Osmosis Jones's first appearance.
"What? Ain't nothin' a toothbrush can't handle?"
"See this gooey sackus membranous around my personhood?"
"You're dealin' with a white-blood cell here!"
Ozzy at the helicopter's gun.
Jones about to shoot some germs.
Ozzy shooting at some some germs.
Ozzy and the helicopter pilot being sucked down Frank's throat when he yawns.
Ozzy radioing the FPD about the germ invaders.
Ozzy ordered by the Chief of Police to not go after the rogue germ alone.
Wanting to prove himself, Ozzy decides to disobey the Chief's orders.
"Chief, you're gonna thank me for this later."
Ozzy falling down after jumping out of the helicopter.
Ozzy managing to grab a hold of the patrol car the germ is driving in.
Ozzy being quickly mocked by his fellow cops as he attempts to apprehend the germ.
"This is my bust! I saw him first!"
After the germ bites his fingers, Ozzy finds himself in the middle of the road.
Recovering, Ozzy resumes his hunt for the rogue germ.
In his pursuit, Ozzy finds himself at the end of an alleyway.
"You want osmosis? You got osmosis!"
Ozzy having oozed his way out of the alleyway through a crack in the wall.
Ozzy inflating himself after the germ runs him over with the patrol car.
Ozzy aiming his gun in attempt to stop the germ from escaping.
"Sorry, baby. But it's time you take your medicine!"
After firing his gun, Ozzy sees that the bullet had hit a main nerve receptor instead.
Ozzy screams when a layer of Frank's muscle comes down on him due to causing a cramp.
Later, Ozzy tries to sneak into the police station, unnoticed by any of his coworkers.
Unfortunately, Ozzy gets caught by his co-workers who start to ridicule him.
Ozzy sighing in annoyance as coworkers mockingly call him the "Germinator."
"Okay, guys. You got me there. But save some for the criminals, all right?"
"Hey, hey! You should of seen this thing. This thing was no household ordinary germ."
Ozzy describing the germ he was chasing earlier, unaware one of his fellow officers already caught the germ.
Ozzy being ridiculed, just as he realizes the germ his fellow officers caught is present.
"Yeah, uh...you know, he's slouching right now."
Ozzy being berated by the Chief of Police for disobeying orders and causing the leg cramp.
Ozzy being yelled at by the Chief.
Ozzy trying to explain himself.
Ozzy sitting down as the Chief gets a phone call from Mayor Phlegmming.
Ozzy disgusted over a photograph of the Chief's wife.
"Uh, you were just starting to say how you were giving me a promotion to Head of Brain Security, I believe. Yep."
Ozzy surprised when the Chief decides to assign him to a case.
Ozzy hearing Frank has developed a sore throat and the Chief wants him to investigate on it.
Ozzy grateful for being assigned on a case.
"You know, it was on the fence for a while."
"People like, good man, bad man, good man, bad man."
"Now it's official, you are a good man!"
Ozzy dismayed when he learns he has to work with a cold pill on the case.
Ozzy having exited the Chief's office and leaving the police station to meet the cold pill at Frank's stomach.
Ozzy driving his car to the stomach.
Ozzy having arrived at the stomach.
Ozzy passing through security as he shows his badge to a stomach officer.
Walking through the stomach, Ozzy spots the Mayor's secretary,
Leah Estrogen.
Ozzy altering his appearance, giving himself some handsome features.
"Well, well, well! What have we here, somebody’s been workin’ out! Leah, you lookin’ fine girl, you lookin’ MIGHTY fine."
Ozzy being asked by Leah if he was assigned to the case.
"Spit, wasn’t my idea, but now I’m starting to like it!"
"Perfect for a lil’ ren-dez-vous, between me and you. Know what I’m sayin’?"
"Do ya know what I’m sayin’? ‘Cuz I been sayin’ it a long time."
Ozzy smiling dreamily at Leah.
"What’chu talkin’ ‘bout, I’m a legend, girl! The chicks line up to divide with me!"
Ozzy shocked when Leah makes a witty comment, causing him to revert back to his normal appearance.
"Woo, who cut off the heat, somebody pay the bill! It’s cold in here!"
