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Richard "Dick" Grayson is one of the main characters of the DC Animated Movie Universe. He was the first Robin, partner of Batman, from when he was a boy. As a youth, he left to begin a superhero team of other sidekicks and youths called the Teen Titans. In his adult years, Grayson took on a new costumed identity Nightwing.
He was voiced by Sean Maher.
Early life and time as Robin[]
When he was a boy, Dick worked at a circus. as an acrobat with his family. Following the death of his family by gangsters, he was fostered by Bruce Wayne, who he eventually helped fight crime as the vigilante Robin.
Eventually, in his mid-teens, he moved on to found a team with other teen sidekicks called the Teen Titans. He would come across extraterrestrial exile, Koriand'r, who'd become known as Starfire; they would begin dating.
A few years in adulthood, he engaged in solo activities as Nightwing, leaving behind his Robin outfit to be put on display in the Batcave. While away from the Titans, he would often return due to his relationship with Starfire.
Son of Batman[]
Nightwing stopped Damian Wayne from killing the defeated and severely wounded Ubu. After a prolonged battle Nightwing managed to subdue and tie up the boy, although he ended up with a number of sizeable sword cuts.
Later, Nightwing piloted the Batwing with Dr. Kirk Langstrom in the gunner seat to fire darts with antidotes to undo the Man-Bat transformations in Deathstroke's ninja army.
Nightwing picked up Batman, Talia and Damian, rescuing them from the collapsing off-shore rig.
Nightwing and Robin[]
Dick and Damian were called upon by Batman to find and capture the Scarecrow since he had to help the Justice League. The two tracked Scarecrow down and defeated him in his warehouse.
Batman vs. Robin[]
While Batman was out on patrol Dick came over to keep an eye on Damian. The two sparred in the Batcave and argued over who was Bruce's real "son". While Dick reached the advantage, Damian used a psychological vulnerability so he ended up defeating Dick in combat.
Later, while Dick was talking to his girlfriend Kori, Damian sneaked out of the mansion. When Bruce returned from an almost fatal encounter with the Court of Owls, Dick stitched him up.
Later when the Talon attacked the Wayne Manor and the Batcave, Nightwing and Batman fought them off however during the fight Dick was seriously injured and eventually subdued by Talon.
After Talon was stopped and Damian left to find himself, Dick questioned Bruce for letting him go alone but Bruce assured him Damian would come back when he was ready.
Batman: Bad Blood[]
Nightwing was en route to "the Tower" and visit Starfire after weeks of not seeing each other. He was delayed by the appearance of Blockbuster in a red light district. Blockbuster threw vehicles at Nightwing but missed. Nightwing made his way to Blockbuster and hit him in the chin with a knee and assaulted him with his staves. Starfire distracted Nightwing by saying she almost forgot what he feels like. He took a kick from Blockbuster and was propelled into a construction site. Nightwing threw out a throwing star at a crane and severed the wrecking ball. It landed right on top of Blockbuster.
Nightwing was about to resume his trip to "the Tower" but Alfred Pennyworth sent him an emergency call. Nightwing begrudgingly cancelled on Starfire and drove to the Batcave instead. He eavesdropped on Pennyworth posing as Bruce Wayne at a Wayne Enterprises board meeting. Once the feed was cut, Nightwing teased Pennyworth to watch the "bloody hells" and give himself away. Pennyworth wasn't amused.
Nightwing asked how long Batman was gone. Pennyworth replied two weeks, one day, and 15 hours. Nightwing remarked it wouldn't be the first time. Pennyworth agreed but Batman should have contacted him already. He worried the surge in criminal activity would only increase if they realised Batman's absence. Nightwing made the hard call and donned one of the older Batman suits. He drove to the docks and interrupted Black Mask's operation unloading a weapons shipment. More of Mask's men converged on the site but Robin suddenly appeared and jammed Mask's own weapon causing it to blow back in his face. Batman wasn't pleased. Modest as ever, Robin criticized Grayson's impression of Batman and insisted he needed his help. Batwoman continued following the Batmobile but Batman and Robin confronted her in an alley. Batwoman deduced he was really Nightwing then admitted she witnessed the real Batman's death. She showed them the ruins of the warehouse where she and Batman fought a gang of supervillains.
