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Who plays tricks on Fireman Sam? It's Norman Price!
~ One of the lyrics to the "Naughty Norman Price" song

Norman Price is the deuteragonist in the children’s show Fireman Sam.

He is portrayed as a seven year old boy who loves to play with his skateboard and to play tricks on others.


Personality and background[]

Norman is a mischievous boy who constantly likes to play tricks on his friends and even the men in the Pontypandy Fire Station, he causes trouble from time to time which sometimes leads to emergencies, he is generally more problem-causing in series 6-12 when compared to him in the first five series. However, starting from the series 13, Norman's personality and traits have been toned down as he is more well-behaved and less troublesome.

Even though he likes to cause mischief, he does always know when there is an emergency and when to call for help, sometimes, he even tries to risk his life to save someone else in trouble, such as in "Mummy's Little Pumpkin" where he tries to save his mother who was stuck in a building fire, though Sam stopped Norman before he could even go inside.

He is also shown that he wants to be a firefighter when he gets older, as seen in "Firefighter of Tomorrow", but it is also revealed in "Sheepdog Trials" that he also wants to be a shepherd when he gets older too.

He is actually friends with everyone in Pontypandy despite being mischievous towards them, he has a good relationship with his sheep Woolly.


  • According to Rob Lee, his character was based on Dennis the Menace from The Beano.
  • He appeared in every episode of Series 5.


           Fireman Sam Logo Heroes

Emergancy Service
Fireman Sam | Elvis Cridlington | Penny Morris | Station Officer Steele | Chief Fire Officer Boyce | Ellie Phillips | Arnold McKinley | Tom Thomas | Ben Hooper | Malcolm Williams | Radar |

Recurring Characters
Norman Price | Dilys Price | Bella Lasagne | Trevor Evans | Sarah and James Jones | Rosa | Dusty | Woolly | Mandy Flood | Helen Flood | Mike Flood | Charlie Jones | Bronwyn Jones | Lion | Nipper | Derek Price | Moose Roberts | Gareth Griffiths | Mrs. Chen | Lily Chen | Joe Sparkes | Lizzie Sparkes | Hannah Sparkes |

External Links[]
