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Pain. Pain. Pain. All I know is pain.
~ The Pain Bot

Pain Bot is a supporting character in Teen Titans Go!. He is a robot created by Brother Blood to torture his enemies untill he gets out of his control and becomes one of the little buddies of the Teen Titans.

He is voiced by Scott Menville in Season 1 and "TV Knight 4", and Khary Payton in the rest of the series.


In "Waffles", Brother Blood presents Pain Bot to the other Titans when he was abot to torture them untill they give them their permission to use their weapon arsenal. But Robin, Starfire and Raven gives in and give their permissions. Then Pain Bot defeats easily Cyborg and Beast Boy and tortures them to make them give their permissions to Brother Blood, but they were only saying waffles. After all the Titans sings the waffles song to make mad Brother Blood, he escapes with Pain Bot.

In "Little Buddies", Brother Blood uses Pain Bot again to torture the Titans. But Robin makes explode his remote control with Brother Blood, so Pain Bot is no longer under his control. Then Cyborg repairs him and both becomes friends. But since the Titans disapprove of having him in the Titans Tower due to his dangerous nature, Cyborg decides to make a little buddy showdown to determinate which sidekick can live in the Tower. Pain Bot defeats everyone except Silkie, who wins the contest.

In "Brian", Pain Bot is in Birdarang's birthday party with Beat Box, Dave and Super Robin untill 8 monts later they discover that the Titans were captured by Brain, so they decide to go to his building to save their friends. Pain Bot helps to defeat Monsieur Mallah and the robot soldiers of Brain, but he is defeated by Brain, who used a new armor with the Titan's stolen powers. However, Brain is ultimately defeated by Birdarang, who give back the Titans their powers.

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           TeenTitansLogoPrimeEarth Heroes

Teen Titans | Titans East | Titans West | Titans North | Titans South

Aqualad | Beast Boy | Cyborg | Kid Flash | Raven | Robin | Speedy | Starfire | Superboy | Wonder Girl

Anima | Aquagirl | Argent | Arsenal | Bart Allen | Blue Beetle | Bombshell | Bumblebee | Bunker | Shazam | Captain Marvel, Jr. | Cassandra Cain | Cassie Sandsmark | Crush | Damage | Damian Wayne | Djinn | Flamebird | Green Lantern | Impulse | Jackson Hyde | Jakeem Thunder | Jason Todd | Jericho | Jesse Quick | Jon Kent | Klarion the Witch Boy | Kole | Hawk & Dove (Hank Hall) | Lorena Marquez | Mia Dearden | Mirage | Miss Martian | Nightwing | The Offspring | Power Boy | Power Girl | Ray Palmer | Ravager | Roundhouse | Red Arrow | Red Star | Static | Steel | Supergirl | Terra | Tim Drake | Wally West | Zatara

TV Shows
Teen Titans (2003)
Robin | Starfire | Raven | Cyborg | Beast Boy | Terra | Kid Flash | Thunder | Lightning | Kole | Gnarrk | Hot Spot | Speedy | Bumblebee | Más y Menos | Aqualad | Melvin | Timmy Tantrum | Teether | Herald | Arella Roth | Argent | Bushido | Red Star | Killowat | Pantha | Jericho | Wildebeest | Red X | Tramm | Ravager | Jinx | Larry | Val-Yor | Silkie

Teen Titans Go!
Robin | Starfire | Raven | Cyborg | Beast Boy | Bumblebee | Silkie | Aqualad | Speedy | Halloween Spirit | Más y Menos | Kid Flash | Batman | George Washington | Easter Bunny | Sticky Joe | Team Robin | Super Robin | Birdarang & Beat Box | Pain Bot | Sparkleface & Butterbean | Unicorns | Superman | John Stewart | Wonder Woman | Batgirl | Wonder Twins | Polly Ethylene and Tara Phthalate

Nightwing | Starfire | Raven | Beast Boy | Hawk | Dove | Wonder Girl | Red Hood | Superboy | Krypto | Ravager | Aqualad | Barbara Gordon | Blackfire | Tim Drake | Batman

DC Animated Film Universe
Nightwing | Starfire | Beast Boy | Raven | Blue Beetle | Robin | Cyborg | Speedy | Bumblebee | Kid Flash | Terra | Superboy
