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Heroes Wiki

The Oracle of Delphius is a major character in in the TV show Sonic Underground.

He is a magical prophet and an ally of the Freedom Fighters, having prophesied the downfall of the Robotnik Empire and the subsequent formation of the Council of Four.

He was voiced by Maurice LaMarche.


The Oracle is a Mobian of unknown species. He is green with scales and warty, wearing a purple cloak.


The Oracle of Delphius is one of the Resistance's most powerful allies, perfectly capable of withstanding an attack by numerous enemies. He serves to test Sonic, Sonia and Manic as they struggle to end the war against Dr. Robotnik and find their mother, Queen Aleena. He lives in a cave inside of a snowy mountain.


  • His title is likely derived from the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi in Ancient Greece. But his actual name is unknown.
  • He never gives Sonic and his siblings the exact location of where to find their mother, only giving them very cryptic hints and riddles.
  • As the series was cancelled with no real ending, its unknown whether the Oracle's prophecy ever came true or not.


            SonicUndergroundLogo Heroes

Freedom Fighters
Manic the Hedgehog | Sonia the Hedgehog | Sonic the Hedgehog | Queen Aleena | Trevor the Mouse
Alternate Dimension Doctor Robotnik | Doo Bot | Knuckles the Echidna | Oracle of Delphius | Mindy LaTour | Mr. LaTour

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Heroes