At that moment, Ozzy and Leah see the cold pill arrive at the stomach.
Ozzy and Leah taking an escalator to meet the cold pill.
"What is that cherry stank?"
Ozzy and Leah seeing the cold pill come out of the gate.
"Wow! I'm feelin' better already!"
Ozzy and Leah meeting
"Whoo! Never on the first date, Drips."
(Drix: "Drix.") "That's what I said."
Ozzy seeing Leah about to call the Police Chief to take him off the case.
"Hold up now. I need this job, Leah."
Ozzy begging Leah to give him a chance.
Ozzy satisfied when Leah agrees to let him do the case.
Ozzy being warned by Leah to not cause any trouble.
"Baby, I promise everything's gonna be fine."
Ozzy and Drix leaving the stomach.
"All right. But we're driving with the windows open."
"I don't want none of those fruity bubbles stinkin' up my ride. You got that?"
"Aw, man! Look what you doin' to my baby!"
"Where you from, tough stuff?"
"Great, got me a college boy."
Ozzy hearing how Drix studied flus and vaccines at the University of Chicago.
(Drix: "Where'd you study?") "Study? When you grow up on the wrong side of the digestive tract. You got no money for no fancy school."
"No, I'm not kidding, man. My high school was crack central."
"No, it was in the crack! Right in the stanky puckered center!"
Ozzy describing his poor background to Drix, which disgusts him.
"Did you ever try to blow dry your hair with a fart?"
"Ever try to make a snowman from paper cling-ons? That's poor!"
(Drix: ""OH-kay, please, you're going to make me vomit!") "Vomit? We couldn't afford no vomit. That's for rich folk."
"You're all new so follow my lead, all right?"
"Wait up! Didn't they teach you manners in that lvy League petri dish?"
Ozzy greeting his friend, Doug.
"What are you talking about? I'm in charge of this sore throat, baby."
(Doug: "You're kidding me.") "No. Straight up. What we got?"
Ozzy listening to Doug explain what might have caused the sore throat.
Ozzy having been told by Doug that a saliva boat went haywire and crashed.
"Saliva boat? That's pretty unusual."-Ozzy suspicious.
Ozzy going to investigate as Drix soothes Frank's sore throat.
Ozzy looking nervous as he goes to investigate.
Ozzy investigating the saliva boat's wreckage.
Ozzy seeing the boat has been completely burnt and melted away.
Ozzy going to touch som hot material out of curiosity.
Ozzy noticing a discarded portable containment unit vacuum on the ground.
"What the dilly?"-Ozzy seeing a cell's eyeballs inside the vacuum.
Ozzy getting his gun out.
Ozzy armed with his gun and flashlight.
Ozzy aiming his gun and flashlight.
Ozzy searching for the source of the noise.
Ozzy aiming his gun and flashlight into a hole.
Ozzy glancing around his surroundings.
Ozzy getting jumped by a small germ.
Ozzy seeing the germ looking incredibly frightened as he warns that "La Muerte" is here and that "he" will kill everyone.
"Talk English, man. We ain't on Telemundo here."
Ozzy listening to the germ frantically speak about "La Muerte Roja".
Having noticed an ice blast, Ozzy quickly jumps out of the way while the germ gets frozen in the process.
Ozzy angry to see Drix has unintentionally messed up his investigation and interrogation.
"Excuse me! What do you think you're doing?"
(Drix: "I'm soothing the irritation.") "You just soothed my witness into a germ-cicle!"
Ozzy being told by Drix that the germ will unfreeze in a few days.
"A few days? That's too late."
"He might have some important information on what went down here."
Ozzy hearing Drix believe that Frank's sore throat to be a common symptom.
Ozzy getting his argument ignored by Drix.
"Oh, you want to do something useful?"
"Go plug some Turtle Wax into that thing and wash my car!"
Ozzy holding the frozen germ.
The next morning, Ozzy and Drix make a quick stop at the lower east backside.
"Yeah, I hear you. Real important stuff. Just wait in the car. I've got police work to do."
Ozzy calling the Brain Memory Library on his phone.
