welcome him as a full warrior of ThunderClan.
Crowd: Flameheart! Flameheart!
Flamepaw: Flameheart will not be my name.
Squirrelflight: What do you mean? How dare you reject your name!
Bramblestar: If you don't want to be named Flameheart, what name do you want?
Flamepaw: I don't know yet. I just know I want something that reflects the cat I am, not some cat from the past you all wish me to be. I'm not Firestar! I don't even look like him, in case you haven't noticed. I will think of the perfect name for myself and let you know.
Sparkpelt: You're being disrespectful and mouse-brained. This is no way to endear yourself to your Clan.
Finchlight: That's not fair! Flamepaw was humiliated when he was made to take his assessment three times, even though every cat knows he deserved to be a warrior long ago. So the least you can do is let him choose his own name!
Squirrelflight: Warriors do not choose their own names!
Bramblestar: We will compromise. Flamepaw, I will give you a name that more accurately reflects your appearance and demeanor, but still honors your ancestor. That is the way of this Clan, and - like it or not, Flamepaw - we see some of Firestar's qualities in you. You're right that your pelt doesn't bring fire to mind. Just like your father, Larksong, you are as black as night. So from now on, Flamepaw, you will be known as Nightheart.
~ Flamepaw getting his name changed to Nightheart
Squirrelflight: Nightheart! Where have you been?
Nightheart: Out.
Squirrelflight: Out? Without telling any cat where you were going? Did you go on Bramblestar's mission after all?
Nightheart: So what if I did?
Squirrelflight: It was dangerous, that's what!
Nightheart: I was careful!
Squirrelflight: What if you'd been caught? You could have started a war!
Nightheart: I'm not mouse-brained!
Squirrelflight: Really? Right now you seem to have no more sense than an apprentice.
Nightheart: That's all you ever let me be. For some reason you hate the idea of me being a warrior. You think I'm only fit to fix nests and pull tick out of elders' fur. I'm so glad I spent all those moons learning how to hunt and fight. It really helps me when I'm doing all the nastiest tasks in camp.
Squirrelflight: You know full well that ThunderClan has no apprentices right now. Every warrior has to help out, and that includes you.
Nightheart: Is that why you noticed I was missing tonight? Did you have some important den cleaning for me to do?
Squirrelflight: It doesn't matter why we needed you here! You shouldn't have left without permission. You pushed and pushed for your assessment - before you were even ready - because you wanted to be a warrior so badly. But your attitude stinks like crow-food. You'd better improve it soon or-
Nightheart: Or what? You'll give me apprentice duties? You don't realize how much I could do for this Clan. You won't give me a chance. Tonight I got the information Bramblestar asked for. Without getting caught. And I get home to this!
Squirrelflight: You disobeyed my order! From now on, you will-
Nightheart: You can't tell me what to do anymore! I'm not part of ThunderClan!
Sparkpelt: What are you talking about?
Nightheart: I'm leaving!
Sparkpelt: Leaving? Leaving! How dare you make such a threat!
Finchlight: He's just being dramatic. He won't do it. He'll have calmed down by morning.
Nightheart: I'm not going to calm down. Not as long as I'm stuck in this hollow. This Clan treats me like a mouse-brain. I get no respect, and no cat cares what I think or how I feel. I'm not going to put up with it any longer. I'm a good warrior. I'm strong and I'm smart and I deserve Clanmates who value me. I'm going to join a Clan that'll appreciate me.
~ Nightheart deciding to leave ThunderClan
I'm sorry... so sorry. I wish I could have told you. I wanted to, but there was no time- I only realized this morning. And I knew I had to fail this task. If I'd just left, every cat would've said it was because I didn't want to be with you anymore. And I do, Sunbeam, oh, I do. I care about you so much. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to face. But... I need to be in ThunderClan right now. I've had trouble with my kin and my former Clanmates, it's true. But they need me. An I think I've grown enough to finally be the warrior I've always wanted to be. When Dovewing took me to ThunderClan to say good-bye, she said that after a while, going to ThunderClan just felt like visiting any other place, because ShadowClan was home. I've tried hard to get there, but... I can't. Each time I go back, I feel it a little more strongly. ThunderClan is my home. I just wish... I wish I didn't have to leave you to get there.
~ Nightheart breaking up with Sunbeam
Don't say that. Warriors should never prey on Clanmates. Especially vulnerable ones. It goes against everything the Clans stand for. You may have been naive, but you've never been clueless. I've traveled with you, remember? You're one of the bravest, strongest cats I know. Splashtail took advantage of you because he's a rogue. There's no way you made it happen.
~ Nightheart comforting Frostpaw when she blames herself for Splashtail's treachery



  • He shares his name with a rogue from Dawn of the Clans.
  • Despite being around the same age, Nightheart remained an apprentice throughout most of The Broken Code while Rootspring became a warrior halfway through.
  • He, Finchpaw, Myrtlepaw, and Baypaw were all apprenticed under Ashfur while posing as Bramblestar. Strangely, he and Finchpaw were apprenticed first despite being younger than their adoptive siblings.

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