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NOTE: This article is about the Optimus Prime from the Energon Universe, for his original version from Generation 1, click here, for the other versions, go to the disambiguation page.

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Hero Overview

How do you feel about going on the offensive?.
~ Optimus to Cliffjumper shortly after getting Megatron's arm, his most famous quote.
I brought our war to this beautiful place… even if by accident. It is my duty to now defend it.
~ Optimus shows his desire of protecting Earth from the cybertronian war.
Ratchet: They are not innocent! you saw what they did to Spike! one of their own! they're prone to anger and destruction!

Optimus: Just like us.

~ Optimus confronting Ratchet about his thought about humans.

Optimus Prime, simply known as Prime, is the main protagonist of the 2023 Transformers comic series and a major character of the shared continuity where the comics take place, known as the Energon Universe. He is the heroic, brave, and renovated leader of the Autobot resistance and the arch-enemy of Megatron, leader of the oppressive faction, the Decepticons.

After the outbreak of the great war, both factions fought each other in many battles, but Optimus had to make the painful decision of leaving their homeworld, Cybertron, due to the immense number of casualties and the Decepticon advance. The Autobots' objective was to travel through the galaxy to find Energon and recover, but the Decepticons intercepted them, and the fierce battle caused them to crash on Earth, leaving all bodies inert inside the ship for millions of years.

After being fixed thanks to the reactivation of Teletraan 1 by Jetfire, Optimus and Ratchet saved their friends and protected two humans from the cruel Decepticons. Optimus became a good friend of the young Spike Witwicky and now he desires to protect Earth and all life on it from the great cybertronian war, now gathered with his Autobots, Optimus fights hard against the remaining Decepticons in the absence of Megatron and seeks to end the war and save both planets, but he will be forced to make many sacrifices for the greater good.

Like the other comic series set in the same universe, such as Void Rivals and GI Joe, the series was published by Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment.


Robot Mode[]

Optimus is identical to his Generation 1 counterpart, with only slight changes.

He is a tall and large robot; his head is blue and has two thick antennas and two pointed antennas on each side. His face is more human-like, as he has blue eyes and a grey nose, but he wears a mask that covers his mouth everytime. His torso and arms are red, and his chest has the front windows of the truck and his abdomen has the truck’s grille in vertical, each arm is divided in three parts and all of these have a square shape. Additionally, he has the Autobot symbol on the front of his shoulders and has blue hands that resemble human hands, his groin and thighs are a light white color, while the rest of his legs are blue, with various details such as the wheels and fuel tanks on each side, and with different mechanical details.

Truck Mode[]

When he transforms into his alternate mode, Optimus is a Freightliner FLA semi-truck. The truck’s cabin is completely red and its windows become more transparent. The legs transform into a slim semi-trailer, making it a more realistic truck. Additionally, Optimus carried a trailer on some occasions, but not frequently.


Optimus now carries Megatron’s left arm as a replacement after losing his own. This arm has a light gray color and has several mechanical details, the arm holds the powerful Fusion Cannon at the left side, which has immense destructive power. Now with this arm, Optimus has a higher firepower and can use the Energon Mace of his arch-nemesis, also, this arm can be integrated into his truck mode.


Sparky: You mean... Gods? Don't you fall into that category?

Optimus: Ha! Because of my size? I could say the same of you, human.

~ Optimus dismissing himself as a God, showcasing his humility.

Originally, he was known as a rough and aggressive commander when the great war began, but over time, Optimus became a generous, kind, gentle, merciful and selfless leader when he understood the value of all life forms and decided to take on the duty of caring for them. Many of his incredible traits, such as his compassion, his courage and his endless fight for the freedom of every sentient being have been reflected in his friendship with the young man Spike Witwicky, who he has seen as a genuine friend and almost like a son. When they first met, both spoke sincerely about their lives; Spike lamented when Optimus lost Bumblebee in one of the many battles that occurred on Cybertron, and Prime took care of him, truly, Optimus was very human despite being a robot and became wise enough to be deeply gentle.

