Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Heroine Overview

Hello, and Welcome to the Pokémon Center. We restore your tired Pokémon to full health.
~ Nurse Joy

Nurse Joy (Japanese: ジョーイ Jooi) is a nurse who works at Pokémon center and lives the city.

She is voiced by Yuriko Yamaguchi, Ayako Shiraishi, Kikuko Inoue, Chika Fujimura, Chinatsu Akasaki, Risa Shimizu, Shoko Nakagawa and Kei Shindō in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Megan Hollingshead, Erica Schoreder, Michele Knotz, Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld, Kate Bristol, Jennifer Forziati-DaCosta and Suzy Myers in the English version of the anime.


Nurse Joy is a recurring character in every Pokémon series released.

There is multiple Nurse Joys in every town, city and region. They all look the same, have the same voice and personalities. There have been numerous speculations as to why all the Joys look alike, though it seems they are all related in some way.

However, there have been instances in which a Nurse Joy has been known to have a different personality and appearance (such as the aggressive sun-tanned Nurse Joy of the Orange Islands). Brock has an ability to tell each Joy apart based on minute details in their differences.

Each Joy works in the field of medicine, loves Pokémon and is extremely patient and caring. They are the heads of their respective Pokémon Centers.


Nurse Joy made her debut in Pokémon Emergency. With his Pikachu critically injured from the events of the last episode, Ash rushed the Electric Mouse Pokémon to the Pokémon Center in Viridian City with the help of the Officer Jenny of the area. Nurse Joy activated the computer and started to transfer the Poké Balls containing injured Pokémon to the Pokémon Center in Pewter City. The next morning, Pewter City's Nurse Joy called and told her sister that all the Pokémon had made it safely to her center, to which the Viridian Nurse Joy was grateful.






  • Joy is a family name.
  • The genetic similarities in the Joy lineage are ridiculously strong.
    • A married Nurse Joy in the Sinnoh Region has two daughters named Paige and Marnie who look just like her and have the same hairstyle.
  • The reason Nurse Joys look different in Unova and Kalos is to their regions not interacting with Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh; their looks are a result of the culture difference.
    • Out of universe, the "nurse" look had gotten boring so a change was decided.
  • In the anime, despite being nurses, some of the Nurse Joy can have more lawful jobs like an inspector or an investigator.

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           Pokémon the Series logo Heroes

Main Characters
Ash Ketchum | Pikachu | Misty | Brock | Tracey Sketchit | May | Max | Dawn | Iris | Cilan | Serena | Clemont | Bonnie | Rotom Pokédex | Kiawe | Lillie | Mallow | Sophocles | Lana | Goh | Chloe Cerise | Liko | Roy | Dot
Rising Volt Tacklers
Professor Friede | Orla | Mollie | Murdock | Ludlow | Captain Pikachu | Liko | Roy | Dot

Professor Oak | Professor Elm | Professor Birch | Professor Rowan | Professor Juniper | Professor Sycamore | Professor Kukui | Professor Amaranth | Professor Burnet | Professor Cerise | Professor Magnolia | Professor Sonia | Professor Friede

Gary Oak | Officer Jenny | Nurse Joy | Jimmy | Marina | Ritchie | Vincent | Casey | Sakura | Drew | Solana | Zoey | Kenny | Barry | Candice | Looker | Riley | Lyra | Tobias | Bianca | Georgia | N | Rood | Danika | Quillon | Anthea and Concordia | Paul | Sawyer | Alain | Mairin | Aria | Tierno | Shauna | Trevor | Gladion | Guzma | Hapu | Wicke

Delia Ketchum | Johanna | Grace | Samson Oak | Lusamine | Mohn

Other Characters
Giselle | Duplica | Florinda Showers | Harrison | Morrison | Tyson | Cheryl | Ippei

Lance | Steven Stone | Cynthia | Alder (formerly) | Iris | Diantha | Ash Ketchum | Leon

Rising Volt Tacklers
Friede | Orla | Mollie | Murdock | Ludlow | Captain Pikachu

Movie Characters
Main anime timeline
Corey | Neesha | Fergus | Melody | Diana | Towa | Bianca | Sir Aaron | Rafe | Jack Walker | Alice | Newton Graceland | Maury | Eric Prince Raleigh | Princess Kimia | Karl | Tatsuki | Callahan | Latias | Latios | Lucario | Darkrai | Zoroark | Jirachi | Deoxys | Sheena | Kevin | Rowena | Baraz | Meray | Toren | Carlita | Damos | Risa | Koko
Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You! timeline
Ash Ketchum | Sorrel | Verity | Risa | Margo | Callahan | Oliver | Mia | Kellie | Toren | Harriet | Zeraora | Koko

Main Pokémon
Pikachu | Bulbasaur | Charizard | Squirtle | Eevee | Butterfree | Sceptile | Buizel | Lucario | Snivy | Greninja | Incineroar | Psyduck | Vulpix | Scyther | Blaziken | Skitty | Piplup | Pachirisu | Sylveon | Chespin | Fennekin | Sparky | Riolu | Cinderace

Legendary/Mythical Pokémon
Mewtwo | Mew | Lugia | Ho-Oh | Entei | Celebi | Kyogre | Latias | Latios | Deoxys | Dialga | Palkia | Giratina | Cresselia | Darkrai | Shaymin | Arceus | Zekrom | Reshiram | Kyurem | Meloetta | Diancie | Zarude | Zacian and Zamazenta | Enamorus

Other Pokémon
Ivysaur | Venusaur | Blastoise | Raichu | Jigglypuff | Gyarados | Ditto | Snorlax | Pichu | Gardevoir | Metagross | Munchlax | Oshawott | Zoroark | Inkay | Malamar | Wyrdeer | Ursaluna | Basculegion | Sneasler | Hisuian Braviary

Groups and Organizations
Ash's Friends | Pokémon Trainers
