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Nocturnal is one of the many Daedric Princes from the Elder Scrolls universe. As a Deadra Nocturnal isn't really good or evil but rather neutral
Nocturnal is the Daedric Prince of darkness, shadows, night, thevies and witches. As one of the Daedric Princes Nocturnal will sometimes do good things or bad things doing whatever suits her needs or whatever she wants. While she will do some good or bad things Nocturnal most of the stays neutral and rarely seeks out deeds like helping or protecting people or deeds like trying to take over the world of Nrin.
Nocturnal mostly keeps herself and rarely gets involved in mortal affairs. Even though she has followers who worship her Nocturnal doesn't seek out worship like the other Daedra. Like Karliah says Nocturnal is more like a mother and her followers are more like her children she looks out for them protecting then or scolding them like what a mother would do.
Her home in the realm of Oblivion is called the Evergloam a realm of eternal night and darkness which home many different things. Nocturnal's realm the Evergloam is home to many different kinds of animals, witches and shadows. She is also is the keeper of a few Daedric artifact like the Skeleton Key and the Gray Cowal of Nocturnal. While she mostly keeps to herself rarely getting involved with affairs of mortals in Elder Scrolls Online she did try to take control of the Clockwork City.
In Elder Scrolls Online Nocturnal did try to take over the Clockwork City with the help of Clavics Vile and Mephala until she betrayed them. After Nocturnal betrayed Clavics and Mephala the two Daedric Princes made a deal Sotha Sil to help him defeat Nocturnal. Their deal with Sotha Sil made them bound to the pact that the other Daedric Princes were bound never to physically get in involved mortal affairs and to never physically appear in the mortal world. However Nocturnal is not bound by the pact that the other Daedric Princes made with Sotha Sil so she can physically get involved with the mortal world.
After her failed attempt to take control over the Clockwork City Nocturnal hasn't tried to take over the world again after her defeat. Since then she has mostly keeps to herself after that. Aside from having mortal followers who worship her and follow her commons Nocturnal also has Daedric followers as well these Daedra are the Wraith of Crows and Shrikes. Aside from having mortal and Daedric worshipers and followers Nocturnal also has creatures called Gloams.