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Old Kai is a major supporting characters from the Dragon Ball Z series. He is the forner Supreme Kai of the East. In Super, he became the Grand Supreme Kai. He is the 15th generation ancestor of Shin.

He is voiced by Reizo Nomoto, the late Isamu Tanonaka and Ryoichi Tanaka in the Japanese version, and by Steve Olson, Kent Williams and Scott McNeil in the various English versions.


Old Kai is an honest and wise, albeit somewhat eccentric Supreme Kai who gave good advice to his descendant and Gohan, but did so in a way that at first, they weren't sure if they should take him seriously, only to find out he truly knew how to unlock the latter's hidden potential. However, he also shows a short-tempered side from time-to-time where he's quick to snap, such as when Goku hit him with a ki blast to test his reflexes. Old Kai is also very loyal to the Gods of Destructions and the Angels, as well as loyal to and fearful of Zeno, the Omni King. However, like Master Roshi, Old Kai is also a pervert who like to flirt with young beautiful girls.

Abilities and Powers[]

As a Supreme Kai, Old Kai is considered to be one of the powerful beings. He fought Beerus before he was sealed away into the Z-Sword despite his elder age.


           Dragon Ball transparent logo Heroes

Dr. Slump
Arale Norimaki | Senbei Norimaki | Obotchaman | Sankaku Sagata | Akane Kimidori | Aoi Kimidori | Abale | Kurikinton Soramame | Midori Norimaki | Ultraman | Gatchan | Peasuke Soramame | Koita Ojo | Hiyoko | Chivil | Polly Buckets | Old Woman Spring | Turbo Norimaki | Suppaman | Taro Soramame | Tori-bot | Nitro Norimaki | Tsukutsun Tsun | Tsururin Tsun | Tsuruten Tsun

Dragon Ball
Z-Fighters | Goku | Grandpa Gohan | Bulma | Master Roshi | Oolong | Yamcha | Yajirobe | Dr. Brief | Chaozu | Puar | Launch | Ox-King | Chi-Chi | Krillin | Fortuneteller Baba | Tenshinhan | Nam | Upa | Bora | Shenron | Mr. Popo | Karin | Kami's Predecessor | Kami | Piccolo Jr. | Master Mutaito | Dr. Flappe | Android 8 | Suno | Annin

Dragon Ball Z
Gohan | King Kai | Guardian of Planet Vegeta | Vegeta | Dende | Porunga | Future Trunks | Future Gohan | Android 16 | Android 17 | Android 18 | Kid Trunks | Goten | Hercule | Videl | Pikkon | Nail | Good Buu | Guru | Moori | Katas | Pan | Uub | Tarble | Kibito | North Kai | East Kaioshin | South Kai | West Kai | Old Kai | Bee

Gogeta | Gotenks | Vegito | Kibito Kai | Kefla

Dragon Ball GT
Giru | Para Para Brothers | Sugoro & Shusugoro | Nuova Shenron | Goku Jr. | Puck

Pansy | Bardock | Beerus | Whis | Jaco | Gine | Broly | Cheelai | Lemo | Dr. Hedo | Gamma 1 | Gamma 2

Live-Action Movie
Goku | Bulma | Master Roshi | Chi-Chi | Yamcha | Grandpa Gohan | Shenron

Video Game Exclusive Only
Android 21 | Beat | Note

Dragon Ball Super
Cabba | Hit | Vados | Gowasu | Zeno | Great Priest | Future Mai | Earth's Resistance | Toppo | Jiren | Caulifla | Kale | Brianne de Chateau | Dyspo | Heles | Belmod | Champa | Sous Roas | Merus | Kusu | Sour | Marcarita | Monaito | Esca | Super Shenron
