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Justice delivered.
~ Panda Bear

Panda Bear is the deuteragonist of the 2015 Cartoon Network original series, We Bare Bears, its 2020 series finale film, We Bare Bears: The Movie, and its 2022 spin-off prequel, We Baby Bears. He is the middle brother of the Bears and, as stated by Grizzly, is "the link that holds them all, together." He is Charlie's best friend, but he does not desire to admit it himself.

Panda Bear was voiced by Bobby Moynihan as adult, who also voices Albert from the film that has the same name, Mel in The Secret Life of Pets, Chet Alexander in Monsters University, and Louie Duck in the 2017 reboot of DuckTales and Duncan Joiner & Max Mitchell as cub. In We Baby Bears, he is voiced by Amari McCoy, who also voiced Becca from Ernesto's Manifesto.


Panda is an anthropomorphic bear. Being a panda, his body is covered with black fur, with white fur on his head (excluding his eyes and ears) and a white stripe across his belly. He is shorter than his brothers, with a wider frame than both. He is shown to have small black eyes surrounded by black fur, which he deems as a “birthmark.”


Panda is tender-hearted and easily becomes anxious or embarrassed. It is revealed in "Panda 2," that Panda once lived in a controlled panda enclosure near a fictionalized version of Shanghai, China. A stuffed panda plush doll was dropped into his enclosure by one of the staff who noticed his loneliness and Panda befriended it by giving it a personality, which is mainly Panda voicing his deeper inner thoughts through the doll. Panda made usage of the doll as a method of convincing himself to look through a window on the wall of the observatory, something he has typically been curious about, but never attempted to actually see. After using the doll to prop himself up, he finds a television set and becomes entranced by the moving pictures, and Anime, which is most likely how Panda came to appreciate it later in his life. In an effort to show his "friend" the Television, Panda escapes the Habitat through a food chute but after being discovered he jumps out the window of the laboratory and hides in a bamboo delivery truck, which brings him into downtown Shanghai. Panda has a lot less self-confidence than his brothers. He is good with technology and make usage of that skill on online social media and dating sites, with which he finds little to no success. He is also the one who "falls in love" the most quickly.

Outside of this, Panda Bear is artistic, creative, sensitive, cute, gentle, yet is also characterized as a somewhat insecure coward. Panda is introspective, imaginative, and creative, but unlike his brothers, is the most shy, fearful, and can be neurotic and an example of being a "Drama Queen." He is potentially the nervous, frail, and most introverted of the three bears, as in "Our Stuff," he was shown being hit by a basketball that knocks him over and he calls for a time-out. Additionally, he has a pure allergy to nuts.




  • Panda is a vegetarian, as revealed to be one in the Pilot and during the episode, Tote Life, in the main series.
  • Panda has a deadly peanut allergy.
  • It is revealed in the episode, Everyday Bears, that Panda wears contact lenses and has poor vision without them. This is potentially caused by his habit of focusing on his cell phone in a long period of time.
  • Currently, Panda is the only of the three siblings that is known to have ever been in a romantic relationship.
  • Panda is the only bear that has more than one color of fur.
  • Panda has an online dating profile it is seen and said in "Viral Video" and "Chloe."
  • Panda is the first character to sing a song in the show, the song being Girl Be Sellin' Sunshine.
  • Panda has Musophobia, which is a fear of mice, as revealed in "Everyday Bears."
  • Panda has a pink strawberry wallet.
  • Dumplings is one of Panda's favourite foods.
  • When the Bears first moved into the city, Panda had a small, gray flip phone.
  • Panda appears to be an "otaku," having a large interest in anime and manga alike, as first shown in "Our Stuff," where it's revealed he likes to draw in a pseudo-anime style. His interests are also seen in later episodes, such as a manga being seen on the Bears' table at the beginning of "Chloe," when a folder titled, "Manga," can be seen on the laptop in "Everyday Bears," and when he is seen reading manga in both "Shush Ninjas" and "Hibernation." In the latter episode of the two, he is shown to possess a dakimakura, or body-pillow, that he refers to as Miki-chan. It is also revealed in "Cupcake Job" that Panda knows how to refer the term, "cute," in Japanese and sees it as a personal talent to be put on his resume, a known stereotype among Western otaku culture in which fans know only select Japanese words, one such being "kawaii," or "cute." As well, in "Panda's Dream," during Panda's third and final daydream, a K-POP song, Yummy Yummy, plays during the dancing sequence.
  • In "Brother Up," Panda is shown to understand Korean when he was able to sing to a Korean song in English with ease, making him the second of the three bears to know Korean, along with Ice Bear.
  • As seen in "Rooms," Panda potentially has claustrophobia, fear of small and compact spaces.


            We Bare Bears Logo / We Baby Bears logo Heroes

The Bears
Grizzly Bear | Panda Bear | Ice Bear

Charlie | Chloe Park | Darrell Saragosa | Lucy

San Francisco Police Department
Officer Murphy

Park Rangers
Ranger Tabes | The Poppy Rangers | Ranger Martinez | Ranger Con Rangers

Crowbar Jones | Pando | Sam Spider Spade | Unica | Pirate Parrot Polly | Ursa Major | Little Buck

Yana | Lady Lima | The Box | Master Cheddar | Karla | Yuri | Fireman
