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George Robert Beard and Harold Mitchell Hutchins, better known as Old George and Old Harold to differentiate them from their present selves, are the deuteragonists of the twelfth installment to the Captain Underpants book series, Captain Underpants and the Sensational Saga of Sir Stinks-A-Lot.

Old George and Old Harold are 20 year older versions of George and Harold that help them to save the world from Sir Stinks-A-Lot.


To see their lives before the twelfth book, see their synopsis pages.

In order to stop Mr. Meaner form taking over the world, George and Harold go to Melvin Sneedly's house to find his Robo-Squid, then travel forward in time to find the older version of Yesterday George and Yesterday Harold, now famous graphic novel writers, and their families, with whom they are also disappointed.

The older Yesterday and younger Today versions of George and Harold travel back in time to find Mr. Krupp. The older George and Harold tried to snap their fingers, but as he had been washing his face, he can not turn into Captain Underpants, and Mr. Meaner beats them up anyway. Once Mr. Krupp dries his face, they snap their fingers and turn him into Captain Underpants, defeating Mr. Meaner and sending him to prison.

After eating an egg salad sandwich with pickle relish and radioactive, Meaner turns into a gigantic blob (because the egg salad contains mayonnaise and he added pickle relish; this would create Zygo-Gogozizzle 24) called Sir Stinks-A-Lot. He then causes havoc downtown. Captain Underpants returns to fight him back, but when Old George and Old Harold are captured and absorbed, Sir Stinks-A-Lot discovers Captain Underpants' weakness and turns him back into Mr. Krupp by splashing water from Franz Pond on him, making him fall (he's still unharmed because of his superpowers).

He then drains Captain Underpants' powers with his own after scanning his DNA, presumably taking the effects of the 3d Hypno Ring as well. He runs off screaming as Old George and Harold telepathically call for Tony, Orlando, and Dawn, Sulu and Crackers' children. They feed him Mentos, Diet Coke, and Pop Rocks, making him explode. Luckily, the three hamsterdactyls and Old George and Old Harold are unharmed, as well as Mr. Meaner, who's back to normal.

Things are back to the way they were, and as young Today George and Harold return their older Yesterday counterparts to their own time, they find that Mr. Krupp doesn't turn into Captain Underpants at the snap of a finger, because Mr. Meaner erased Captain Underpants from existence. Aside from Harold's initial confusion; he, George, and their older counterparts do not seem to care in the slightest. George and Harold then decide, given there are a George and Harold to cover for them, they'll use Melvin's time machine to find their pets Crackers and Sulu.


Like their younger selves they have the tie and a flat top haircut and a T-Shirt and messy hair.




           Captain underpants logo Heroes

George Beard (Yesterday, Old) | Harold Hutchins (Yesterday, Old) | Melvin Sneedly (Mel-evator) | The M.I.S.F.A.R.T.S (George Beard, Harold Hutchins, Erica Wang (Aternate Timeline, Adult), Dressy Killman, Bo Hweemuth, Steve "Gooch" Yamaguchi, Stanley Peet, Jessica Gordon, Sophie One, Other Sophie)

Benjamin Krupp (Old, Alternate Timeline) | Kenny Brian Meaner | Toilette Ree | Jerry Citizen

Sulu | Crackers | Tony, Orlando and Dawn | Great-Granny Girdle and Boxer Boy | The Incredible Robo-Plunger | Cavemen | Gaylord Sneedly | Cindy Sneedly

The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants
Diddlysaurus | The Society of Robes | Cash Networth | Bigfoot | Creeply Rattlechains | Viper Chai | Moxie Swaggerman | Dr. Shifty Fitzgibbons | Cosmicops | Livmen | Santa Claus | The Tolietastics

Ook and Gluk
Ook Shadowski and Gluk Jones | Lily | Master Wong | Lan Wong | Mog-Mog

See Also
Dog Man Heroes
