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NOTE: This article is about the Bayverse Comic and Video Game version of Optimus Prime, for the other versions, go to the disambiguation page.

Optimus Prime is one of the main protagonists of the original game and comic adaptations of the Transformers live-action film series. Originally a peaceful Cybertronian scientist and the very last Prime of the Dynasty, Optimus and his team of scientists were studying the mysterious Allspark until they were betrayed by their security unit, the Decepticons, and his former brother in arms, Megatron, who is now a Power-Hungry Warlord.

Naming his squad of scientists as the Autobots, he used his team to fight the tyrannical Decepticons in order to stop them from getting the AllSpark's awesome power. He is based off his original incarnation with the same name.

He is voiced by Peter Cullen who also voiced the character in the original series, Eeyore in the Winnie the Pooh franchise and Thaedus in the Invincible animated series.


Optimus is a large robot who transformers into a blue and red color with flames Peterbilt 379 semi-truck.

In fourth and fifth movie, he wore a knight armor while transform into a Western Star with blue and red colour flames.


Optimus is an introvert, kind, humble, caring, selfless, serious, highly intelligent, calculating, and wise. He has a strong sense of justice, honor, and good morals. On the battlefield, he is a great fighter, leader, and tactician.

Optimus is very mature, calm, level-headed, and patient, as he rarely loses his temper. Despite humanity's primitive state compared to his own race, Optimus often defends them by arguing that he sees their potential to be better rather than focusing on their flaws, following the Battle of Mission City.

Optimus has a great love towards humans, as he cares deeply for the entire human race and; made a vow to himself, along; with the autobots not to harm any humans at all. He swore to protect the planet Earth from threat and the decepticons at all cost, as he did not want the planet to suffer the same fate as Cybertron did. But after the Chicago war that; was caused; by Megatron and Sentinel Prime, Optimus becomes completely merciless towards malevolent humans; who had attacked him; such as the Cemetery Wind, the CIA black ops unit; who had secretly disobeyed the president and the government's orders, and despite the Autobots are still the government's allies, as well killing their leader, Harold Attinger; who had allied with the Cybertronian assassin and bounty hunter, Lockdown, while still protecting benevolent humans; who had risked their lives for him; such as Cade Yeager, his daughter, Tessa Yeager and her boyfriend, Shane Dyson.

Like Optimus' fellow rebels, the Dinobots and the Knights of Iacon, he hates his own creators so deeply that; includes Quintessa and intended to kill her and her fellow creators; because she sent Lockdown to retrieve him; due to the destruction of Cybertron in the Chicago war that; was caused; by Megatron.

As a tragic result of the war taking a toll on Optimus' mind; especially after the betrayal of his father and brother figures, Optimus developed a ruthless drive towards achieving his goals, showcasing no mercy to any enemy at all, giving pretty brutal deaths to many even when they are helpless and bested. If the situation really calls for it, he will go as far as to; allow the Decepticons to do crimes feeling it is the only way humanity could learn they could be trusted and out of desperate measures to gain the Dinobots' help to thwart Galvatron's disastrous plots for humanity, threatens them with death if they don't follow his lead.

This has gotten worse; when Optimus was brainwashed and deceived; by Quintessa, he became merciless to kill anyone; who had stand in his way; until he had returned to his original-self; with the help of Bumblebee. after he had somehow regained his voice that; was torn; by Megatron; during the Great War. No matter how ruthless he could ever get, Optimus is able to retain sight over his goals and know; when he should not cross any lines to remain the humble and wise hero that; he is.

Powers and Abilities[]


Cybertronian Physiology/Matrix of Leadership Enhancement: As the last of the Primes, Optimus is one of the most, if not the most powerful Cybertronian, with seemingly only Megatron and Lockdown being on par. However, he is less combative than Megatron, due to spending time as head of the Science Division.