"You got any information on something called "El Morry Roho"?"
Ozzy using a pen and notepad to write down what the librarian says about "La Muerte Roja" meaning.
Upon hearing "La Muerte Roja" is Spanish for "The Red Death", Ozzy asks what the Red Death is, but the librarian ends the call.
Ozzy asking Drix if he's ever heard of the Red Death, only for the cold pill to tell him he's never heard of it.
Ozzy and Drix arriving at Frank's nose.
"Hey, chill, pill! Snot guns are booger-coating some dust."
Ozzy and Drix seeing some pollen flying up to them.
"That's a pollen puff, man. Frank is totally allergic to this stuff."
(Drix: "I didn't know Frank had allergies.") "Of course you didn't."
Ozzy trying to secure the pollen before he loses his grip on it.
Ozzy and Drix watching the pollen fly up Frank's nostril.
"In the words of the immortal James Brown, 'Get down!'"
Ozzy taking cover as Frank lets out a big sneeze.
Ozzy getting blown by Frank's sneeze.
Ozzy and Drix at the edge of the dam as Frank's sneeze comes to an end.
"Relax, this baby was built to last. Solid cartilage."
"I guarantee you, there ain't nothin' wrong with this dam!"
Ozzy about to feel the dam suddenly start rumbling.
Ozzy and Drix having ran to the other side of the dam.
Ozzy and Drix shocked to see the dam on the verge of collapsing.
Ozzy watching Drix jump down to the bottom of the dam.
Ozzy watching Drix going to try sealing the dam's cracks with his cannon.
Ozzy watching dry snout seal the dam's growing cracks.
"I think you missed a spot!"
Ozzy noticing a group of germs going to escape the dam in a car.
Ozzy shocked to witness a window up in the dam's control station being disintegrated, recognizing it as how the saliva boat was damaged.
Ozzy shocked to see a sinister-looking virus named Thrax emerge from the dam's control station.
Ozzy about to see Thrax fly away.
Ozzy watching Thrax fly away.
Ozzy seeing the dam beginning to collapse.
Ozzy as the dam collapses.
Ozzy getting caught in a flood of snout.
Ozzy surfing on the flood.
Ozzy surfing before he falls into the snout.
Ozzy and Drix getting caught in the flood.
Ozzy swimming in the snout.
Ozzy and Drix seeing they're getting close to the opening of Frank's nostril.
Ozzy and Drix holding onto each other.
Ozzy and Drix having been sucked back up in the nose.
Ozzy and Drix covered in snout after surviving the flood.
Later, Ozzy and Drix meet Mayor Charles Phlegmming at Cerebrum Hall.
Ozzy concerned about the virus he saw back in the nose.
"Excuse me, Mr. Mayor. I think we may have a problem."
"I think whatever it was in the sinuses is a lot more than a common cold."
(Drix: "Sir, don't listen to Jones. His diagnostic skills are remedial at best!") "You're the little cherry aspirin who iced a key witness to a viral attack!"
Ozzy and Drix getting into an argument.
Ozzy and Drix's argument being witnessed by Leah and Phlegmming.
Ozzy and Drix unable to stand each other.
Ozzy and Drix's argument being broken up by Leah.
Ozzy being asked by Leah the virus he's talking about.
"The virus that torched the throat."
"The virus that caused those half-inch snot crests I was just surfin'!"
Ozzy being blamed by Drix for causing the snot crests.
"Yeah? Then how come I saw that viral-looking mother fleein' the scene of the crime? Tell me!"
Ozzy being threatened by Phlegmming to keep his suspicions to himself or he'll put him in a nosebleed.
Ozzy dismayed when Phlegmming offers to assign Drix to a different partner.
Ozzy hearing Drix say he would rather keep working with him on the case.
Ozzy surprised that Drix still wants to work with him.
"You know, you didn't have to do that. The last thing I need is your sympathy."
Ozzy hearing Drix say he wants to work with him to see if there is a deadly virus in Frank's body.
Ozzy being asked by Drix what the mayor meant when he said he had a "record".
"Drips, sometimes being too careful is all it takes."
Ozzy explaining his backstory to Drix.