Grayson proposed they should all work together but Batwoman declined to join the "cult" and glided back to the city. On the drive back, Robin insinuated Grayson would prefer Batman to be dead so he could keep the suit on. Grayson braked and gave him an earful about how he wanted nothing to do with it. Pennyworth made contact and played Batman's file on Batwoman. But he and Grayson were surprised to learn she was Katherine Kane. The next night, he and Robin responded to Lucius Fox's security breach alert at Wayne Tech. They entered the sub-level 3 vault and battled Heretic's gang. However, Batman could not pursue with Robin electrocuted into submission and Fox bleeding out. Grayson later visited Fox in the hospital. Luke Fox, his son, demanded to join the war against Heretic but Grayson offered sympathy, but turned him down and said it wasn't his call. That night, as Batman he found Kane in a bar and sent her an anonymous text to meet him on the rooftop. He revealed his secret identity to Batwoman and admitted he had a childhood crush on her. Batwoman remarked she thought he cute but was annoying; Batman admitted that he didn't understand how to approach girls yet, which Batwoman echoed for herself.
Batwoman told Grayson about the night Batman saved her life and how she vowed she would never need someone to save her again. Grayson understood but believed she didn't have to be alone as a result. Pennyworth alerted Grayson of Robin's sudden disappearance. Batman and Batwoman followed Robin's tracker to the Sisters of Perpetual Grace convent outside the city. They were met by nuns armed with M-60s and katana blades. Somehow, Grayson convinced Batwoman to use rubber bullets. As the battle continued, Batwing came to their aid. Tusk informed Talia of three intruders. Talia ordered a retreat but left Bruce and Damian Wayne behind. Batman had Batwing blast the front doors in. He made his way through the compound and encountered Hellhound. Hellhound did a series of stances but debris rained down on him. He encountered Bruce and Damian Wayne and helped them outside. However, due to Killer Moth crashing into the support ruts, the convent began to collapse. Batman struggled to hold onto the grapnel line Damian and Bruce clung to but he soon fell as well. Batwing saved them and flew them back to stable ground.
Without so much as a thank you or acknowledgement of Batwing and Batwoman, Bruce Wayne ordered Robin and Nightwing back to Gotham. A week later, Wayne informed Damian, Pennyworth, and Grayson they would pursue Talia after he finished hosting the World Tech Summit. Grayson felt they shouldn't wait and instead call in Kane and Fox to help. The conversation became heated between Wayne and Grayson about including them and telling Kane their secret. Pennyworth commented he was gone and Grayson had to make a judgment call and thought it was the right one. Wayne conceded but wanted it be family only going forward. Grayson revealed Kane was working the the hard drive they confiscated from the convent. Wayne wanted her out after she was done and declared he called the shots. After Wayne left the cave, Pennyworth noted he went through an extraordinary ordeal. Grayson stated they all did, too. He started a work out and called Kane to inform her of Wayne's decision. He tried to apologize but Kane told there was nothing to be sorry about.
A short time later, Nightwing and Robin met with Batwoman on a rooftop. She told them about how her brainwashed father tried to kill her. Nightwing suspected Wayne told Talia about the hard drive and the secret Wayne Tech vault earlier. Batwing arrived with the data he extracted from the hard drive. Nightwing noticed a list contained names of vice-presidents, military officials, and corporate leaders and realized Talia planned to brainwash them all at the summit. They infiltrated the Watchtower Initiative above the city. Nightwing declared first priority was evacuating the attendees but Talia cut them off with her team. Nightwing was forced to battle a brainwashed Batman. Batman eventually broke Nightwing's left shoulder and soundly bested him. Talia tossed him a gun and ordered him to execute Nightwing. Robin appeared and deduced Talia was all about control. Talia ordered Batman to kill Robin first instead, callously claiming that they could make another child. Nightwing pleaded with Wayne not to kill because he never killed. Nightwing urged him to not to let her win or take his soul.