  • Cybertronian Strength: Optimus has immense superhuman strength, far superior to that of almost any non-Prime Cybertronian, with him even able to take down Shockwave with ease. He is shown to be equal with Megatron, as he lifted Starscream and send him flying, knock Megatron out and cause damage in the second movie, due to Megatron's upgrade reducing his speed.
  • Cybertronian Speed: Optimus has considerable superhuman speed, superior to that of an average Cybertronian, as he was shown to outrun helicopters on foot, and to even outrun Sentinel Prime when the latter was in vehicle mode.
  • Cybertronian Durability: Optimus is extremely durable, practically immune to human weaponry, and usually sustaining only minimal damage while battling fellow Cybertronians. Indeed, the only way to truly slay Optimus (as Megatron temporarily did) is to pierce the spark in his chest, which only Megatron's Cybertronian blade was shown to be capable of doing. However, this is no longer an issue, with the Matrix of Leadership, Optimus survived being stabbed again by Lockdown.
  • Cybertronian Stamina: As a Cybertronian, Optimus does not require sustenance or sleep, being able to maintain physical activity for an unlimited period of time.
  • Cybertronian Healing: Optimus' body is composed of living transformium metal, which allows him to heal from serious wounds at superhuman rates, with the only known exception being a pierced spark (which is a fatal wound). Optimus Prime has an enhanced healing factor, in the second movie, a badly damaged Optimus Prime was healing during the time Jetfire's parts were combining with Optimus. He is able to heal when Lockdown impaled him with his sword which isn't enough to fully kill him, but restrain him.
  • Holographic Projection: Optimus displayed the war on Cybertron to Sam and Mikaela using hologram.
  • Invincibility: Optimus Prime has the Matrix of Leadership inside of his chest. As long as it stay there, Optimus Prime has invincibility to survive even Lockdown impaled Optimus' own Judgement Sword through his chest from the Fourth Movie.
  • Transformation: In first to third movie, Optimus Prime transform into a blue and red flamed 379 Peterbilt truck. In Initial fourth movie, he transform into a rusty Marmon 97 semi truck. In fourth and fifth movie, Optimus Prime transform into Western Star 5700 XE semi-trailer truck. Additionaly, Optimus can store and summon ton of Cybertron weapons from his body. He primary used Ion Blaster, Barrage Cannons, Machine Gun, Dual Energon Swords, Hand-Held Energon Sword, Rusty Dual Energon Sword, Knuckle-Spikes, Energon Hooks, Energon Axe, Shield, Thermal Cannon, Thermal Machine gun, Missile, Quad Barrel Shotgun, and Knuckle-Spikes. Optimus also had a weapon trailers which had his Jetwing Unit that has Gun Pods and Charged Missles. As Nemesis Prime, Optimus could also manifest a small dagger, which he used to almost kill Bumblebee. His primary weapons were Dual Energon Swords which he used until Age of Extinction where in attempt to fight Galvatron he drove the sword through his Vortex Grinder, which disintegrating most of the sword. They were later replaced by his Sword of Judgment.
  • Flight: As seen in fourth and fifth movie, Optimus is able to fly through the air with an tremendous speed thanks to his rocket boots, and he can also withstand extreme temperatures in space.


  • Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Optimus is shown to be an exceptionally formidable hand-to-hand combatant. In fact, the only ones that have been able to defeat him in combat are, Megatron, the Fallen, Lockdown, and Sentinel Prime (though most of Megatron's victories were only because Optimus had already been worn down after prolonged prior fighting, while Megatron entered the battle fairly fresh). During his battle with Sentinel, he was too blinded in rage to launch an effective attack that almost got him killed and during his battle with Lockdown, Optimus choose to save Cade and almost died.
  • Master Swordsman: Optimus is shown to be an immensely formidable swordsman, as he was able to down Bonecrusher, the Fallen, Megatron, Sentinel Prime and even Lockdown with his swords. He is even use his swordsman skills against multiple foes like when he was fighting Megatron, Starscream and Grindor in their Forest battle or in Chicago when he was fighting his way through the Decepticon army to Shockwave and then he used his Energon Sword with his axe against Sentinel Prime or when he his Autobots and Dinobots were fighting the KSI Robots he use his new and dangerous weapon Sword of Judgment with his new Shield against them also he was able to cut of six Infernocuses heads of with one swing.
  • Master Axe Combatant: While Optimus usually favors swords or bare hands, he is shown to be highly proficient in wielding his battle axe, with him taking down Megatron and Sentinel Prime with one. In addition the feat was incredible as he only had one arm at the time. He can also charge his battle axe with energon energy to make deadly effects.
  • Master Marksman: Although he prefers hand-to-hand combat, Optimus is extremely proficient in the use of firearms, as he is shown to aim his weapons at any Decepticon or even the Control Pillar with Shockwave's gun directly without missing. He also used Megatron's fusion cannon (now resembled to a stockless hand held shotgun) with only one arm.
  • Expert Driver: Optimus is shown to be a highly skilled driver in vehicle mode, with him notably able to do a swift u-turn while driving at high speed, and able to rapidly transform in mid-air, even with a trailer attached to him.
  • Gifted Intelligence: Optimus Prime, due to being an alien from the highly advanced planet Cybertron, and due to being many centuries old, is highly intelligent.
    • Master Tactician: Optimus' exceptional tactical skills are displayed when he leads the Autobots into battle.
    • Master Leader: Optimus is shown to be an excellent leader, with his fellow Autobots always obeying his orders in battle.
  • Master flyer: When in robot and flight modes, he is good at flying as demonstrated starting from Revenge of the Fallen to The Last Knight.


  • AllSpark: Optimus could be slain if the AllSpark was placed into his chest, much the same way Megatron was but not permanently.
  • Damaged Spark: Optimus was temporarily slain by Megatron, when the latter pierced his chest and the spark; within it.
  • Body Part severed: Like humans, Optimus would suffered damage, when his own body part torn off cause his energon to leak as, when Sentinel Prime cut off his arm with his blade in third film and being damaged, by Cemetery Wind and Lockdown, caused his ear fall off in the fourth film.
  • Stasis Lock: After being damaged, by Lockdown and the Cemetery Wind, Optimus had remained; into stasis lock; until he was awoken and helped by Cade Yeager. On his quest to find and kill his creators in space, Optimus also had remained in stasis and floating in space; until he was awakened after crash landed on Cybertron.
  • Quintessa's Brainwashing: Due to having possibly been created by Quintessa, Optimus is vulnerable to her brainwashing; with her therefore; forcibly converting him; into the ruthless and malevolent persona of "Nemesis Prime". Only when hearing Bumblebee's voice again; made Optimus snap out and regain his original heroic persona.