A flashback of Ozzy patrolling Frank's stomach.
Ozzy seeing a dangerous bacteria emerge from an oyster Frank had consumed.
Panicking and seeing no time to report the bacteria to other cops, Ozzy pushes a puke button, causing Frank to vomit out the germ.
Ozzy explaining to Drix how Frank became a laughingstock after vomiting the oyster and how he himself got suspended from the force while gaining a poor reputation.
"Since then, not a day has gone by that I haven't wondered, "Did I do the right thing?"."
Ozzy surprised when Drix says he did the right thing in protecting Frank as oysters breed dangerous bacteria.
Ozzy and Drix beginning to bond as they realize their opinions on each other were wrong.
Ozzy and Drix watching a group of germs gambling through a fight between chicken pox germs.
Ozzy explaining to Drix that one of the germs they're meeting used to be virus and is now an informant to the police.
Ozzy telling Drix to stay put while he goes talk to the informant.
Ozzy walking over to meet the informant, Chill the Flu Shot.
Ozzy showing his badge to Chill, causing all of the other germs to flee.
"Money ain't gonna be your biggest problem if you don't tell me what you know about the sinuses."
Ozzy hearing Chill is not willing to discuss what happened in Frank's nose.
Ozzy grabbing Chill to intimidate him.
"I bet Johnny Streptococcus and the Melanoma family will be very interested to hear about your flu shot work."
Ozzy hearing Chill not being intimidated due to being a part of a virus protection program.
Ozzy seeing Drix coming in to get Chill to talk.
"Uh-oh, you done it now, Chill. This guy's a psycho cop."
"You had your chance to spill it, but it's too late."
"This guy just off the Thorazine. Now he's cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!"
"He's going El Pollo Loco on your crazy behind!"
Pretending to look away, Ozzy smirks when he hears Chill giving in to reveal who destroyed the dam in Frank's nose.
Ozzy and Drix learning from Chill that the virus Ozzy encountered in Frank's nose is named Thrax.
Ozzy and Drix smirking at each other as Chill informs them that Thrax is located at Frank's zit, hosting a meeting there.
"Wa-hoo! Next time, I'll be the bad cop."
Ozzy confused when Drix remarks he is a bad cop.
"Yo! Who are you calling bad cop?"
Hiding in an alleyway, Ozzy and Drix watch some germs enter the Zit.
"Hold up, now, where do you think you're going?"
(Drix: "To get our cootie.") "Looking like that? They'll tear you apart."
Ozzy merging his eyeballs into one.
Ozzy pulling his hair up while stretching his face.
Ozzy shapeshifting to look like a germ.
Ozzy pulling his waist up.
"Peep this. Check it out."
Ozzy showing his disguise to Drix.
Ozzy watching Drix attempting to alter his appearance to look like a germ, only for him to partially and temporarily destroy his head.
(Drix: "What do you think?") "I think you should guard the car."
(Drix: "Oh, no. This is my mission too. I insist on going in with you.") "All right. But we got to get you something to wear."
(Drix: "Are you sure this disguise is working?") "Oh, yeah. Yeah. Trust me, it's perfect."
Ozzy spotting some germ thugs watching the Zit's attendees, recognizing them as Thrax's henchmen.
"We got company. Be cool."
"Now, try to relax. Fit in. Shake a tail cell or something."
(Drix: "I don't dance. I have no left feet.") "You don't dance?"
Ozzy seeing Drix is too embarrassed to try dancing.
Ozzy teaching Drix how to dance.
"Don't let it settle at the bottom."
"All right, you stay here and practice. Boy, you need it."-Ozzy after Drix crashes into a tray of drinks.
"If I'm not back here in five, you come looking. Okay?"
Ozzy leaving to investigate the Zit and find Thrax's meeting.
Ozzy disgusted with the germs of the Zit.
Ozzy being served a foul-smelling drink.
(Bartender: "You got a problem with that?") "No, no."
"Just the way I like it! Extra disgusting."
Ozzy disgusted after taking a sip of the drink.
Ozzy twisting himself to the ease the drink's disgusting flavor.
Ozzy after drinking the foul beverage.