Talia retorted she cleansed his soul and took away his trauma. Nightwing declared Batman brought them all together because he understood their pain and loneliness better than anyone could. They needed a family. They needed him; he also expressed his long withheld gratitude about being adopted and trained into a hero, as it gave him a fulfilling life despite his childhood losses. Batman struggled with the gun. Nightwing continued and admitted he wasn't just a mask, he was a man and the best man he ever knew. Batman held the gun to himself and stammered he couldn't fight the programming. Nightwing implored him to fight it for the boy who lost his world in that alley. Talia drew her sword and was about to kill Nightwing herself but Batman shot it out of her hands then fell over. Nightwing and Robin tended to him as Batwoman decked Talia. Batwing arrived. Talia was surrounded. She pulled a grenade and declared she would have Wayne in death. It was just a ploy and Talia leapt from the Watchtower, allowing her to land into her transport to flee, but she crashed into the ocean when Onyx attacked her for putting the Heretic down. A short time later, back at Wayne Manor, Grayson thanked Pennyworth for lunch and was about to depart for the Tower. He noticed Pennyworth was observing Bruce and Damian Wayne having a heart-to-heart outside over Talia's death.
Grayson made a full recovery. Batwoman caught up with Nightwing on her motorcycle as they made their way to the Gotham City Police Department headquarters to meet up with Batman and Robin. Batwing soared over them. They all noticed a police chase down below involving the Penguin and joined in the pursuit.
On a skyscraper, a young Batgirl prepared to join the Bat Family.
Justice League vs. Teen Titans[]
Nightwing was tasked with bringing Robin to "The Tower". On their way they debated on the use of a team; Robin dismissed them as children, but Nightwing corrected that they were teenagers, which Robin judged to be even worse.
Later Grayson is seen flirting with Starfire over a video chat. Kori expressed her frustrations over Damian's poor social skills and peer relations. He then unintentionally gave her the idea to use fun to resolve the team's issues, evidently confused by her sudden excitement.
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract[]
5 years ago, the original Teen Titans roster of the first Robin, Speedy, Bumblebee, and Kid Flash, they are driving away after foiling the H.I.V.E. FIVE; they then rescue Princess Koriand'r from antagonistic alien troops. Kori kissed Robin, although due to Tamareans absorbing language through kisses. The Titans invite her to stay with them until she can determine her next action, which she claimed would only be a few days or weeks.
Present day, after putting in some thought into their relationship, Dick bought an apartment in the city where the Titans are and asked Starfire to share it with him.
Nightwing has rejoined the Titans, who now consist of Koriand'r (now Starfire), Beast Boy, Raven, Blue Beetle, Robin, and Terra. Their current mission is to break into a H.I.V.E. facility and take it out. Nightwing considers how to break in, until Starfire tells him that Terra will sneak them in with her geokenesis.
Below ground, Nightwing debriefs the team, explaining that his purpose of leaving the Titans before was to exclusively spend his time studying H.I.V.E; they are radicals and extremists who won't think about sacrificing themselves if it means killing them. Soon in the battle, Nightwing and Starfire tagteam and take out two suits. Seeing a control room, Nightwing races up to it, while the rest of the Titans fight the suits. Trying to break into the control room, Nightwing is covered by Starfire, who knocks out H.I.V.E. goons with her starbolts. Multi-tasking, Nightwing mentions that now's a good time to talk about taking the next step in their relationship. They manage to break in, and Nightwing starts downloading the files. Before Nightwing can finish what he was telling Starfire, the rest of the Titans enter the room, having defeated the H.I.V.E. exosuits. Seeing it's not going to get any better, Nightwing asks Starfire to move into his new apartment with him; he gives her a key. Starfire accepts the key, gladly. Beast Boy thinks Nightwing and Starfire believe they're too good to live in the tower with them now. Terra quips "Yeah That's the takeaway from this."
