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History and its interpretations of the O5 Council from the SCP Foundation mythos.

Possible Origins[]


The individuals who would become the O5 Council were members of an American militaristic force of fifty men and women sent by President Grant to take down The Factory. The army, led by the future O5-1, was able to breach The Factory where they fought against the enslaved workers and their abominations. After killing them they freed the workers before capturing James Anderson. O5-1 and his subordinates tortured and massacred Anderson for his crimes and then proceeded to take over The Factory.

However, when the army saw the anomalous products, several of them became intrigued and decided to form their organizations such as Marshall, Carter and Dark and the Church of the Broken God utilizing these artifacts. Meanwhile, O5-1 and eleven of his fellow soldiers formed their own organization, the Foundation, independent of the American government to use the anomalies to protect humanity. Unfortunately, they were attacked by the Faeries who were able to kill most of the newly formed Foundation, leaving O5-1 the only survivor. Escaping the carnage, the Overseer hid inside a secret chamber within the building where he encountered the mutilated body of Anderson controlled by the living manifestation of The Factory. It offered to rewrite reality in favor of the Foundation in exchange for sacrifices. O5-1 accepted the offer and with his men alive again they massacred the Faeries, but following their victory the Overseer decided to not keep his promise and moved out of The Factory before burying it. Years later, O5-1 learned that The Factory became active again, forcing him to start sacrificing Class-D personnel to keep the threat in check.

SCP-001 (Dr. Mann's Proposal)[]

Renowned physicist Aaron Siegel discovered an anomalous Spiral Path and began studying it. From his study Siegel began creating other anomalies and brought several of his colleagues into his project to create anomalies for the benefit of humanity. However, things got out of control, as numerous dangerous anomalies began manifesting out of nowhere inside their facilities, forcing Aaron's organization to lie to the various governments to give them funding to contain these anomalies.

SCP-001 (Scantron's Proposal)[]

In September 7th of 1954, when the Unusual Incidents Unit discovered Confirmed Anomaly 3, a high school that was transformed into a security facility, it sent Team CA3-O5 to survey it. However, the UIU lost all contact with the team as it did not return a second team CA3-O6 was sent to retrieve them but also failed to return. The UIU teams had fallen under the control of the anomaly and formed their own organization, with new personnel manifesting out of nowhere. As time went on, the facility began creating anomalies for the new organization to contain. By May 15th of 1965, Team CA3-O5 had become the O5 Council and began expanding their organization worldwide, much to the UIU's dismay.

SCP-001 (Wrong Proposal)[]

The thirteen individuals who would form the Council and found the Foundation were the only people who remembered the destructive Fifth Occult War of 1900 which was rewritten out history due to the events of SCP-001. They were originally members of various groups that fought during the war, such as the 0th Anti-Cult Regiment, Abnormality Institute, American Secure Containment Initiative, Bureau of Onmyō, Estate noir, His Majesty's Foundation for the Study of Curiosities and Phantasmagoria, Imperial Commission on Transgressive Occurrences, Inner Africa Expeditionary Society, Imperial German Anomalous Matters Examination Agency, the Knights of the Military Order of Borja y Aragón, Royal Office for Christian Artefacts, Special Investigations Board Council of the Dutch East Indies and Tsar's Seers. Not wanting for history to repeat itself the newly formed Council decided to hide the anomalous forces, but it was later revealed that the thirteenth individual didn't actually have any memory of the war which allowed the Council to have an unbiased opinion. This iteration of the Council would eventually be replaced by their successors, leaving the original individuals to go on their own ways but not before leaving their own messages for the new iteration.

SCP-001 (Tufto's Proposal)[]

The Council was apparently created around 1824 when thirteen organizations, including the Foundation of the Secure Containment of the Unnatural, the Devan-e Jaaduyih, the Unified Sites of the Department of Unexplained Affairs, the Council of Five Overseers and the Commitee of Paranormal Ethics, merged into the Foundation. According to Robert Scranton's document, the Foundation was created as reaction to the threat posed by the Scarlet King, but other official documents uncovered by Agent de Beauvoir in 1891 state that the Foundation was created following the massacre caused by SCP-173 in New York City. This can be explained due to the idea of the Scarlet King changing the past to become connected with the Foundation.

