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NOTE: This article is about the Live-Action Rebooted Continuity version of Optimus Primal, for the other versions, go to the disambiguation page.

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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Named after you, the legendary warrior of Cybertron. It's an honor.
~ Optimus Primal meeting Optimus Prime.
No matter the cost.
~ Optimus Primal after mercy-killing Airazor
Trapped. But not dead. Evil can never be vanquished completely. He could return.
~ Optimus Primal to the Maximals and the Autobots that Unicron would return one day.

Rhinox, Cheetor, MAXIMIZE!
~ Optimus Primal ordering Rhinox and Cheetor to transform during the final battle

Optimus Primal is the tritagonist of the 2023 film Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. He is the leader of the Maximals after his master and father figure, Apelinq was killed by Scourge when Unicron invaded the Maximals' home planet. He is Optimus Prime's namesake.

He is voiced by Ron Perlman, who previously voiced the character in the Prime Wars Trilogy, One in The City of Lost Children, and Xibalba in The Book of Life.


Optimus Primal is older, wiser, philantrophist and is more of a mentor and advisor to his namesake, Optimus Prime. He reveres Optimus Prime as "the legendary warrior of Cybertron'". However, their initial interactions briefly damaged this pedestal for Primal, as he lamented the latter was not who he imagined he would be. He later comes to see him for the hero that he is. Additionally, Primal is very protective of both fellow Maximals and the humans he has befriended.


Optimus Primal is a huge alien robot whose alt mode resembles a gorilla. He has green eyes, and is also covered in fur on parts of his body both in his beast mode and robot mode.


Optimus Primal was one of the Maximals who inhabited a distant jungle world. When Unicron, the Terrorcons, and their Predacon drones invaded, Primal and a small group of Maximals fought their way through to meet their leader Apelinq, guardian of the Transwarp Key that enabled their race to cross time and space. Discovering that the Terrorcon leader Scourge would try to claim the key, Apelinq passed both the mantle of command and the Transwarp Key to Optimus, who used the key to escape their doomed world moments before Unicron devoured their home. Optimus and the three remaining Maximals—Airazor, Cheetor, and Rhinox—fled across space and time to ancient Earth, where they established a new base of operations in southern Peru. Originally, Optimus established a hidden tomb where they stored the Transwarp Key; in time, however, the Maximals came to befriend the humans who took up residence in the region and entrusted them with the device instead. The Maximals and humans made an oath to dedicate life on Earth no matter the cost.

The Maximals remained in hiding for many thousands of years, until, in the year 1994, a sequence of events set in motion by the accidental discovery of the Transwarp Key Earth led a team of Autobots and their human allies Noah Diaz and Elena Wallace to the jungles of South America. After Airazor stopped a brief standoff between him and Optimus Prime, Primal agreed to help them retrieve the second half of the Key before the Terrorcons retrieved it, and led them to a nearby village to meet with the latest guardians of the key.

However, the next morning, Scourge's corruption finally overcame Airazor, who'd been previously infected with his corrosive powers during a prior confrontation, and after a brief battle Primal was forced to put his infected teammate down for good. However, the battle allowed Scourge to get a hold of both halves of the Transwarp Key, and used them to open a portal through which to summon Unicron to Earth. The Autobots and Maximals took part in the final battle to retrieve the Transwarp Key and close the portal, with Primal killing a disarmed Battletrap by smashing his head to bits with his own wrecking ball. Although Optimus Prime successfully killed Scourge and destroyed the key, the imploding transwarp portal forced Primal and his allies into a retreat. However, just when it seemed Noah's attempt to rescue Optimus Prime from the imploding portal ended in failure, Primal arrived in the nick of time to help pull the Autobot leader to safety. With the evil defeated for now, the three remaining Maximals chose to stay behind in Peru while the Autobots returned to America, but not before forming an alliance with humans to be ready to face the return of Unicron someday.



When Unicron destroyed our world, we took an oath dedicated to the preservation of life. No matter the cost. And Earth has been a safe refugee.
~ Optimus Primal to Optimus Prime of his reason of staying on Earth.
If it's a fight you want, you've got one!
~ Optimus Primal to Battletrap.
~ Optimus Primal to Rhinox and Cheetor.


  • One of the roars used for Optimus Primal are the same roars used for King Kong in the Monsterverse.
  • Mirage refers him as “Donkey Kong”, a character from the Mario franchise and the protagonist of his own video games.
  • Takehito Koyasu, the Japanese voice actor of Optimus Primal from the Beast Wars cartoon, reprised his role in the film. This makes Prime, Primal and Cheetor, are the only characters to have their original Japanese voice actors to reprise their roles from the original cartoons.
  • Garry Chalk, the original voice actor of Optimus Primal from the cartoon, approved of Ron Perlman voicing Primal in the film despite not reprising of his own.
  • Opposing to his original cartoon continuity, this Optimus Primal incarnation wasn't direct descendent of Optimus Prime.
  • He was originally going to appear in The Last Knight but was dropped. Afterwards, his appearance in ROTB was taken cues from his Last Knight concept art design.

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Optimus Primal | Cheetor | Rhinox | Airazor | Apelinq

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Doctor Powell | Jack Burns | Seymour Simmons | Tom Banachek

Charlie Watson | Memo Gutierrez | Otis Watson | Noah Diaz | Elena Wallace
