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Genie S. Lady-Bailey, RN, and BSN, better known as Nurse Lady or The Chosen One, is a major character in Dav Pilkey’s Dog Man franchise.

She is voiced by Maggie Wheeler in the 2025 film adaptation.


He genius ideas and caring bedside manner are world renowned. Her quick thinking saved Dog Man's life.

  • STRENGHTH: Moxie
  • WEAKNESS: Chutzpah




As a young baby, Nurse Lady would help around and support the local hospital and its patients. She can be seen trying to comfort Little Jim after a car crash and sympathized with him after hearing the tragic news that his parents died.

Dog Man[]

In Dog Man, she serves as a minor protagonist.

Officer Knight and his dog Greg had been blown up from a bomb ignited by Petey. At the hospital, Nurse Lady and her friend had told Knight and Greg that they were doomed, as Knight’s head and Greg’s body were dying. However, Nurse Lady got the idea to cut off Greg’s head and sew it on Knight's body. Therefore, Dog Man was born.

Cat Kid Comic Club[]

In Cat Kid Comic Club, she serves as a supporting protagonist.

Flippy the Fish had called her and her friend to take a look at his kids' comic books, and give them a medical prescription.

However, the two doctors read the books and started laughing. Nurse Lady tells Flippy that he shouldn't punish the frogs for making 'inappropriate' comic books, and she tells him they're the same thing as regular books, and that he needs to be more chill. Flippy then takes the advise and asks them to leave. As they're leaving, Nurse Lady's friend asks her how she got so wise, and she tells him that she has a degree in baby frog psychology.

Dog Man: Mothering Heights[]

In Dog Man: Mothering Heights, she serves as the overarching protagonist.

When Dog Man accidentally hurt his fingers when he was drinking out of the toilet and the lid slammed on them, he was taken to the hospital. When hearing the news, Chief ran as fast as he could to the hospital and sees Nurse Lady. Nurse Lady tells him that Dog Man kept chewing his bandages on his hands, so they gave him a special collar, which was just a dog cone.

When Chief sees Dog Man, he tells Nurse Lady that they shouldn't give him the dog cone as people would make fun of him. That's when Nurse Lady puts her arm on Chief’s shoulder and tells him that she's glad Dog Man has a friend like Chief. This gives Chief a sudden liking to Nurse Lady. When Chief got back, he spent the entire day writing letters to Nurse Lady. However, they all sucked in his opinion. In order to cheer Chief up, Dog Man brings flowers and treats to the front door of the hospital and ran away. However, Nurse Lady didn't get the idea and just brought the gifts to her patients.

Later, a pair of sippy cups had been sprayed with Living Spray and Cannery Grow and had gone to the hospital to knock it over. Nurse Lady, scared, calls the police to help her. Milly gets the call and informs Chief about it, so he and Dog Man run to the hospital, where Dog Man tries to fight one of the sippy cups as Chief collects everyone from the hospital. At the top floor sits a scared Nurse Lady. She tells Chief that there's no time for everyone to evacuate, so the two hold hands and jump out the window onto the sippy cup. There, the two tickle it, making it lose grasp of the hospital. However, it sees a giant fly swatter on top of a roof anduses it to smack the two off of it.

While they're falling, Dog Man throws an umbrella to them. They use the umbrella to slow their descent down. Chief asks Nurse Lady if they could hold hands, but Nurse Lady denies and asks to kiss instead. So, they do. As they finally return to the ground, Mecha-Molly destroys the sippy cups, and Chief and Nurse Lady think about their date the next day. Then, Chief asks Nurse Lady if Dog Man can come, and she says yes.

Dog Man: Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea[]

In Dog Man: Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea, she serves as a major protagonist.

At the Shark Shack, Nurse Lady has been waiting for Chief and Dog Man. When they arrive, she greets them. At that point, no one can think about what to say. However, a worker that is commonly known as Booger Breath interrupts rudely, and then notices Dog Man. Booger Breath tells Nurse Lady and Chief that they can't have dogs at their restaurant, and even draws a sign about it to prove it. Then, he takes Dog Man and uses a rope to tie him to a nearby trash can.

Then, a squirrel comes and Dog Man chases it, making a mess everywhere. Then, Booger Breath takes Dog Man and threatens to hurt him. That's when Chief collects the trash can and threatens to hurt him. Nurse Lady then joins in and threatens him that she's going to kick him hard. After the two beat up Booger Breath, Nurse Lady takes some of her lipstick and makes the sign say NOW DOGS ALLOWED instead of NO DOGS ALLOWED. Then, a group of dogs come in out of nowhere and tramples Booger Breath as Nurse Lady, Chief, and Dog Man leave. Then, Chief apologizes for the terrible date. However, Nurse Lady had loved it and thanks Chief as she hugs him. Then, Chief and Dog Man high-five each other from a successful date.

Later, they find a giant swing set and swing on it. Nurse Lady and Chief kiss each other while doing so, and Dog Man chews on the rope holding the swing. This causes them to fall down. Chief apologizes again, but Nurse Lady asks to do it again. After swinging many times, the three take a nap on a tree.

At the end of the day, Chief and Nurse Lady wake up and help Petey the Cat rebuild his lab.

Dog Man: The Scarlet Shedder[]

In Dog Man: The Scarlet Shedder, she serves as one of the two overarching protagonists (alongside Chief).

The two have a wedding at City Hall. When Nurse Lady comes, Petey's son Li'l Petey and his friend Molly sing the annual bridal chorus. However, it ends up being a song about poop, which the judge officiating the wedding does not enjoy. The judge angrily asks Nurse Lady if she will take Chief as her husband, which she accepts. He then asks Chief the same thing, which he also accepts. Then, the two put a ring on each other, and they are officially married. However, Nurse Lady wants to have a kiss with Chief, which they do. However, Dog Man (who was Chief’s best man) joins in, causing all of the guests to get grossed out. Then, the two leave for their honeymoon and Chief throws his hat saying that whoever catches it will be temporary chief while he is gone. Maude then catches the hat as Nurse Lady and Chief drive away.

At the end of the book, they return from their honeymoon and Chief collects his hat back from Maude.

Dog Man: Big Jim Begins[]

Along with other heroes throughout the book series, Nurse Lady is invited to a sham party handing out free cake. After eating the cake, she, as well as everyone else that ate cake, instantly fell asleep.


It is confirmed that she will appear in the film adaptation of the series. While not much of her role is known, it is known that, like in the books, she would be the voice of reason to create the idea to create Dog Man.



  • Her real name is "Genie S. Lady" as said like Genius Lady. She is also known for her so-called "genius ideas".

External Links[]


           Dog Man logo Heroes

Dog Man | Chief | Officer Knight | Greg the Dog | Milly

Supa Buddies
Dog Man | Li'l Petey | 80-HD | Molly

Petey the Cat | Li'l Petey | Grampa | Big Jim

Channel 2 News
Sarah Hatoff | Zuzu | Seamus

Nurse Lady | Doctor

Cat Kid Comic Club
Flippy | Li'l Petey | Molly
The Baby Frogs
Melvin the Frog | Naomi | Poppy | Summer & Starla

The Friendly Friends
Crunky | Bub | Mike the Fly | Ducky the Beetle | Daryl the Moth | Uncle Larry

Super Diaper Baby
Super Diaper Baby | Diaper Dog

Yolay Caprese

See Also
Captain Underpants Heroes
