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Thunderbolt Zeke. Tantal's most powerful Driver ...and its Crown Prince.
~ Mòrag.

Pandoria is one of the main blades of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Pandoria uses the electric element, wields a [Big Bang Edge], and acts as an Attacker in battle. Her appearance recalls the steampunk style, wearing an elegant costume consisting of big glasses, a hat and electric bulbs. Her glasses eventually lose their opaqueness.

She was voiced by Ryō Hirohashi in the Japanese version, and by Becca Stewart in the English version.


Pandoria's appearance recalls the steampunk style, wearing an elegant costume consisting of big glasses, a mini top hat made of electric bulbs. Her staff was originally the handle to a sword.  


Pandoria can grant tremendous power to her Driver named Zeke. She uses the element of Electricity in battle and has a special link with Genbu, the Titan on which the Kingdom of Tantal is located to the point of allowing her to communicate with it and even give it orders if she want to.



XenobladeBannerAgain Heroes

Playable Characters
Shulk | Reyn | Fiora | Sharla | Dunban | Melia Antiqua | Riki

Supporting Characters
Alvis | Arglas | Juju | Kallian | Linada | Meyneth | Miqol | Otharon | Sorean | Vanea

XC Future Connected

Shulk | Melia Antiqua | Kino | Nene

Xenoblade Chronicles X logo

Main Characters
Cross | Elma | Doug | Gwin | Irina | L | Lin

Recruitable Characters
Alexa | Bozé | Celica | Frye H.B. | Hope | Mia | Murderess | Nagi | Phog | Yelv

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 logo

Main Characters
Rex | Pyra | Mythra | Pneuma | Nia | Dromarch | Tora | Poppi | Morag Ladair | Brighid | Zeke von Genbu | Pandoria

Supporting Characters
Azurda | Vandham | Fan la Norne | Roc | Aegaeon | The Architect

Rare Blades
Adenine | Agate | Azami | Boreas Corvin | Crossette | Dagas | Dahlia | Elma | Electra | Finch | Fiora | Floren | Godfrey | Gorg | Herald | Kasandra | Kora | KOS-MOS 2.0 | Newt | Nim | Perceval | Perun | Poppibuster & Poppi Mk. II | Praxis | Sheba | Shulk | T-elos | Theory | Ursula | Vale | Vess | Wulfric | Zenobia

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Torna logo

Lora | Jin | Haze | Addam | Mythra | Minoth | Hugo | Brighid | Aegaeon

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 logo

Noah | Mio | Eunie | Taion | Lanz | Sena

Riku | Manana | Ethel | Valdi | Zeon | Teach | Isurd | Juniper | Alexandria | Fiona | Segiri | Miyabi | Cammuravi | Monica Vandham | Gray | Ghondor Vandham | Ashera | Triton | Melia Antiqua | Nia | Ino | Masha

C | M | T

Matthew | Na'el | Nikol | Glimmer | Panacea | Linka | Riku

The Liberators
A | Shulk | Rex | Panacea | Linka | Riku
