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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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The Order of the Eight are overarching protagonists of the LEGO Nexo Knights series. They are the founders of the kingdom of Knighton and the authors of the Knight's Code.


A long time ago, a land now known as Knighton was a lawless place where monsters, dragons and other evil creatures ran amok. This continued until a local farmer named Augustin Halbert chose to take a stand against the monsters. He gathered seven of the bravest people he could find, and together they formed the Order of the Eight. The knights of the newly founded order fought the villains roaming the land, and, after a long fight, came out victorious. After defeating the Brownwater Brood of the Badlands, the members of the order wrote down the Knight's Code, a collection of their commandments to all future knights still used to this day.

Order of the Eight fighting a dragon, presumed to be Brownwater Brood.

Many of the order's members ended up becoming founding figures to the kingdom of Knighton, with Augustin himself being crowned its first king.


Augustin Halbert[]

Augustin Halbert

Augustin started off as a simple farmer, but he was the first one who chose to take a stand against monsters. He went on to become the first king of Knighton. He is the ancestor of the current king, Eggred Halbert, and his daughter Macy.

Therence Richmond[]

Therence Richmond

Therence was a birdcatcher prior to joining the order. He is the founder of the city of Auremville and the ancestor of Lance Richmond.

Reginald Brickland[]

Reginald Brickland

Reginald is the founder of the Knights' Academy and the ancestor of its current principal, Swordmore Brickland.

Unnamed Fox family member[]

While unnamed and unidentified, a member of the Fox family is confirmed to have been part of the Order, since one of the Knight's Code rules was included at their family's behest.


           Nexo KnightsHeroes

Nexo Knights
Aaron Fox | Axl | Clay Moorington | Lance Richmond | Macy Halbert | Merlok 2.0
Knighton Royal Family
King Halbert | Queen Halbert | Macy Halbert
Knights' Academy
Staff: Merlok 2.0 | Principal Brickland | Sir Griffiths
Students: Ava Prentis | Fletcher Bowman | Izzy Richmond | Robin Underwood
Merry Mechs
Dennis | Robot Hoodlum
Jack Shields | Jestro | King's Guard | Lava Monsters | Ned Knightly | NK-422 | Order of the Eight | Rogul | Squirebots

See Also
Lego Heroes
