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Hi. I'm your Nifty Odd-Jobbing Robot. call me Norbot.
~ Norbot's catchphrase.

Norbot, short for Nifty Odd-Jobbing Robot, is one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Albert Mackintosh) of the 2024 Stop-Motion film Wallace and Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl.

He is a gnome robot who was created by Wallace to help out citizens with their gardens. Later, he was reprogrammed to become Feathers McGraw's right-hand but was restored to his default settings after his reset button is pressed, assisting Gromit in finding out Feathers’ hand in the crimes Wallace was framed for.


Norbot was created by Wallace whom he described as a "smart gnome" and was designed to do any sort of odd-jobs that needed doing. He is first seen emerging from a large wooden crater while Gromit is gardening. Norbot shows off his capabilities by trimming and cleaning up the garden in seconds (pruning away all the flowers and Gromit's plant in the process) which gets praise from Wallace and makes Gromit jealous. Norbot's antics receive attention from the town and Wallace gets the idea to hire him out to the townsfolk by starting a service called "Wallace & Norbot's Gnome Improvements".

Later that night, when Gromit tries to read a book in bed, Norbot comes into his bedroom and plugs himself in the wall to charge. Unfortunately for Gromit, Norbot keeps making weird gargling loud noises and flashes lights while he charges, something which Gromit puts up with until Norbot declared he has only charged up to 1%. Not wanting to hear Norbot's noisy charging the whole night, Gromit brought him down to the basement to finishing charging by plugging him into the computer. Unfortunately, this gave Feathers McGraw the chance to reprogrammed him to be evil after hacking into Wallace's computer profile on the zoos computer. Norbot then received new orders to make multiple copies of himself as part of Feathers's plot to escape the zoo and get revenge against Wallace and Gromit for his arrest years ago. The next morning, Norbot introduced his army of duplicates to Wallace before they and Gromit are sent out to begin their service work. However, they soon barricade Gromit inside a tool shed and then proceed to steal people's garden tools and other materials to build a submarine for Feathers to escape in.

Sometime later Norbot catches Gromit spying on Feathers from a tree and saws off the branch they are standing on. This causes them fall into a lion enclosure where Norbot lands on the reset button on his back which turns him good again. Gromit notices Norbot is back to being his usual self and saves him being eaten by the lion after the robot trims its mane, much to the animals confusion.

In the climax, after his duplicates are reset into being good by Wallace and Gromit, he and his copies save Gromit from falling off a bridge to his death by forming a chain to catch Gromit before he hits the ground. Later on, Wallace seems to have modified Norbot and his duplicates’ gardening protocol to suit Gromit’s needs, causing him to accept the robot as a new addition to the family.


Norbot is a robotic gnome who has a permanent smile and wears a red pointy hat and green clothes. He has a white beard, bushy white eyebrows and wears a brown belt around his body. He also wears brown boots with beige rims.

In good mode he has normal human like eyes but in evil mode he has solid black eyes.



  • He's the third antagonist to reform after the Cooker from A Grand Day Out and Preston from A Close Shave. Like Preston, he was reprogrammed to be good, although Preston was rebuilt by Wallace while Norbot was reset to his original settings.
  • Norbot's name is an abbreviation of Nifty Odd-Jobbing Robot.


           Wallace and Gromit Logo/Shaun the Sheep logo Heroes

Wallace, Gromit, and Allies
Wallace | Gromit | Wendolene Ramsbottom | Lady Tottington | Hutch | Fluffles | Norbot | Norbot's Minions

The Farm
The Flock (Shaun the Sheep | Timmy | Timmy's Mother | Shirley) | Bitzer | The Farmer

Timmy and Friends
Timmy | Yabba | Mittens | Ruffy | Otus | Apricot | Finlay | Kid | Paxton | Stripey | Harriet | Osbourne

Reverend Clement Hedges | PC Albert Mackintosh | PC Mukherjee | Slip | Lu-La