SCP-001 (djkaktus's Proposal III)[]

The Council was formed sometime around 1900 by the Administrator of the Foundation and former doctor of the Royal Scientific Conservatory, Frederick Williams, to help him in maintaining the organization. The Council was originally comprised of his fellow scientists and occultists Felix Carter, an alternate version of Sophia Light, Ansel Shaw, Aaron Siegel and Vincent Arians, although the latter two were at first apprehensive in joining first. Unbeknownst to most of the Council, part of Williams intermingled with reality, causing it to become the living concept that embodied the Foundation, and as a result the now sentient idea began manifesting anomalies worldwide for the organization to contain. This forced the Council to act as part of the containment procedures of the living idea of the Administrator.


The Foundation and the Council was founded by the Administrator Franz Williams in 1783. The Administrator had previously been the ancient warlord BLACKSTAR and prophet of the deity known as the Black Moon, who once led the powerful Three-Pronged Army which had previously wiped out the Mekhanites, the Daevites and the Sarkites during the Bronze Age. With the Three-Pronged Army having become the modern day SCP Foundation, the Administrator recruited the Overseers to assist him in fighting the anomalous to keep the world safe. Back then the Council members were twelve individuals designated Alpha through Mu before switching to simple number designation later on.

SCP-001 (Null Sum Proposal)[]


Controlling the Foundation[]

The Council was indirectly responsible for the creation of the Chaos Insurgency around 1926. The Insurgency was either created by deserters from their MTF Alpha-1 who had fallen under the control of the anomaly known as the Engine, or former Council members who became disillusioned with the Foundation and their fellow Overseers. The Insurgency sought to take down the Foundation for their lies and/or use the contained anomalies for the benefit of humanity instead of imprisoning and forgetting about them. The Council as result underwent a shift and became more cautious about their personnel, although it is highly possible that the Insurgency was just a fabrication for the Council to put the blame to after sending Alpha-1 to attack their own sites for some complex plans.

In 1964, O5-7 concerned over the safety of her daughter, Marie Williamette, decided to create a memetic agent to implement into Marie which would cause everyone around her also concerned about her safety. However, over the course of some years, the memetic agent gradually mutated and became contagious, spreading to the entire world, causing those who viewed Marie to make everyone around them concerned about them. Thankfully, a countermeme was created to destroy the memetic agent and spread it all over the world, while everyone forgot about the event except for the Council. Because of her part in causing all of this, O5-7 was forced to resign, but along with her left O5-2 as the latter had realized that her own compassion could jeopardize things. Meanwhile, Marie's SCP designation was revoked as her memetic agent was destroyed and she was reassigned to junior researcher.

In early November 1974, O5-6, having been to the future of 2056 in which the Foundation struggled with over eight thousand anomalies, created SCP-910 which was a ritual using organizations as components to execute it. The Council sought to use this ritual to sacrifice the Administrator which would result in them gaining anomalous powers, but the process didn't work exactly as they hoped. O5-1 attempted to kill O5-6 only for him to fail and be killed by the latter. The room inside the previous Site-01 in which the Administrator was killed became anomalous itself as it was temporally stuck on November 3rd of 1974, the date he was murdered, and contained the materials that were in his possession such as letters that alluded to what the Council did. The Foundation personnel, who were unaware of its true nature, requested to analyze the room to solve its mystery, but the Council refused all requests, not wanting to be found out.

Around late 1975, O5-11 approved Dir. Sharp's Project LONDON BRIDGE which involved D-239 being exposed to various anomalies before healing her with SCP-427. The Overseer had approved this in order to go back to the old days before the Foundation became just office work instead of action. Unfortunately, this project ended in disaster as D-239 merged with a sympathetic doctor, Jacques Boucher, and transformed into monster which killed most of the personnel on Site-05. The monster was imprisoned within the now abandoned site and designated as SCP-5549, while both O5-11 and Sharp were punished by the rest of the Council which including O5-14, with the Overseer placed on leave without pay and Sharp demoted to D-Class.

