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I do understand. I understand we were never enough for you You never loved mother, and you don't love me, you love HIM! And you needed THESE! Was this my fault that you needed these?
~ Octavia's betrays Stolas for supposedly abandoning her to be with Blitzo and always saw her as an obligation.

Octavia of the Ars Goetia (also known as Via or just Octavia) is a major character in the black comedy drama adult animated web series, Helluva Boss. She serves as one of the main protagonists of the episodes "Loo Loo Land", "Seeing Stars" and "Sinsmas".

She is the teenage daughter of Stolas and Stella, and as such the niece of Andrealphus, and a princess of the Ars Goetia, who is repressed and moody due to the frequent arguments between her parents, and despises Blitzo due to his affair with her father causing her parents' relationship to worsen further.

At the end of the second season, after her father is exiled, her mother and her uncle Andrealphus gain custody of her, and while she stops Andrealphus from killing Stolas, Blitzo and I.M.P, she then lashes out at Stolas for leaving and returns to the palace, separating herself from her father completely in the process.


Octavia's attitude is that of a cynical, blunt teenager. She's fascinated by morbid topics like listening to and writing depressing songs and collecting taxidermy of monstrous animals. She is a person of few words, but she does highly value her privacy in spite of how quiet she normally is.

Octavia's perpetually grouchy mood causes her to distance herself from others. She possesses a dry sense of humor, referring to Loo Loo Land and it's eponymous mascot as a "shameless spin-off" of Lucifer's far more popular theme park, Lu Lu World, and expresses disdain for the former's "insecure corporate shame".

Octavia's negative and gloomy disposition likely stems from the tumultuous relationship of her parents to the point she has become desensitized to their constant fighting, reaching a point where she expresses no obvious reaction to her parents violently arguing towards one another even when said conflicts occur right in front of her, as seen when she casually avoids objects her mother starting throwing at her father by simply walking around or dodging them, all the while not showing much of a reaction at all and nonchalantly asking Stolas if the two were done screaming for the day afterwards.

Despite the complacency she usually shows, Octavia's issues are much deeper than they first appear. Ever since she was a child, Octavia has feared that her parents would separate, and that her father would abandon her in the process. This fear began to manifest in her childhood, but it became more prominent after Stolas started his affair with Blitzo, which eventually led to him and Stella's divorce.

In "Seeing Stars", a more cheerful and emotional side is shown to Octavia, as the day that Stolas had promised to take her to see Azathoth's Tears had finally arrived. However, she soon saw Stolas continuing to bicker with Stella over the phone while ignoring Octavia. Heartbroken and frustrated, she departs to see the stars for herself, convinced that Stolas' hatred of Stella is stronger than his love for her. After a heart-to-heart with Loona however, she learns to be more forgiving of Stolas since he tries his best to make her happy despite not being perfect at it.

In the Season 2 finale "Sinsmas", Octavia shows disgust at the snottiness of her mother and uncle, and while she separates herself from her father in anger for him leaving, she still saves him from Andrealphus.

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           Hazbin Hotel logo / Helluva Boss logoHeroes

The Morningstar Family
Charlie Morningstar | Lucifer Morningstar

Seven Deadly Sins
Asmodeus | Beelzebub

Ars Goetia
Stolas | Octavia | Vassago

Alastor | Carmilla Carmine | Rosie

Hazbin Hotel (Husk | Niffty | Angel Dust | Cherri Bomb)
Others: Cannibals

The Hellborn
Razzle and Dazzle

Vaggie | The Egg Boiz


Sir Pentious

Cletus | Keenie | Collin