Optimus deeply loves the Earth, and the first time he stepped out of the Ark after millions of years of inactivity, he was fascinated by the beauty of the serene landscape he beheld. However, he accidentally stepped on a moose that was walking nearby. An innocent Optimus took the body of the animal and apologized, without knowing that the animal died. Spike told him that he saw what happened but that he should not worry. Optimus replied that this world was new to him since he had always been accustomed to the nearly indestructible places of Cybertron. It was at that moment that Optimus understood how fragile and majestic the planet and its forms of life were, he is very strong mentally, as he bears the weight of having to protect two worlds from the Decepticons, whom he completely rejects for how monstrous they have become. However, unlike them, Optimus has seen humanity as valuable allies and respects them greatly. He would not hesitate to intervene in other conflicts to do what is right, truly being worthy of being a Prime, from a strategic point of view, Optimus is very powerful and skilled in battle, making him an excellent choice as a warrior. He defeated Megatron during his attack on the Ark, and in his absence, Optimus has been able to defeat many of the Decepticons, becoming a dreaded and formidable warrior. He has an excellent mastery of weapons and is a master in hand-to-hand combat. If he had more advanced equipment, he would most likely be almost unstoppable.

On the battlefield, Optimus has been extremely brave and protective, as he saved Carly and Cliffjumper from being killed by the ruthless Skywarp, in the arduous fight, Sparky shot a missile at Optimus' arm and the Seeker took advantage to wound him, Spike, scared for Prime's life, ran to try to help him, but he accidentally got shot, Optimus screams in fear for the boy's life and Skywarp tries to grab him, but an angry Optimus stops him, he rips off his own left arm and beats the Decepticon, though Sparky begs him to not hurt Spike, the Autobot leader transforms to take the boy to a hospital, telling Sparky ''I'm going to save your boy'', after arriving at Farmingham Hospital, he realizes that everyone needs medical assistance for how injured they were, a caring Optimus uses all the power of the Matrix of Leadership to power the electrical system, demonstrating an enormous level of love and sacrifice.

Currently, despite his virtues, Optimus has felt disoriented and lost in his odyssey, as the war has mentally marked him and he has felt a lot of remorse. He feels very guilty for all the damage he has caused due to his past bad decisions and wants to make amends for those mistakes. He is very sensitive, as he feels tormented and tired by all the chaos surrounding him and suffers from not always being in control due to his inexperience. His internal pain has reached the point where he started having visions of Spike dying, and he began to have frenzies where he lost control of his body and unleashed all his rage on his enemies, but he fights back ro regain control and refuses to be that old version of himself again, unlike his human friends, who see him as a wise and honorable leader and have witnessed his best phase. some of his former comrades have questioned him about his decisions and his persistent wish to save Earth instead saving them and their planet, but he has been brave enough to clarify that no one is more guilty of their own mistakes than themselves, and therefore, the Earth should not be used in any way to rectify others’ atrocities.

He does not enjoy what the conflict has become, Optimus only sees the war as an immense cycle of death and destruction and laments the fact that it has come to Earth and to its habitants, He knows he must protect them as they are innocent lives, but he has become quite inconsiderate towards Cybertron and his own species. when Elita-1 showed him all the resources collected by Shockwave and told him that she wanted to use it to restore their planet, Optimus decides to destroy all the energon and sacrifice his relationship with Elita, telling her that Earth needs them. After this, a troubled and scarred Optimus asks to himself what he has just done, something that teaches us that excessive altruism is not always the best choice.

But also, Optimus became more loving and caring with his Autobots, as when he told Arcee how proud he was of her and comforted her, when he was happy to see Cliffjumper again, and also when he refused to be repaired so that other Autobots could be repaired first, prioritizing their lives over his own. Optimus became a more intimate and benevolent figure for them and works hard alongside them to find Energon and save innocent lives. He understood that he had to support them, as they were all suffering, and everyone needed a close leader willing to listen to them and above all, to understand them.



Main Article: Megatron (Energon Universe)


Main Article: Starscream (Energon Universe)

Powers and Skills[]









In Other Media[]





  • Despite being one of the more recent incarnations, this version of Optimus Prime has immediately become very beloved by Transformers fans because of his very humble character. Rather than being an extremely serious and stoic like other versions of the character, he displays many emotions such as fear, insecurities, and acknowledges whenever he makes mistakes whose consequences affect him and those around him.
    • Additionally, this reimagination of Optimus has been very loved among readers as it regained much of the love, generosity and altruism that Optimus had lost in some of the more famous adaptations: Most notably the Optimus from the original film series, where he's depicted as a brutal and bloodthirsty leader, being too homicidal with his enemies, this version from the reboot films, who ultimately ended up doing the same thing in Rise of the Beasts, and his incarnation from Prime, who, while not violent by any means, was constantly stoic, serious, and rather cold.
  • Optimus is the only character that has appeared in every issue of comic series.

External Links[]