In June of 1995, the Department of Tactical Theology stationed at Site-666 was able to ascertain the existence of SCP-5383 which was a form of glitch that affected registration of people's sins. According to a document stolen from the Vatican by the demon Blaggaroth, if one individual was to commit every single atrocity their sins would become too much and be erased, causing the individual to be cleansed of all sins and be recognized as a saint. With this information the Council decided to exploit SCP-5383 in order to ensure their entrance to Heaven and evade hell. They could do this while keeping this acts all secret thanks to their position, but as they killed countless innocent people and desecrating everything sacred or that they held dear O5-1 had messed up one of instructions, forcing the Overseers to start over.

The O5 Council approved General Bowe's proposal to utilize their anomalies for military purposes, such as the creation of MTF Omega-7 which was comprised of some SCPs like SCP-076-2 and SCP-105. This, however, would come crashing down, with most of the MTF being slaughtered during "Incident Zero" inside SCP-2000 after being sent to fix a malfunctioning powerful anomaly known as the Bloom which served to reset all reality as a last ditch effort in case of an inevitable K-Class Scenario. When the problem was resolved through the destruction of the Bloom, 076-2 was blamed for the deaths of the MTF, and the Council prohibited any further weaponization of anomalies, while Bowe was disposed of. The Council would also order Dr. Gears to execute Dr. Kondraki after being fed up with the latter's shenanigans. Following the attack of a mysterious group, only known as the Ones In Black, which was repelled by the intervention of SCP-105, the Council decided to revitalize the idea of an MTF comprised of anomalous individuals. This new MTF would be known as Alpha-9, or "Last Hope", and Dr. Light was put in charge of it in order to make sure it didn't fail as last time.

After O5-11 had perished since he had refused to extend his life, the Council gathered his remains and brought him back to life. However, he was later captured attempting to make a deal with SCP-106 and was brought before the rest of the Council. O5-2 revealed to them that after he had died he remained conscious and trapped within his dead body, being forced to watch as his body slowly deteriorated. This horrified and drove most of the Council mad and even consider to treat Death as an anomaly which needs to be destroyed. This chaos forced O5-1 to gas their room with amnestics in order to restore order, but O5-11 and O5-7 managed to escape. On the run O5-7 wrote the SCP-2718 file where she went into detail about her entire experience and called O5-11 out on causing unneeded chaos before she was shot down and killed. Meanwhile, O5-11 surrounded himself to SCP-106 in order to forever live within his pocket dimension.

As the Foundation struggled with the containment of SCP-4456, a galleon named the "Soy Mi Amante" that if not provided with over half a million dollars worth of silver daily it would summon alternate versions of itself, Dr. Calvin Bold, after his request was denied by the Ethics Committee, proposed to the Council to deliberately terminate the anomaly and form the Decommissioning Department in order to deal with anomalies that although don't pose a direct threat are too costly to contain. The Council was split on this, but through voting the formation of the Department was approved, along with the choice of appointing Bold as its director.

In February 21st of 2020, as the Council prepared one of their meetings, except for O5-7 who was outside of Site-01 doing work, O5-5 saw a visible shadow of the Foundation's sigil on a wall of the meeting room. The shadow caused all present Council members various emotions and immediately called MTF Alpha-1. The MTF deduced that the shadow was an anomaly and soon evacuated the site and escorted each O5 to a safe location while they attempted to remove the anomaly, now designated SCP-5105, to no success. O5-2 later informed O5-7 about the anomaly and showed them a photo of it, causing O5-7 to feel uncomfortable and be reminded of the time they contained their first anomaly. Before another meeting was about to occur, O5-1 and O5-13 discussed about SCP-5105 and came to the conclusion that it had manifested as a reflection of their wrongdoings. Being unable to get rid of it the Council simply decided to constantly shine light to it as it would disappear this way.

