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Nim Galuu is a talking yellow glowworm that appears in the 20th Century Fox film, Epic.

He is voiced by Aerosmith lead singer Steven Tyler. He keeps all the intel in the form of a scroll and monitors what the forest animals do, inside the tree where he lives.


He is a nice and friendly character, sometimes charming and loves to sing. Nim's personality somewhat matches this voice actor's, Steven Tyler.


Nim Galuu's first appearance is after the word gets spread about Queen Tara, and he's about to find out about it; when he does, he panics, and shares his emotions with Mary Cathrine, Ronin, and Nod when he happens to find them after he panics and walks out from in front of his audience. He mentions the royal pod and what he thinks should be done with it, and then he freaks out for a split second after he notices that they brought it to him; then the only option is to find out what to do with it

Character main Nim Galuu

Nim Galuu

           1024px-Epic (2013 film) logo Heroes

Mary "MK" Katherine | Professor Bomba | Nod | Ronin | Queen Tara | Nim Galuu
