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P.T. is the main protagonist of the video game Little Wheel. Out of all the robots that were inactive during their deactivation from the unplugged generator, the P.T. was able to reactivate itself due to a lightning bolt hitting his tower. Once P.T. is reactivated, it goes on a dangerous journey to reactivate the power generator.


In the past, a Robotic Civilization had their society thrive in peace and work until a mechanic robot accidentally unplugged the main power generator. With the power generator unplugged, it caused the entire Robotic Civilization to shutdown and be inactive for 10,000 years. After 10,000 year later, a lightning bolt hits a tower where P.T. had been deactivated. The lightning bolt had caused P.T. to be reactivated due to the lightning bolt's shock of electric power. Once P.T. was reactivated by the lightning bolt, the robot leaves it's patrol tower to fix the power generator.

As P.T. goes down the elevator of it's patrol tower it suddenly stops, so P.T. jumps on the elevator to make it move. By jumping a few times it causes the elevator to fall down immediately, landing P.T. on the floor. After the fall on the floor, Little Wheel picks itself back up to continue it's journey. P.T. turns on the flicks three switches to turn back the power of another elevator door. Before Little Wheel uses the elevator, it picks up a ticket from a deactivated robot to open the elevator door.

Once P.T. puts the ticket into the elevator, it uses the elevator to down to the train station. On the train station, P.T. adds gasoline to the train before hopping on board on the driver's spot. Inside the driver's spot, P.T. turns on the power of the train to make the train move. As the train moves on the hanging railway, P.T. stops the train due to the bridge not being aligned with the railway. P.T. leaves the train to go bring down the bridge.

After fixing the bridge, P.T. gets back on train to continue moving on the hanging railway. Along the way, a broken part of the railway causes the train to fall on the ground and violently roll. On the aftermath of the fall, P.T. gets on top of the train to get out of it. After getting off the top of the train, P.T. encounters a large wall made of barrels that is blocking P.T.'s way. P.T. prepares to destroy the wall barrel by attaching a crane into the damaged driver spot of the train.

Once the crane is attached on the driver spot of the train, P.T. throws the train into the wall barrel to destroy it and clear the path. With the path not clear, P.T. continues his journey to fix the power generator. During P.T.'s stroll, it encounters a building that stores a bunch of robotic drones. P.T. stops to wake up all the robotic drones from the building. While the robotic drones gather barrels on the ground, P.T. stays still to be picked up from the robotic drones.

A few moments later, P.T. is picked up by a robotic drone. Once P.T. is picked up by the robotic drone, it flies P.T. in the skies. During P.T.'s flight, it drops itself from the robotic drone and lands near the door of the power generator. P.T. attempts to get inside the door of the power generator, but is punched away by a robotic guard. In return, P.T. unplugs the power cord of the robotic guard which causes the robotic guard to fall down. P.T. goes inside the door once the robotic guard was dealt with.

On the room of the power generator, P.T. uses a crane to plug back the cord to use the power generator on reactivating it's Robotic Civilization. Once P.T.'s Robotic Civilization is reactivated by the power generator, they all build a statue of P.T., so that P.T. is hailed as a great hero.


Before P.T. is deactivated by the power generator, it is implied that P.T. looks over on his patrol tower to watch his Robotic Civilization. After Little Wheel's reactivation, it shows itself the courage and bravery to go on a journey to fix the power generator to reactivate it's Robotic Civilization. During P.T.'s journey, it shows itself to be an intelligent genius as P.T. is able to use the resources that it finds as tools to reach it's destination towards the power generator. After reactivating it's Robotic Civilization, P.T. is praised as a hero by it's society. While being praised, P.T. waves it's mechanical arms as a way to thank it's civilization.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Intelligence: P.T. is able to use the resources it finds on it's journey as valuable tools to reach the generator. Upon reaching the generator, P.T. was able to plug the power cord back, but using the cranes.

External links[]