In the Titans' computer room, Nightwing programs the computer to compile the data taken from the H.I.V.E. base with the data taken from two previous bases they attacked. The computer notifies him about new information on Brother Blood. After seeing the news interview with Brother Blood
Nightwing is surprised by Robin, who notes that Ra's al Ghul would have been impressed with Blood for being able to manage both a world-wide cult and H.I.V.E. However, Nightwing explains H.I.V.E. and the Church of Blood are the same thing; Blood only makes them look separate. Robin offers congratulations to Nightwing, seeing Starfire as an equal partner for him. Starfire arrives next, fresh out of the shower, asking about the progress about the information; Nightwing explains that he programmed the computer to inform him when it finds relevant data. Robin notes it's not the worst idea he's had, earning annoyance; he thought it was a compliment. Terra arrives, snarkily repeating Robin. As Robin leaves, he is surprised by Beast Boy, who is wondering where Jaime went.
At a group training session, Nightwing and Starfire briefly spar as the example; Starfire noted that he was quick today, although misinterpreting the group seeing innuendo, she corrected that Nightwing is quite prolonged in intimacy, to the awkwardness or amusement of the team. Blue Beetle and Raven then spar, with the former winning. Then Beast Boy and Terra's turn; while it is a typical sparring session at first, Beast Boy shifted into a snake to embrace Terra, which triggered her PTSD, driving her to almost kill him, but prevented by Nightwing and Blue Beetle. While most of the team offer sympathy to Terra, she was vexed and reacted with disdain.
At Titans Tower, Starfire is packing up her belongings; she reflects on an amulet she had since childhood. Nightwing comforts her. Suddenly, the entire tower begins shaking; Starfire moans "not again." They, Beast Boy, Robin and Raven rush to Terra's room, where she is convulsing in her sleep and subconsciously calling upon her powers. Raven attempts to calm Terra's mind, awakening her; she rudely tells them to leave her be. Nightwing and Starfire leave; she notes the nightmare earthquakes are semi-frequent.
Later, Nightwing works on the data they got from H.I.V.E.; Robin surprises him. Thinking it's about Terra's lack of control, Nightwing is surprised to hear that Robin is distrustful of her. Starfire and Raven arrive next, with Raven backing Robin up as she has sensed something off about Terra since she tried looking into her mind. However, Nightwing agrees with Starfire that Terra deserves a chance to be helped. Robin tells them that making choices with their hearts will lead to deaths. Hoping Raven feels different, Starfire gives a hopeful look; however, Raven just follows Robin out of the room.
At Nighwing's apartment, he and Starfire unpack her belongings, which include a lot a weapons. They have a playful fight, which entered displays of affection, but is interrupted by a text from Damian, surprisingly, which says he's working solo; unbeknownst to them, it was Deathstroke using Dmain's phone to hide the boy's capture. Nightwing adds that Damian approves of them, prompting Starfire to agree and kiss him.
Raven escorted Terra, which made the former believe her cover had been blown, but just as she summoned boulders, it was revealed to be only the Titans celebrating Terra's One year anniversary, which was Raven's idea; they all enjoy the party, with Nightwing's computer interrupting his dance with Starfire; it turns out that a scientist that is supposed to be dead has his personal lab still being paid for by Blood. The Titans are planning to capture the scientist working on the energy drain machine for Blood. The Titans sneak into the lab, finding the scientist packing up notes and deleting his computer files. They attempt to stop him, but the scientist blows up his computer and releases drones to keep them occupied. Raven chases after him, while the rest of the Titans fight the drones. Eventually, the Titans destroy all the drones as Raven returns with the scientists as a hostage. A barely functioning drone comes back online and swiftly kills the scientist with a laser shot through the chest; it was being controlled by Deathstroke, ensuring his employer's plans remain hidden. The Titans open the briefcase to find pictures of them from everything to battle to civilian activities. Back at the tower, Nightwing and Starfire go through the notes, finding that H.I.V.E. has been studying them through all the Titans' attacks on their bases. However, the exact purpose for doing so was lost with the computer data that was blown up.
