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Heroes Wiki

Team Plasma is broken into two different forces in Black 2 and White 2, one force that is still loyal to N and retains the same purpose, known as the Old Team Plasma (which have the same uniforms as in Black and White), and another force that is loyal to Ghetsis and serves a new purpose: to take over Unova.

For the villainous Team Plasma, go Here


This faction of Team Plasma is loyal to N, who reside in the house just above Driftveil Gym with Rood, Anthea and Concordia. Ashamed of their past deeds, they've vowed to make amends by taking in abandoned and abused Pokémon and finding kind and caring trainers for them. They openly welcome the player into joining their cause to help stop Ghetsis, and to help take care of the abandoned Pokémon. As such, Rood gives the player N's Zorua, deeming them a caring trainer. They also confront the new Team Plasma at the Giant Chasm and help hold them off so the player can enter the Plasma Frigate. The player can also find N's Pokémon in various locations after witnessing a Memory Link.



           Pokémon logo Heroes

Main Characters
Red (Origins) | Green | Leaf | Blue Oak | Chase | Elaine | Trace | Ethan | Kris | Lyra | Silver | Brendan | May | Wally | Lucas | Dawn | Barry | Hilbert | Hilda | Cheren | Bianca | Nate | Rosa | Hugh | Calem | Serena | Shauna | Trevor | Tierno | Elio | Selene | Rotom Pokédex | Lillie | Hau | Hapu | Gladion | Victor | Gloria | Hop | Marnie | Bede | Klara | Avery | Scottie | Bettie | Keith | Rei | Akari | Florian | Juliana | Nemona | Arven | Penny

Professor Oak | Professor Elm | Professor Birch | Professor Rowan | Professor Juniper | Professor Sycamore | Professor Kukui | Professor Magnolia | Professor Sonia | Professor Willow | Professor Laventon | Director Clavell

Pokédex Holders
Red | Blue Oak | Green | Yellow | Gold | Crystal | Silver | Ruby | Sapphire Birch | Emerald | Diamond | Pearl | Platinum Berlitz | Black | White | Blake | Whitley | X | Yvonne Gabena | Sun | Moon | Henry Sword | Casey Shield

Todd Snap | Looker | Riley | Cheryl | Georgia | N | Colress | Rood | Anthea and Concordia | Guzma | Wicke | Carmine | Kieran

Daisy Oak | Johanna | Grace | Samson Oak | Lusamine | Mohn

Gym Leaders, Trial Captains, and Island Kahunas
Misty | Brock | Lt. Surge | Erika | Koga | Sabrina | Blaine | Janine | Blue Oak | Falkner | Bugsy | Whitney | Morty | Chuck | Jasmine | Pryce | Clair | Roxanne | Wattson | Flannery | Norman | Winona | Tate and Liza | Wallace | Juan | Roark | Gardenia | Maylene | Crasher Wake | Fantina | Byron | Candice | Volkner | Cilan | Elesa | Iris | Cheren | Roxie | Viola | Korrina | Ramos | Clemont | Lana | Kiawe | Mallow | Sophocles | Hapu | Milo | Nessa | Kabu | Bea | Allister | Opal | Gordie | Melony | Piers | Marnie | Raihan | Iono | Larry | Tulip | Grusha

Elite Four, Finalists, and Quarter Finalists
Lorelei | Bruno | Agatha | Lance | Will | Koga | Karen | Sidney | Phoebe | Glacia | Drake | Aaron | Bertha | Flint | Lucian | Shauntal | Grimsley | Caitlin | Marshal | Malva | Siebold | Wikstrom | Drasna | Hala | Molayne | Olivia | Acerola | Kahili | Marnie | Hop | Nessa | Bea | Allister | Raihan | Rika | Poppy | Larry | Hassel

Blue Oak | Trace | Lance | Steven Stone | Wallace | Cynthia | Alder | Iris | Diantha | Elio | Selene | Leon | Geeta

Battle Facility Leaders
Noland | Greta | Tucker | Lucy | Kamado | Cyllene | Spenser | Brandon | Anabel | Palmer | Thorton | Dahlia | Darach | Argenta | Ingo | Emmet | Nita | Evelyn | Dana | Morgan | Red | Blue Oak

Academy Staff
Hassel | Jacq | Dendra | Nurse Miriam

Main Pokémon
Pikachu | Bulbasaur | Charizard | Squirtle | Eevee | Butterfree | Sceptile | Buizel | Lucario (M08) | Greninja | Incineroar | Psyduck | Vulpix | Scyther | Blaziken | Piplup | Pachirisu | Sylveon | Fennekin | Sparky | Cinderace

Legendary/Mythical Pokémon
Mewtwo | Mew | Lugia | Ho-Oh | Entei | Celebi | Kyogre | Latias | Latios | Deoxys | Dialga | Palkia | Giratina | Cresselia | Darkrai | Shaymin | Arceus | Zekrom | Reshiram | Kyurem | Meloetta | Diancie | Zarude | Zacian and Zamazenta | Enamorus | Koraidon and Miraidon | Ogerpon

Other Pokémon
Ivysaur | Venusaur | Blastoise | Raichu | Jigglypuff | Ditto | Snorlax | Pichu | Gardevoir | Metagross | Munchlax | Oshawott | Zoroark | Inkay | Malamar | Wyrdeer | Ursaluna | Basculegion | Sneasler | Hisuian Braviary | Mabosstiff

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon

Pikachu | Chikorita | Charmander | Piplup | Oshawott | Snivy | Tepig

Pokémon: Detective Pikachu
Detective Pikachu (Legendary Pictures) | Tim Goodman | Lucy Stevens

Pokémon Go
Professor Willow | Team Valor | Candela | Team Mystic | Blanche | Team Instinct | Spark | Pokémon Trainer

Groups and Organizations
Old Team Plasma | Team Yell | Galaxy Expedition Team | Diamond Clan | Pearl Clan | Pokémon Trainers | Team Star

See Also
Pokémon Anime Heroes