Following the discovery of SCP-5109, a password that can be remembered by only one person in all of reality and if the holder tells the it to another person, they would completely forget it while the one who heard it will become the new holder of the password, and the turmoil it caused between the Foundation and other Groups of Interest, the Council had Dr. Sokolsky, the current handler of SCP-5109 brought to them. The Council members expressed their delight over the damage that SCP-5109 had brought to those groups, especially their rivals, but had Sokolsky report them about the attack on Site-54 and Cpt. Roger Pensak's betrayal. Sokolsky explained that the site had most likely been attacked by the giftschreiber while Pensak had been collaborating with most the groups, but in particular with the giftschreiber. The Council became concerned over the emergence of this group of interest comprised of memeticists they heightened the security of all their sites before congratulating Sokolsky in his in the SCP-5109 project and assigning him as Deputy Director of ETTRA.

Unexpectedly, windows began appearing in the sleeping quarters of each Overseer. When one of the Overseers looked through the window they saw an alternate version of themself performing activities that they had enjoyed doing before they were forced to abandon them after joining the Council. This phenomenon was designated SCP-7630 and when the Overseers saw their alternate counterparts enjoying the lives they had, attempted to resign from their posts, causing the Foundation to try to amnesticize them. However, amnesticization proved to be ineffective as the feelings remained, and because of this every Overseer who saw through instances of SCP-7640 were to be terminated and replaced.

Possible Endings[]

Quiet Days[]

One day, for unknown reasons, every single anomaly which ever existed was either neutralized or normalized, much to the shock of everyone. With their mission now unneeded the Foundation disbanded as all employees left to live their normal lives. Eventually, the Council was the only one left and held one final meeting but not before receiving a final product from Dr. Wondertainment, a non-anomalous play set of a Foundation facility with minifigure replicas of most personnel. Once the meeting was over O5-4 and O5-11 talked, expressing some dissatisfaction despite having succeeded in protecting humanity from the anomalous forces.

Ecce Perago[]

Following the promotion of Dr. Everett Mann to the position of O5-4, he decided to dispose of all the other Overseers in order to gain total control. With the assistance of Dr. Clef, Dr. Gerald, Agent Black and SCP-108 Mann was successful in killing all other unsuspecting Overseers through different ways, allowing him to become the new Administrator. However, when the now deceased Overseers were replaced with Agent Lament, Dr. Clef, Dr. Moose, Dr. Bright, Desiree Talleh, Dr. Gerald, Agent Black, Dr. Sorts, Dr. Light and Dr. Gears, Mann himself was killed and replaced by Dr. Frederick Heiden.

October 15th, 2012[]




The Battle of Baikal/Aftermath[]

Following the Church of the Broken God reclaiming SCP-2217 and the formation of the Triumvirate alliance between the Foundation, the Global Occult Coalition, the Horizon Initiative and the Church, SCP-610 began to breach containment. As the combined forces of the Foundation, the GOC and HI struggled to keep 610 contained, several members of the Council, via video calls, held a gathering with the Coalition's D.C. al Fine and the Initiative's Tribunal to discuss the best way to exterminate the malicious disease. Suddenly, Robert Bumaro hijacked O5-3's monitor to announce everyone that the United Church had arrived to their aid.

The combined forces were soon joined by the Church in their battle against SCP-610, but even then the disease was slowly overwhelming the Triumvirate. Thankfully, Bumaro was able to cure all of the victims infected by 610 by killing Yaldabaoth underneath lake Baikal. In the aftermath, the Foundation was unable to cover the incident up and were forced to announce the Broken Masquerade scenario and let the world become aware of the anomalous. It is unknown what happened to the Council after the Foundation was dissolved due to the world's governments declaring it an illegal organization that should be persecuted for its inhumane crimes.