Ozzy noticing two germs leaving the bar.
Ozzy watching the two germs walk to a secret room in the back of the Zit.
Ozzy deciding to follow the germs.
Ozzy finding and infiltrating Thrax's secret meeting.
Ozzy hiding to avoid being spotted and recognized by Thrax.
Ozzy hearing Thrax planning to steal a DNA bead from Frank's hypothalamus gland which controls his body's temperature.
Ozzy hearing Thrax planning to infiltrate Frank's brain tonight.
Ozzy seeing Thrax show a DNA bead within a black chain that he stole from a human little girl he had murdered.
Ozzy horrified to discover Thrax is a serial killer who murders humans upon entering their bodies, along with trillions of cells, and now plans to kill Frank in 48 hours to become the deadliest virus in history.
"Uh, excuse me. Excuse me. I got one more question here."
Ozzy seeing the germs' shifting their attention to him when he speaks.
Ozzy nervous as Thrax approaches him.
(Thrax: "And who are you?") Who am I? I'm...Bad-Booty Shakin' Pikanosis!"
Ozzy smirking as he tries to keep his cover.
"That's 'cause you just got here. But you ask any of these suckers when it comes to illing, bad, booty-shaking pickinosis stands above all the rest."
Ozzy about to get hit by a hand germ.
Ozzy reverting back to his normal form after being hit by the germ.
Ozzy seeing he's been exposed.
Ozzy being restrained by Thrax's henchmen.
Ozzy facing Thrax after he's been exposed.
Ozzy about to be killed by Thrax.
Ozzy relieved when Drix comes to his rescue.
"Yo, Hammer. You can stop dancing."-Ozzy annoyed to see Drix being obvious that he inadvertently and is distracted by the Zit's party.
Ozzy seeing Thrax and his minions are distracted when Drix realizes what's going on.
Ozzy using his density alteration abilities to escape from the germs' grasp.
Ozzy and Drix seeing they are not wearing their disguises.
Ozzy and Drix being forced to confront Thrax and his henchmen after their covers are blown.
Ozzy seeing Drix holding his grenade as he intends to use it against Thrax and his henchmen.
Ozzy ready to fight against the germs.
Ozzy seeing Drix unable to get the grenade into his cannon to use it as a bullet.
Ozzy seeing Thrax's goons charging towards him.
Ozzy getting attacked by Thrax's goons.
Ozzy evading attacks from Thrax's goons.
Ozzy ready to fight against Thrax's goons.
"Ooh! Why you hit so hard?"
"Dang it, Drix. I could use a little help here."-Ozzy being having a hard time fighting all the germs as Drix keeps struggling to insert the bullet into his cannon.
Ozzy having taken Drix's grenade and setting it off to use it against the germs as Drix trying to use it as a bullet is not working.
Ozzy about to be shielded by Drix before the grenade sets off a huge explosion.
Ozzy and Drix having survived the explosion.
Ozzy seeing the grenade had destroyed the entire zit.
Ozzy thanking Drix for saving his life as they look up to see a hole up in Frank's forehead where the zit used to be.
Ozzy and Drix thinking Thrax had been killed in the explosion.
"My name is what? My name is who? My name is Osmosis Jones!"
Ozzy and Drix celebrating their victory.
Ozzy being called into the chief's office after returning to the police station.
Ozzy surprised to see Leah in the chief's office.
"Mr. Mayor, I didn't see you back there."-Ozzy seeing Mayor Phlegmming reveal himself.
Ozzy and Drix glancing at each other when Phlegmming scolds them causing Frank's zit to pop.
(Phlegmming: "What the heck were you doing up there?!") "What was I doing? I was promoting good health, sir."
Ozzy hearing Drix explain to Phlegmming that Thrax was a lethal virus and that blowing up the zit was not just accidental, but also necessary.
"We'd be fried eggs off of Frank's dead butt!"
Ozzy having backed up Drix's explanation by revealing Thrax's plan to kill Frank.
Ozzy seeing Phlegmming reveal his true colors as he fears Thrax's presence will ruin his reputation and campaign as mayor.
