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Heroes Wiki
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Hero Overview

Just beware of eels!
~ Noah warns Owen about Alejandro after his elimination in season three.
Pssh. That flying deathtrap full of psychos? No way!
~ Noah to Blaineley when refusing to return to the show.

Noah is a supporting character in the Total Drama franchise. He is the best friend of franchise icon Owen.

In the first season, he only read books and refused to help the Screaming Gophers to win the dodgeball game and he got voted off. He teams up with Izzy and Eva to fight against Justin (whom he calls the "Anti-Me"). He didn't qualify for Total Drama Action, but he qualified for Total Drama World Tour and he is placed in Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot. He appeared in Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race along with Owen and paired with him as The Reality TV Pros.

He was voiced by Carter Hayden, who also voiced Ennui and Spud in the same franchise.


Noah has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He wears a maroon red singlet over a teal shirt and white long-sleeve shirt, green shorts, white socks, and green shoes.


Noah is a boring, stubborn and sarcastic individual who will make a snide remark whenever possible. He is also intelligent if not somewhat lazy during the show as he rarely would help his team during his first season and still not that much later in the series. That said once he falls in love with Emma he seemed to be in happier and wanted no longer cared if he won provided they got together in the end.


           Total Drama Logo Heroes

First Generation
Bridgette | DJ | Gwen | Leshawna | Duncan | Owen | Geoff | Trent | Izzy | Katie | Sadie | Beth | Harold | Lindsay | Sierra | Noah | Cody | Tyler

Second Generation
Mike | Zoey | Cameron | Dawn | Dakota | Sam | Brick | B | Heroic Hamsters | Mike's Alternate Personalities

Third Generation
Shawn | Jasmine | Sky | Samey | Ella

Fourth Generation
Damien | Emma | Millie | Priya | Zee | Axel | Caleb | Nichelle | Raj | Wayne | Team Rat Face

Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race
Don | Brody | Ryan | Cadets (Sanders and MacArthur) | Best Friends (Devin and Carrie) | Sisters (Emma and Kitty) | Rockers (Spud and Rock) | Fashion Bloggers (Tom and Jen) | The Goths (Ennui and Crimson)

Total DramaRama
Courtney | Ella | Chef Hatchet | Izzy | Beth | Duncan | Jude Lizowski | Harold | Gwen | Owen | Leshawna | Noah | MacArthur | Sugar | Lightning