They inform the rest of the Titans to be careful and keep an eye out just in case H.I.V.E. makes an attempt to attack them when alone. Nightwing tries calling Damian to warn him, but can't get an answer. The next day, Nightwing talks with Starfire over the phone; she doesn't know how to cook, so she asks him to pick up some takeout. Nightwing decides to check on Garfield and Jaime. The moment she hangs up, she finds a present outside their home addressed to her from him. At the same time, Jaime heads to the soup kitchen to cook the meals for the day. Beast Boy heads to do his talk with Kevin Smith, and finds a Do Not Press button. Later on Nightwing checks the soup kitchen and the radio talk, finding Jaime was shocked unconscious, then taken, and later heads Metro-Con where he figure that Beast Boy couldn't resist pushing a button, which released knock out darts, with him likewise being captured. Nightwing heads home, finding Starfire gone. Deathstroke attacks. Nightwing falls out of the window, saving himself from a deadly drop at the cost of dislocating his shoulder from grabbing a ledge. Deathstroke follows him, attempting to knock him out. Fed up with the chase, Deathstroke shoots him, knocking Nightwing into the river. Nightwing surfaces close by, slamming his shoulder in the pier to relocate it; he survived the bullet as it was blocked by the chopping board he had hid in his jacket. He heads to Titans Tower, where he finds Raven's room destroyed by Terra, and concluded that she was also kidnapped.
At Blood's HQ, in the middle of the Titans draining ceremony however, Nightwing drops in and damages the controls before Blood can fatally drain his teammates. An explosion occurs, scaring the cultists into fleeing. With the exception of Terra, the Titans free themselves. Robin and Nightwing chase after Deathstroke, both hoping for some payback. Terra wakes as the Titans fight, becoming blinded by a blood-lust towards Slade for betraying her; she blocks Robin and Nightwing and tries crushing Slade. While Deathstroke offered excuses, Terra refused to believe him anymore; upon Beast Boy calling out to her, Terra despondently built a wall to block the Titans from her as she used her powers to collapse the temple upon Deathstroke and herself.
After it's collapse, Beast Boy returns and digs Terra out of the rubble. She wakes, smiling happily before dying of her internal injuires. Beast Boy and the Titans mourn.
Batman: Hush[]
Nightwing appears in this movie, helping Batman fight against the mysterious supervillain Hush (who's actually the Riddler).
Nightwing encourages Bruce to allow himself happiness in a relationship with Selina Kyle/Catwoman, although Bruce is defensive about it. Even so, when Batman revealed his identity to Catwoman, he brought her to the Batcave, much to the pleasant surprise of Nightwing, who is also relieved that his hard-headed mentor is following his heart.
Nightwing and Catwoman need to investigate the graveyard, while Batman interrogates the Riddler at Arkham. Nightwing is dosed by fear toxin from the Scarecrow, yet Catwoman still has the nose plugs she used to resist Poison Ivy's influence, therefore she defeated the villain, while Nightwing takes an antidote. Despite countering the toxin, it left a lingering effect that left Nightwing unable to help in the final fight against Hush.
Justice League DARK: Apokolips War:[]
Prior to Superman's raid against Apokolips, Damian had severe doubts about the plan, such as the Justice League being heroes, not killers, but killers are needed in war. Nightwing reassured his adopted brother, who kept his criticisms to himself out of respect.
Darkseid had spied upon the League through Cyborg, as the Apokoliptan technology was accessible to him; along with knowing Superman's strategies, Darkseid had created a hybrid army that combined Parademons and Doomsday's cells, which dubbed Paradooms. His espionage and creations allowed him to easily defeat the League.
