Main Characters
Red (Origins) |
Green |
Leaf |
Blue Oak |
Chase |
Elaine |
Trace |
Ethan |
Kris |
Lyra |
Silver |
Brendan |
May |
Wally |
Lucas |
Dawn |
Barry |
Hilbert |
Hilda |
Cheren |
Bianca |
Nate |
Rosa |
Hugh |
Calem |
Serena |
Shauna |
Trevor |
Tierno |
Elio |
Selene |
Rotom Pokédex |
Lillie |
Hau |
Hapu |
Gladion |
Victor |
Gloria |
Hop |
Marnie |
Bede |
Klara |
Avery |
Scottie |
Bettie |
Keith |
Rei |
Akari |
Florian |
Juliana |
Nemona |
Arven |
Professor Oak |
Professor Elm |
Professor Birch |
Professor Rowan |
Professor Juniper |
Professor Sycamore |
Professor Kukui |
Professor Magnolia |
Professor Sonia |
Professor Willow |
Professor Laventon |
Director Clavell
Pokédex Holders
Red |
Blue Oak |
Green |
Yellow |
Gold |
Crystal |
Silver |
Ruby |
Sapphire Birch |
Emerald |
Diamond |
Pearl |
Platinum Berlitz |
Black |
White |
Blake |
Whitley |
X |
Yvonne Gabena |
Sun |
Moon |
Henry Sword |
Casey Shield
Todd Snap |
Looker |
Riley |
Cheryl |
Georgia |
N |
Colress |
Rood |
Anthea and Concordia |
Guzma |
Wicke |
Carmine |
Daisy Oak |
Johanna |
Grace |
Samson Oak |
Lusamine |
Gym Leaders, Trial Captains, and Island Kahunas
Misty |
Brock |
Lt. Surge |
Erika |
Koga |
Sabrina |
Blaine |
Janine |
Blue Oak |
Falkner |
Bugsy |
Whitney |
Morty |
Chuck |
Jasmine |
Pryce |
Clair |
Roxanne |
Wattson |
Flannery |
Norman |
Winona |
Tate and Liza |
Wallace |
Juan |
Roark |
Gardenia |
Maylene |
Crasher Wake |
Fantina |
Byron |
Candice |
Volkner |
Cilan |
Elesa |
Iris |
Cheren |
Roxie |
Viola |
Korrina |
Ramos |
Clemont |
Lana |
Kiawe |
Mallow |
Sophocles |
Hapu |
Milo |
Nessa |
Kabu |
Bea |
Allister |
Opal |
Gordie |
Melony |
Piers |
Marnie |
Raihan |
Iono |
Larry |
Tulip |
Elite Four, Finalists, and Quarter Finalists
Lorelei |
Bruno |
Agatha |
Lance |
Will |
Koga |
Karen |
Sidney |
Phoebe |
Glacia |
Drake |
Aaron |
Bertha |
Flint |
Lucian |
Shauntal |
Grimsley |
Caitlin |
Marshal |
Malva |
Siebold |
Wikstrom |
Drasna |
Hala |
Molayne |
Olivia |
Acerola |
Kahili |
Marnie |
Hop |
Nessa |
Bea |
Allister |
Raihan |
Rika |
Poppy |
Larry |
Blue Oak |
Trace |
Lance |
Steven Stone |
Wallace |
Cynthia |
Alder |
Iris |
Diantha |
Elio |
Selene |
Leon |
Battle Facility Leaders
Noland |
Greta |
Tucker |
Lucy |
Kamado |
Cyllene |
Spenser |
Brandon |
Anabel |
Palmer |
Thorton |
Dahlia |
Darach |
Argenta |
Ingo |
Emmet |
Nita |
Evelyn |
Dana |
Morgan |
Red |
Blue Oak
Academy Staff
Hassel |
Jacq |
Dendra |
Nurse Miriam
Main Pokémon
Pikachu |
Bulbasaur |
Charizard |
Squirtle |
Eevee |
Butterfree |
Sceptile |
Buizel |
Lucario (M08) |
Greninja |
Incineroar |
Psyduck |
Vulpix |
Scyther |
Blaziken |
Piplup |
Pachirisu |
Sylveon |
Fennekin |
Sparky |
Legendary/Mythical Pokémon
Mewtwo |
Mew |
Lugia |
Ho-Oh |
Entei |
Celebi |
Kyogre |
Latias |
Latios |
Deoxys |
Dialga |
Palkia |
Giratina |
Cresselia |
Darkrai |
Shaymin |
Arceus |
Zekrom |
Reshiram |
Kyurem |
Meloetta |
Diancie |
Zarude |
Zacian and Zamazenta |
Enamorus |
Koraidon and Miraidon |
Other Pokémon
Ivysaur |
Venusaur |
Blastoise |
Raichu |
Jigglypuff |
Ditto |
Snorlax |
Pichu |
Gardevoir |
Metagross |
Munchlax |
Oshawott |
Zoroark |
Inkay |
Malamar |
Wyrdeer |
Ursaluna |
Basculegion |
Sneasler |
Hisuian Braviary |
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Pikachu |
Chikorita |
Charmander |
Piplup |
Oshawott |
Snivy |
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu
Detective Pikachu (Legendary Pictures) |
Tim Goodman |
Lucy Stevens
Pokémon Go
Professor Willow |
Team Valor |
Candela |
Team Mystic |
Blanche |
Team Instinct |
Spark |
Pokémon Trainer
Groups and Organizations
Old Team Plasma |
Team Yell |
Galaxy Expedition Team |
Diamond Clan |
Pearl Clan |
Pokémon Trainers |
Team Star
See Also
Pokémon Anime Heroes