Ozzy standing up to Phlegmming and calling him out for his selfishness and not caring about Frank, his well-being, and the cells living in his body.
Ozzy shocked when Phlegmming cruelly fires him instead of turning the other cheek and acknowledge his greed and selfishness.
Ozzy being ordered to turn over his badge and gun as the Chief, Leah, and Drix are unable to speak against the mayor, despite them knowing how wrong it is.
"Figures. I finally do something right for Frank, and I get fired."
Ozzy glancing at Leah, being aware that she knows what Phlegmming did was wrong.
Ozzy walking out of the chief's office.
Ozzy and Drix in the police department's locker room.
Ozzy having cleaned out his locker after being fired by Phlegmming.
Ozzy and Drix packing up their belongings.
Ozzy pulling out a picture of his great-great grandfather.
Ozzy smiling fondly at his great-great grandfather's portrait.
"Did you know my great-great-grandpappy fought the measles? Yep. There's been a Jones on the force ever since my ancestors came over on the umbilical cord."
Ozzy and Drix having finished packing up their stuff.
Ozzy and Drix having heard two officers tell them it's time to leave.
Ozzy and Drix leaving the locker room.
Ozzy and Drix forced to go their separate ways after Phlegmming orders Drix to leave Frank's body.
(Drix: "That's Drix.") "Whatever."
Ozzy watching Drix get escorted by the officers before he leaves the station.
Ozzy releasing stress while watching the movies.
Ozzy saving Leah from Thrax.
Ozzy frees Leah from Thrax's clutches
"Come out, come out wherever you are."
Ozzy, Leah, and Drix searching for Thrax.
Ozzy, Leah, and Drix confronting Thrax when he's surrounded by the FPD.
Ozzy and Leah watching in horror as Thrax throws pollen bombs at FPD helicopters.
Ozzy seeing Thrax escape.
Ozzy telling Leah he's going to save Frank.
"You want Osmosis? (Drix: You got Osmosis!)"
Ozzy being ejected out of Frank.
Ozzy managing to tackle Thrax.
Ozzy and Thrax landing in Shane's eye.
Ozzy after having landed in Shane's eye.
Ozzy ready to fight Thrax after punching him in the face.
Ozzy about to dodge Thrax's attacks.
Ozzy battles Thrax in Shane's eye.
Ozzy being knocked aside by Thrax, which causes the ice encasing the virus's claw to be shattered.
Ozzy falling into Shane's eye after being knocked aside by Thrax.
Ozzy recovering from his blow from Thrax.
Ozzy unaware that Thrax is approaching behind him.
Ozzy regaining conscious, unaware that Thrax is behind him.
Ozzy sadistically strangled by Thrax with the DNA chain.
Ozzy struggling to breath as Thrax keeps strangling him.
Ozzy is nearly killed by Thrax.
Ozzy as Thrax screams in terror when Shane is about to blink.
Ozzy being saved when Shane blinks her eye.
Ozzy waking up and coughing up after landing on Shane's false eyelash.
Ozzy rubbing his neck after getting the chain off of him.
"Ha! Who's the germinator now?"
After noticing the eyelash is starting to come loose, Jones inspects it.
"It's a falsie."-Ozzy realizing that the eyelash is fake.
Ozzy being attacked by Thrax.
Ozzy as he's "stabbed" by Thrax's claw.
]Ozzy being held at Thrax's mercy.
Ozzy looking at where Thrax "stabbed" him after the virus announced his plans to kill Shane after he kills him.
"She ain't goin' down...."
Ozzy having managed to suck in his torso; thus avoiding Thrax's claw.
Ozzy separates himself to escape, leaving Thrax still stuck in the falsie.
Ozzy putting himself back together.
Ozzy about to race back to Shane's eye before the false eyelash comes loose.
Ozzy running to escape the eyelash.
Ozzy about to escape the false eyelash before it comes off.
Ozzy successfully managing to escape the false eyelash before it comes loose.
Ozzy watching Thrax and the false eyelash fall into a beaker of rubbing alcohol.
Ozzy after having watched Thrax dissolve to death in a beaker of rubbing alcohol.
Ozzy praised as a hero for saving Frank