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These Romans are crazy
~ Obelix's catchphrase

Obelix is the deuteragonist from the French comic book series Asterix. He works as a menhir sculptor and deliveryman, and is Asterix's best friend. Obelix is noted for his fatness, the menhirs he carries around on his back and his superhuman strength. He is the only Gaul in Asterix's village who is permanently superhumanly strong since he fell into a cauldron of magic potion when he was a baby. Because of Obelix's already enormous strength, he is not allowed to drink the magic potion ever again, a ban he regards as being tremendously unfair.

Other characteristics are his simplemindedness, his love and care for his dog Dogmatix, his anger when someone refers to him as being "fat", his enthusiasm for hunting and eating wild boars and beating up Romans. His catchphrase is: "Ils sont fous ces romains", which translates into "These Romans are crazy!", although he considers many other nationalities to be just as strange.

In the live action movies he is portrayed by Gérad Depardieu. In the English dub of Asterix and Obelix Take on Caesar, he was voiced by the late Terry Jones of Monty Python fame. In the animated movies, he is voiced C. Ernst Harth in the English dub of Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods and Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion.

Obelix was created by the late Albert Uderzo and the late Renee Goscinni.

Powers and abilities[]

Superhuman strength: Due to the fact that he fell into a full pot the magic potion of the druid Getafix, Obelix constantly possesses a superhuman strength allowing him to lift or hit extremely heavy objects. The exact limits of his strength are unknown (or even if he has limits); he could for example pull several boats easily, which even surprises Getafix and even more impressive to lift the foot of a statue without any effort. His strength even allows him to beat and send dozens of cohorts of legionaries flying easily. Finally his strength allows him to deliver his menhirs easily and to uproot trees. 

Superhuman durability: Obelix is shown being durable enough to smash through stone and metal as if it were nothing. Even being hit in the head does not seem to bother him much as seen in Asterix versus Caesar movie.

Superhuman speed: As seen in Asterix at the OlympicsCesar's Papyrus and Asterix and the Transitalic, Obelix can run extremely fast (perhaps even at supersonic speed) and travel huge distances easily.

Intelligence (sometimes): Despite his raw, ignorant and naive side, Obelix can sometimes be intelligent as when he realizes in Asterix among the Normans that Cacofonix has left for Lutèce. 



  • Jacques Morel in Asterix the Gaul (1967), Asterix and Cleopatra (1968) and The Twelve Tasks of Asterix (1976).
  • Pierre Tornade in Asterix versus Caesar (1985), Asterix in Britain (1986), Asterix and the Big Fight (1989) and Asterix Conquers America (1994).
  • Jacques Frantz in Asterix and the Vikings (2006).
  • Guillaume Briat in Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods (2014) and Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion (2018).


  • Gérard Depardieu (who also played Edmond Dantès in The Count of Monte Cristo (1998) and Jean Valjean in Les Misérables (2000)) in Asterix and Obelix vs. Caesar (1999), Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra (2002), Asterix at the Olympic Games (2008) and Asterix and Obelix: God Save Britannia (2012).
  • Gilles Lellouche in Asterix & Obelix: The Middle Kingdom (2023).



External Links[]


           Asterixlogo Heroes

Main Characters
Asterix | Obelix

}}Indomitable village

Dogmatix | Getafix | Vitalstatistix | Cacofonix | Panacea | Geriatrix | Cetautomatix | Unhygienix