Mission Statement[]






SCP-001 (Captain Kirby's Proposal)[]

During the latest meeting of the Council, except for O5-13 who was outside of the Site meeting Nobody, O5-1 accused his fellow Overseers of poisoning his coffee. This erupted in a heated debate leading to O5-1 lashing out at the entire Council for being made up of anomalous individuals. He came to the conclusion that the Foundation had become corrupt, that instead of containing dangerous anomalies, they became obsessed with claiming every single anomaly to study, and believing that the Foundation had become the very thing it swore to fight he decided to activate the on-site nuclear warheads to kill the Council. In the explosion the entire Council was killed while the other personnel stationed at the site had their memories altered by O5-13 with the help of the GOC.

O5-13 and the Administrator replaced the Council with new members, but not wanting history to repeat itself decided to classify O5-13 as SCP-001 due to his unique perspective on the anomalous world as a result of him having always been a normal non-anomalous human being. This later led to the new members of the Council began researching any information available regarding his anomalous properties as they were unaware of his true nature and the Ethics Committee would not allow them to find out.

SCP-001 (djkaktus's Proposal III)[]


SCP-001 (Tanhony's Proposal)[]

After the Council got hold of the embodiment of Death trapped within an old man, designated SCP-001, they used it to their advantage by making him unable to perceive them and practically giving them immortality. This caused the Council to become increasingly arrogant and power hungry, leading to the Ethics Committee sending their own MTF, Omega-1 to dispose of the Council after finding out the truth thanks to a tip given by the Administrator. Omega-1 clashed with Alpha-1 inside Site-01, while several Council members were shot but still alive. The conflict was resolved when the Administrator went to SCP-001 and freed him by finally killing him. This resulted in the Council dying and in the aftermath and in their absence other personnel were promoted to the position of the O5.





SCP-001 (Arbelict's Proposal)[]


SCP-001 (ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal)[]



When the event only known as SCP-6500 began neutralizing all of the anomalies due to the Foundation containing most of them, the Council tasked several Foundation personnel in claiming various anomalous artifacts to use in preventing the event. As the personnel were able to claim these artifacts and stop SCP-6500, the Council was also able to capture O5-0, a former Council member who was against the Masquerade and imprisonment of anomalies. The Council confronted O5-0 who revealed to them the reason why 6500 happened in the first place and offered them to do the right thing by dissolving the Foundation and allow the world to learn of the anomalous. The Council was split on this matter and held a vote to whether continue their work as usual or do as O5-0 suggested. As the Council was divided on this decision it was up to O5-13 to decide.

In the Vanguard timeline in which O5-13 chose to deliberately cause a "Broken Masquerade" scenario and dissolve the Foundation into Vanguard, the Council stepped down from leading the new organization and went into hiding.

In the Threshold timeline in which O5-13 decided to continue doing their usual job and keep the Veil of Secrecy intact, the Council was accused of suffocating the beautiful anomalous world and several groups and such as Threshold and the escaped O5-0 with allies planned to forcefully take the Foundation down.

Years later, the Council approved the project relating to the construction and usage of SCP-6659 in destroying hostile gods from within the noosphere. However, this caused SCP-3125 in its full form to slowly take over humanity, forcing the Foundation to use 6659 in empowering the idea of Prometheus who could fight the imminent threat. This greatly affected the Council mentally as they were unable to think right. Dr. Ryoto Hishakaku took advantage of this and convinced the Council to approve his project about SCP-6488 to use it in imprisoning deviant AIs. Later on, after Hishakaku took complete control of the Artificial Intelligence Applications Division, the Council not remembering what SCP-6488 was about tasked VictorJohnDunneSmith.oci to learn about it and report back to them. The oci told them about Hishakaku's machinations and so they decided to dismantle 6488 while extracting Hishakaku's brain to turn his consciousness into an AI just like VictorJohnDunneSmith.









Beyond the Rubicon[]

One day almost all of baseline humanity went extinct due to a Calamity, leaving only the nonhuman creatures or abnormal humans. This included the entire O5 Council which were also wiped as the current dossier of Site-01 suggested.