  • Optimus Prime is voiced by his original voice actor, Peter Cullen since the Generation One series. With his reception warmly received by fans and critics alike, he continues to voice the character from now on.
  • Optimus Prime both voice actor Winnie the Pooh, In English he is voiced by Peter Cullen who also voiced Eeyore, and in Japanese dub he is voiced by Tesshō Genda who also voiced Tigger.
  • During the release of Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, there was a popular fan theory that the main antagonist Scourge was a corrupted version of this Optimus.
  • Cullen hated working with Kelsey Grammer and Titus Welliver on the fourth film. Because of this, Grammer and Welliver are the most hated actors by fans and were expelled from the franchise.
  • Cullen considered Kelsey Grammer as his arch-nemesis due to Harold Attinger killed the Autobots and possibly Sam Witwicky, which angered him and all the fans.
  • In Revenge of the Fallen videogame adaptation, Optimus Prime's roles was slighty altered. As through out the game being revealed that he wasn't killed by Megatron, and didn't discarded the Jetfire's armor following aftermath final battle of Egypt.
  • During the release of Transformers: Dark of the Moon trailer clips, his winged fighter form was confirmed to be an advanced version from Jetfire's leftover parts from second movie.
  • In both movie novelization and the IDW comic movie adaptation of Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Optimus Prime accepted the truce that made by Megatron. These was changed in final movie by producers, due to producers didn't want the movie shares similar ending.
  • Its unclear why Optimus Prime didn't used his winged fighter form after the second and third movies. One possible theory, after access into his Knight mode, Optimus Prime capable to flight via his "jetbooster feets" without need wings.
  • In Age of Extinction, his evasion mode bear resembles to his G1-cartoon counterpart. Which rechieved praise and positive criticism from a lot of fans.
  • It's still unknown how Optimus Prime having his appearance resembles a "knight" in both fourth and fifth movie.
    • One possible theory, Optimus at some point was cybertronian knight, prior becoming Prime. As mentioned by Lockdown claimed both Optimus Prime and Dinobots are type of Knights, that he hunted as his most precious trophies.
    • Its theorized that Knight Optimus Prime was Optimus Prime's original form, prior becoming Prime and leader of the Autobots.
  • This version of Optimus has been criticized by some fans for being too edgy, violent, merciless and even bloodthirsty, especially compared to his other incarnations who were far more peaceful. Peter Cullen himself has said he had trouble with some of Optimus' dialogue, such as 'we will kill them all.'
    • Also, infamously saying "Give me your face!" to the Fallen before tearing his face off. Also, even though he was a traitor, Optimus executed Sentinel Prime, despite his fallen mentor being helpless. Also, after Megatron's uncharacteristic suggestion of peace, Optimus instead fought him and ripped his head from his body (this and it being attached to a broken robotic spine might be a reference to the Predator from its titular film, which was voiced by Peter Cullen).
      • Perhaps a reason for his psychopathic turn could be his death in the Revenge of the Fallen. Prior his death, Prime displayed the typical speech and attitude of the character, but upon revival, he displayed the more blood-thirsty nature. Although, since the film series consistently ignores or forgets plot points, Prime's viciousness may simply be more of such poor writing.




See Also[]

External Links[]


           TransformersTitle Original Films Heroes

Optimus Prime | Bumblebee | Jazz | Ironhide | Ratchet | Sideswipe | Jetfire | Jolt | Skids & Mudflap | Arcee | Chromia | Elita-One | Wheelie | Brains | Mirage | Wheeljack | Crosshairs | Drift | Hound | Cogman | Hot Rod | Canopy | Daytrader | Sqweeks | Breakaway | Cliffjumper | Dynasty of Primes

Leadfoot | Roadbuster | Topspin

Sector Seven
Tom Banachek | Seymour Simmons

General Morshower | William Lennox | Robert Epps | Charlotte Mearing | Hardcore Eddie

Grimlock | Scorn | Slug | Strafe | Slash | Slog | Snarl

Kinetic Solutions Incorporated
Joshua Joyce | Gill Wembley | Su Yueming | Darcy Tirrel

Knights of Iacon
Stormreign | Dragonicus | Steelbane | Skullitron | Dragonstorm

Transformers Reaction Force
Commander Santos | William Lennox | General Morshower

Video Games
Optimus Prime | Bumblebee

Sam Witwicky | Mikaela Banes | Maggie Madsen | John Keller | Glen Whitmann | Leo Spitz | Dutch | Carly Spencer | Cade Yeager | Edmund Burton | Viviane Wembly | Izabella