Darkseid launched Paradooms as a counterattack, leading to Nightwing being killed by a Paradoom alongside with most of the Teen Titans except Starfire whose remains were collected and repaired to make her a mind-controlled cyborg, along with Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Mera and Hawkman, courtesy of Darkseid,
Damian Wayne submerged Nightwing's corpse in the Lazarus Pits in order to revive him, but unfortunately, despite restoring him to life, it caused him to become psychotic, so he is held captive to protect others and himself.
After Darkseid is banished to oblivion, Nightwing is last seen with the last surviving and freed heroes, with Starfire cradling him, which indicated some semblance of his old self within him somewhere; the Flash runs off to re-write everything to undo Darkseid's actions, thus presumably restoring Nightwing to full health, however, also as a different person with a different history.
In the Tomorrowverse, Dick Grayson appeared as when he was first orphaned at 12 years old. A parallel version was in his mid-teens and was Robin. Both versions were unmade as every individual is combined into new selves in the monoverse, while the Anti-Monitors erase the multiverse.
Teen Titans Go! vs. Teen Titans[]
Nightwing appears in this movie, where he meets the Dick Grayson from the Go! universe and the Dick Grayson from the 2003 universe.
The 2003 and Go! Starfires consider him the "even more handsomest Robin." He cooperated with the multiversal Teen Titans to battle Hexagon, helping The Unkindness defuse and depower the two Trigons, with the 2003 version of the demon becoming incorporeal and vanishing into the afterlife, and the Go! version banished to a zombie dimension.
Like the others, he is returned to his home reality, dubbed the "super dark and serious Earth."
Unlike his mentor, Dick is shown to be more easy-going and approachable, even in his Nightwing identity. He's also rather talkative, taunting Damian during their sparring session and conversing with Kori as they were infiltrating a H.I.V.E base. Despite his demeanor, he does take matters seriously if the situation presents itself. Dick also holds a high regard for Bruce as he was his mentor and surrogate father, though he has stated that it wasn't easy growing up under his tutelage.
While his first interactions with Damian were extremely antagonistic, not helped by Damian violently fighting him due to "interrupting" the boy's investigation, the trajectory was destined to improve. Due to Damian's ego and sense of entitlement, Dick struggled to relate to him; though, as the young Wayne matured, even slightly, their relationship improved. Eventually, they became akin to brothers, with Dick being a caring older brother, looking out for and helping his younger brother face the challenges of teamwork and social interactions.
In addition, he has no desire to inherit the mantle of Batman, wanting to be his own man rather than live in Bruce's shadow, displaying great disdain for filling in for Bruce when he disappeared. Despite being content with his life, Dick carries resentment for his upbringing under Batman; he was given purpose and a way to help others, but Batman's withdrawn and obstinate demeanour made Dick feel disconnected from his adoptive father. However, upon trying to break Talia's mental conditioning on Batman, he had an epiphany himself about how much he appreciated Bruce adopting him and teaching him to overcome his pain by protecting people and bonding with a new family of heroes.
While committed to superhero activities, he is also interested in civilian lifestyles, including romance, even with an abnormal partner such as Kori. He is deeply in love with Kori, enjoying her eccentricities from being an alien, and happy to help her adapt to Earth. He is susceptible to physical temptation to an extent, as when he is torn between vigilante work/babysitting duty, and intimate action with Kori, he finds it a genuine struggle to choose (which is perhaps representative of Starfire's literally out of this world beauty); despite the temptation, he will always adhere to responsibilities. He is dedicated to Kori, their relationship starting some point shortly after their first meeting; they had gotten to the stage of cohabitation in an apartment, as opposed to merely to dormitory style lodging of the Titans Tower. They enjoyed each others company, no matter what they were doing, though did thoroughly enjoy sexual intercourse with each other; due to her alien origin, Kori unfamiliarity with Earth customs could lead her to sometimes make comment that she mistakes an innuendo, but only makes it seem as such due to her attempts to "correct" it, which mildly embarrassed her and Dick, though he was more amused, while other Titans would range from amused, to feeling awkward, to curious.
