Oakheart is a supporting character in the Warriors series by Erin Hunter.
He was a warrior and deputy of RiverClan who served under Hailstar and Crookedstar’s leaderships in the forest. During his lifetime, Oakheart was very supportive of his kin and allies, raising his mate Bluefur’s kits when she couldn’t and defending his brother Crookedjaw when their mother belittled him for his disfigurement.
Oakheart was also a fierce and well-respected warrior, having been made an apprentice and warrior relatively earlier than most cats his age. He was killed in a Sunningrocks battle with ThunderClan and ascended to StarClan, reuniting with Bluestar.
Crookedstar’s Promise[]
Oakkit is born to Shellheart and Rainflower alongside his brother Stormkit. Both are named after the storm they were born in and the oak tree that sheltered them. One day, when they are older, the two kits sneak out and play in the Sunningrocks. However, ThunderClan medicine cat Goosefeather sees the two RiverClan kits and chases them back into RiverClan. Unfortunately, Stormkit breaks his jaw slipping on a rock and is soon renamed Crookedkit on their mother’s request.
After Crookedkit runs away in shame, Oakkit is apprenticed as Oakpaw to his father Shellheart. After Crookedkit returns and is apprenticed himself as Crookedpaw, Oakpaw receives his warrior name Oakheart after defeating some dogs on a patrol. Soon, Crookedjaw receives his warrior name as well and Oakheart receives his first apprentice; Loudpaw.
Bluestar’s Prophecy[]
Bluepaw first hears of Oakheart when Hailstar announces him as a new warrior. Running into Crookedpaw, he tells her that Oakheart is his brother.
Later on, Bluefur sees Oakheart laying on the Sunningrocks on a patrol. She chases him away and insults him, but Oakheart takes interest in her. He tells her to meet at the Fourtrees at moonhigh. Bluefur teaches him to climb trees while Oakheart teaches her how to swim.
Bluefur soon falls pregnant with his kits, but tells Oakheart that she plans to raise them alone in ThunderClan. But when the ThunderClan deputy Tawnyspots falls ill and is about to die, Bluefur makes the difficult choice of giving up their kits to prevent the bloodthirsty Thistleclaw from becoming deputy. However, Mosskit dies on the journey and Oakheart takes in the other two for the queen Graypool to raise.
Crookedstar’s Promise (cont.)[]
Oakheart lies to Crookedstar that he found these kits (Mistykit and Stonekit) in the snows after a loner abandoned them. But Crookedstar gets suspicious after scenting ThunderClan cats on them, and asks Oakheart if these kits are actually his and Bluefur’s. Oakheart admits that they are, but Crookedstar allows the kits to stay.
After Crookedstar’s mate and two of their kits die of sickness, Oakheart calls out his brother for neglecting their remaining kit; Silverkit, and Crookedstar agrees.
The Propehices Begin[]
Oakheart is the deputy of RiverClan. He leads his Clan into battle against ThunderClan over Sunningrocks. When Redtail attacks Oakheart's son, Stonefur, Oakheart snarls that no ThunderClan cat would harm him. While fighting with Redtail, Oakheart is killed in a rockfall. Redtail realizes that ThunderClan is outnumbered and calls a retreat. Tigerclaw forces Ravenpaw to lie about what occurred, and he says that Oakheart killed Redtail and Tigerclaw killed Oakheart in revenge. Later, Fireheart asks Ravenpaw to retell the story, and he amends that Oakheart was killed by a rockfall but Redtail was not.
The New Prophecy/ A Shadow in RiverClan[]
In Feathertail’s dream, Oakheart chooses her to be RiverClan’s representative to go to the sun-drown-place. But he warns her that it will be dangerous and that she might not survive. Feathertail accepts the quest.
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ThunderClan RiverClan ShadowClan WindClan SkyClan Outside of Clans |