It seemed likely that the relationship between Dick and Kori would have progressed further, however, Darkseid's conquest of Earth changed that, with her becoming a mind-controlled cybernetic Fury, and him dying, then resurrected by a Lazarus Pit, which drove him mad. Despite the tragic turn, once Kori was free, she lovingly stroked his hair as he lay upon her lap, showing his connection with her was so strong that she still cared for him, hoping to reach through the apparently mindless state.
“ | The psychos just keep getting younger. | „ |
~ Nightwing's reaction when first meeting Damian Wayne |
“ | Damian Wayne: Maybe you should remember who the blood son is. Dick Grayson: "Bloodthirsty" is more like it. |
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~ Sibling rivalry |
“ | Damian Wayne: I wanna help. Like he used to. [points to Dick] Batman: Bad enough you've given yourself away and let them know we're onto them, but you're letting vengeance guide you. |
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~ Despite moving on to become Nightwing, Dick is bothered to see the Robin mantle to Damian |
“ | Nightwing: You're sloppy. Robin: No, I'm uninterested. |
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~ Nightwing trying to encourage Robin to take sparring seriously |
“ | Dick Grayson: You know I had a bit of a crush on you. Kate Kane: I thought you were annoying. |
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~ Dick and Kate reuniting as vigilantes and having an amusing reminiscence |
“ | Batwoman: Nuns with M60's and Katanas? Nightwing: That would make them Nunjas. |
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~ Sardonic observations as they siege a Shadows compound |
“ | Talia: Finish him. Nightwing: Bruce, don't. |
„ |
~ During the final confrontation with Talia al Ghul, Nightwing helps break the brainwashing on Batman |
“ | Robin: I could have driven myself. Nightwing: After the stunt you pulled, you're lucky to be allowed within ten feet of a steering wheel. |
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~ Dick and Damian have a brotherly argument as the latter is escorted to Titans Tower |
“ | Dick Grayson: Do you ever get out of that uniform? Robin: Only when I bathe. |
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~ A more light-hearted version of their brotherly banter |
“ | Dick Grayson: Have I told you how glad I am that you've chosen to move in with me? Kori: At least I was your first choice for that. |
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~ Dick and Kori flirting in their new shared apartment |
“ | Dick Grayson: He approves of us, by the way. Kori: So do I. |
„ |
~ Dick mentioning the typically strict Damian approved of Dick and Kori's relationship |
Skills and Abilities[]
- Master Combatant: Dick was trained by Batman in melee, close quarter and unarmed combat. However, he usually has blunt weapons, such as his escirma sticks.
- Peak Human Condition: Due to rigorous training, he is much stronger, faster and more resilient than any normal human. He can overpower most combatants with ease and withstand great amounts of punishment that would be heavily weakening humans.
- Master Acrobat: Dick has also demonstrated superb nimbleness and agility, being able to perform nearly superhuman feats of agility. This makes him skilled in acrobatics and gymnastics, as well as parkour and free-running, which he incorporates in fighting and moving across cityscapes.
- Escrima Stick Wielder
- Improvised Weapon User
- Skilled Detective
- Computer Hacker
- Leadership Skills
- Stealth and Infiltration Skills
- Dick Grayson first appeared in Detective Comics #38 created by Bob Kane, Bill Finger, and Jerry Robinson.
- In the comics, he's open to Damian becoming Robin and gladly supports and guides him even before he got the mantle. Here he's a rather standoffish who would prefer to avoid Damian if at all possible and is vehemently opposed to Damian becoming Robin. Damian didn't exactly make the best first impression, though, so his attitude is understandable; despite Nightwing resenting being called for "babysitting duty," he still honours the call to be the guardian of his adopted brother when needed. As the adult, he does try to develop a more positive relationship with Damian, who remains fairly hostile, but eventually won over, and the boy ends up respecting him enough to trust his judgement over his own, and breaks an important promise just for the hope of restoring Dick back to life.
- In the first four Batman films, he's seen wearing his Pre-52 Nightwing costume. In Judas Contract, however, his outfit changed to his New-52 costume.